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A September to remember LC thread A September to remember LC thread

09-22-2015 , 09:33 AM
Fly and pvn,

Quit making foldn right for once in his life.

09-22-2015 , 09:36 AM
Omg, Trolly, you don't think I have good ideas and think I should leave. That's sick ****, you GENOCIDAL MANIAC!
09-22-2015 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by champstark
OK, wow, fair enough. I had no idea people actually cared that much about the pope. Even Catholics I know don't give a **** about his visit.

I and am already over it and he has not even landed. I understand your POV. The Pope visit is an inconvenience for the locals. NY probably handles the President coming to town without much disruption but it could be a nightmare in Seattle.
09-22-2015 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
he was no angel
Honestly, that clock was kind of an embarrassment. Apple just announced a refresh of their Apple Watch, with heart rate sensing and bluetooth connectivity, and this kid tries to roll out a rats nest of wires and exposed circuit boards? What a joke. Just goes to show that Muslims can't integrate into American society.
09-22-2015 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
It's not that he thinks he's special. He thinks that you're special.
Wrong. Suzzer definitely thinks he's special in regards to not falling for the sweet fruit of partisan politics. He's pointed out how awesomely independent he is at least a half dozen times.

And when we were having the argument about teachers unions, I'm pretty sure he accused a bunch of us of being partisan hacks. It never seemed to register with him that many of us actually support the union position. He seemed to believe the only reason we argued for the union position was because they were on our team.

And it's been pointed out many times that a good chunk of us "partisans" do not support Obama's use of drones nor the domestic surveillance program. For some reason that doesn't count as "independent" thinking.
09-22-2015 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Omg, Trolly, you don't think I have good ideas and think I should leave. That's sick ****, you GENOCIDAL MANIAC!
How about a thought experiment? What would it take in theory for you to be able to have this discussion you're dying to have? Like, if management did everything humanly possible to cater to your delicate requirements, what would have to happen for you to actually have this conversation without bitching about how you can't have a conversation?
09-22-2015 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Wrong. Suzzer definitely thinks he's special in regards to not falling for the sweet fruit of partisan politics. He's pointed out how awesomely independent he is at least a half dozen times.

And when we were having the argument about teachers unions, I'm pretty sure he accused a bunch of us of being partisan hacks. It never seemed to register with him that many of us actually support the union position. He seemed to believe the only reason we argued for the union position was because they were on our team.

And it's been pointed out many times that a good chunk of us "partisans" do not support Obama's use of drones nor the domestic surveillance program. For some reason that doesn't count as "independent" thinking.
OK, first of all my comment was made to rjoe – who literally worked for the Obama campaign, and is literally going to work for the Clinton campaign. I think it's fair to call him a partisan. He is on the field, playing for a team, hoping to win. It makes sense that he would want to see the most unelectable Republican candidate get the nom. It really wasn't intended as that big of an insult and I don't think rjoe took it that way. Why goofy flipped out about it I have no idea.

The other concept you are conflating here is something that would normally be called, for lack lack of a better term a "knee-jerk liberal". Obama's policies and standard liberal opinion are not perfectly overlapping sets by a long shot. So opposing Obama on something does not necessarily invalidate someone as a standard liberal thinker.

I really don't think we need to rehash the great union debates again here. But I will say that yes, I do think that someone who can listen to all the evidence on massive abuses by certain public-sector unions, the damage done to kids, the nearly bankrupted munis – and not be moved one iota to think that is something we need to clean up – is not looking at the situation with an open mind.
09-22-2015 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
OK, first of all my comment was made to rjoe – who literally worked for the Obama campaign, and is literally going to work for the Clinton campaign. I think it's fair to call him a partisan. He is on the field, playing for a team, hoping to win. It makes sense that he would want to see the most unelectable Republican candidate get the nom. It really wasn't intended as that big of an insult and I don't think rjoe took it that way. Why goofy flipped out about it I have no idea.

The other concept you are conflating here is something that would normally be called, for lack lack of a better term a "knee-jerk liberal". Obama's policies and standard liberal opinion are not perfectly overlapping sets by a long shot. So opposing Obama on something does not necessarily invalidate someone as a standard liberal thinker.

I really don't think we need to rehash the great union debates again here. But I will say that yes, I do think that someone who can listen to all the evidence on massive abuses by certain public-sector unions – and not be moved one iota to think that something we need to clean up – is not looking at the situation with an open mind.

Thanks for re-enforcing my points.
09-22-2015 , 10:21 AM
09-22-2015 , 10:23 AM
And BTW - I tend to think of someone as a partisan hack when they support "their team" no matter the position. Like how what became the ACA was a great idea when invented in a Republican think tank, but the root of all evil when put forward by the Muslim socialist.
09-22-2015 , 10:24 AM
Please go back and reread my post. The only poster I called a partisan is rjoe. Who is literally working for the Democratic Party.
09-22-2015 , 10:28 AM
Lol I'm not working for the party and have no plans to. I'm doing caucus work but it's for a union and I mainly go to GOP events.
09-22-2015 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
And BTW - I tend to think of someone as a partisan hack when they support "their team" no matter the position. Like how what became the ACA was a great idea when invented in a Republican think tank, but the root of all evil when put forward by the Muslim socialist.
I always love this garbage line. Republicans never supported Obamacare or an Obamacare like plan. In your partisan hack definition, you basically outed yourself as one.
09-22-2015 , 10:31 AM

Special relative to any broader population. This forum is hardly even representative of 2p2, let alone the general population.

And, opposing drones and spies is 100% predictable. What Suzzer said. It's not really party support, even though that's the way he put it. It's just the standard western lefty position. I don't mean there's anything wrong with that. I don't really have any non-lefty positions myself despite arguing against them sometimes.

But. ..... as a digression. .... what is so special about drones? Is there anyone who supports those missions if the pilot is on board, but doesn't support them if the pilot is remote?
09-22-2015 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
I always love this garbage line. Republicans never supported Obamacare or an Obamacare like plan. In your partisan hack definition, you basically outed yourself as one.
What about Romney in Mass?
09-22-2015 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Lol I'm not working for the party and have no plans to. I'm doing caucus work but it's for a union and I mainly go to GOP events.
I thought you posted one time the Clinton campaign reached out to you.
09-22-2015 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
What about Romney in Mass?
Don't even bother. Romneycare, the Heritage Plan, and the Republican counterproposal to Hillarycare is totally different – because semantic reasons.
09-22-2015 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by champstark
OK, wow, fair enough. I had no idea people actually cared that much about the pope. Even Catholics I know don't give a **** about his visit.
They are expecting 1.5mm ppl in Philadelphia. Sucks for me in that I have to get from northern VA to BWI Thursday though...
09-22-2015 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
I and am already over it and he has not even landed. I understand your POV. The Pope visit is an inconvenience for the locals. NY probably handles the President coming to town without much disruption but it could be a nightmare in Seattle.
Big deal for NYC as the UN general assembly is in town so the security apparatus has to manage all that
09-22-2015 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by microbet

Special relative to any broader population. This forum is hardly even representative of 2p2, let alone the general population.

And, opposing drones and spies is 100% predictable. What Suzzer said. It's not really party support, even though that's the way he put it. It's just the standard western lefty position. I don't mean there's anything wrong with that. I don't really have any non-lefty positions myself despite arguing against them sometimes.

But. ..... as a digression. .... what is so special about drones? Is there anyone who supports those missions if the pilot is on board, but doesn't support them if the pilot is remote?
You must not be an independent thinker!

Or maybe you thought about stuff and realized the majority of conservative ideas blow donkey dick. I thought Suzzers point was if these donkey dick ideas were proposed by "our team" we would suck that cock.

But anyway, if Suzzer wasn't arguing that we're all partisans and it was some more nuanced thing, then I guess it went over my head.

Something about the un-piloted nature of the drone program bothers me more than if the missions were piloted -- so yes? (And yeah there isn't much difference between a drone and a guided missile, I get that.)

For the most part I would oppose the current program, piloted or not. Though you could probably convince me that some of the missions were necessary and/or justified.
09-22-2015 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I thought you posted one time the Clinton campaign reached out to you.
They've called for polling. I mentioned like 2000 people applied for their Iowa stuff.
09-22-2015 , 11:01 AM
I'm not sure which is dumber, foldn's "but he's not literally looking to kill every single muslim, AHAH, GOTCHA" or goofyballer's SUZZZZZER SOMETHING SOMETHING.

can't we all just... get along? We hold these truths to be self-evident

1) suzzer gonna suzz
2) rjoe is just a clintonite sock puppet, probably burned all the vince foster tapes himself
3) goofballer has to lash out at someone since ikes hasn't posted in the last 5 minutes
4) lol foldn
09-22-2015 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
I always love this garbage line. Republicans never supported Obamacare or an Obamacare like plan. In your partisan hack definition, you basically outed yourself as one.
Meh, yes, no, some did some didn't and the idea of exchanges was floated by heritage...
09-22-2015 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
I'm not sure which is dumber, foldn's "but he's not literally looking to kill every single muslim, AHAH, GOTCHA" or goofyballer's SUZZZZZER SOMETHING SOMETHING.

can't we all just... get along? We hold these truths to be self-evident

1) suzzer gonna suzz
2) rjoe is just a clintonite sock puppet, probably burned all the vince foster tapes himself
3) goofballer has to lash out at someone since ikes hasn't posted in the last 5 minutes
4) lol foldn
Prove it.
09-22-2015 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Something about the un-piloted nature of the drone program bothers me more than if the missions were piloted -- so yes? (And yeah there isn't much difference between a drone and a guided missile, I get that.)

For the most part I would oppose the current program, piloted or not. Though you could probably convince me that some of the missions were necessary and/or justified.
Maybe there's something emotional about the unfairness of no one taking any personal risk in the drone? At some level I can see that, but in practice, if the mission is worth doing but we don't have to risk a pilot, then that's better imo.
