Originally Posted by Bigdaddydvo
I could say the same thing about Keynesianophiles like yourself who think the solution to a crisis caused by too much borrowing and spending is still more borrowing and spending.
Yeah, you could, except it would make literally no sense. We have a good faith disagreement about the causes of a recession and the best government response to it. There are serious arguments for both sides, important academics differ on it, and while I know you're very very sure you're right, Paul Krugman seems very very sure he's right. I don't think you wanted a smaller stimulus for the worst possible motivations, though. Do you really think Krugman wanted a bigger stimulus in hopes of bankrupting the country?
You can't really say the same concerning the merits of slavery, women's suffrage, Prohibition, Jim Crow, and gay rights. The Tea Party demographic of Southern old white religious landowners was on the losing side of all of those, and history doesn't regard them as "having made, in retrospect, suboptimal decisions".
People who choose poor economic policies are arguably stupid, people who prefer bigoted and draconian social policies are inarguably evil. This isn't making a poor choice, this is being wrong. **** them. They're as wrong on Ground Zero mosque as they were about whether to hang witches in Salem.