Originally Posted by PLOlover
if you live in israel i suppose you might be correct in what you are doing, but if you live in US i guarantee you are doing jews a disservice. i repeat, it is not good for jews in general to have a small group of traitors to the US who use their "jewishness" as cover for their activities.
also technically my assertiion about aipac is that high level people in US government, senators, CIA, congressmen, lawyers, etc., have all taken the position that aipac should register as a foreign agent or whatever.
You are trying I have to admit, but you still are no Cyrus yet. You try to strawman me by inferring that I am condoning espionage by or on behalf of Israel when I'm not (and btw I am Catholic from a long line of same).
As to "technically" what your assertions are, just go back up and read your own posts, especially about the hypothetical Jordanian-American organization where you assert such organizations get treated differently than AIPAC.
As to how many others also assert your unproven/bogus assertions about AIPAC, that is just an appeal to authority, and dubious authority at best (or no authority actually).
So again, to validly assert AIPAC should have to register as the lobbying agent for a foreign government, you (or your line of fellow "thinkers") have to show that they qualify as such by being funded by and controlled by Israel. Merely having common goals again does not cut the mustard.
Be honest enough to either admit your assertion is bogus and without merit, or that it is an intentional anti-Jewish lying smear and you got caught with same.