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The Science of Global Warming - Settled Once and for All The Science of Global Warming - Settled Once and for All

10-27-2011 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by NuklearWinter
^^^ I'll help you out
The outspoken professor, who gained notoriety in the climate-denial community for his rants against Al Gore and fueling the fire on Climategate, decided to take matters into his own hands earlier this year by creating an independent study to assess specific objections raised by climate skeptics.
Prof. Richard Muller of Berkeley, a physicist who has gotten into the climate skeptic game, has been leading the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project, an effort partially financed by none other than the Koch foundation.
Koch companies have been in the petroleum business since 1940, growing our refining capacity more than 80-fold. Today these companies engage in petroleum refining, chemicals and base oil production, crude oil supply, and wholesale marketing of fuels, base oils, petrochemicals, asphalt and other products.

What other purpose would Koch Industries have to fund a known GW denier other than attempt to disprove GW for their own benefit?
Maybe if you weren't thinking about Koch all the time you would realize that if you're running a scientific project with a predetermined outcome you wouldn't run something more transparent than just about any AGW study
10-27-2011 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by PingClown
I'm sorry to tell you that all of this spectacularly misses the point.

Here's the point that matters: Given no feedback mechanisms either way, the earth would warm 1 degree Celsius for every doubling of CO2, which is largely irrelevant. To get to the dangerous warming predicted by the models (3 degrees+), you need to hardwire significant positive feedback into them, in the form of water vapor, while taking a very low estimate of the highly uncertainty negative feedbacks, the main one being cloud.
I would argue against a "very low" estimate for cloud forcing, but otherwise, this is on target. I'd also argue against calling the cloud feedback negative, since it could be positive.

There is no scientific evidence that the climate system of the earth is this sensitive to CO2, and in fact there are strong indications it is not.
Here's where you go off the rails. There is plenty of observational evidence that climate sensitivity is around 3 degrees C. Here's a paper that combines this observational evidence in an attempt to narrow the sensitivity. This is independent of climate models.

I don't know if you've ever worked with weather modeling, but I have, and it's gloriously imprecise. Weather models basically break up the atmosphere into 100m-100km grids, and solve Newton's equations of motion for atmospheric flow numerically, using a bunch of tweaks. Climate models do basically the same thing, over a longer time scale, with different parameters, and lots of assumptions thrown in.

We did not get reliable weather models without testing and a great deal of tweaking, and even then they only work for ~3 days very reliably and ~7 days somewhat reliably. The trouble with the climate models is that they haven't been tested and refined on enough real world data. To the extent that they have been tested at all, they have failed. Looking backward, they do not predict the period of cooling from 1940-1970. Looking on a longer timescale, they do not predict the medieval warm period!! Looking forward, they did not predict the current slight downward trend over the last decade.
There's a fundamental difference between predicting weather and predicting climate. Weather is dominated by chaos and unpredictability, whereas climate over a long enough period will have that variance cancel itself out, much the same way your long term win rate can't be used to predict the win rate for your next 1000 hands.

All of the IPCC assessments are based on these hand wavy, untested models. That should give you pause. As for the reliability of the IPCC, I suggest you read: The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World's Top Climate Expert. Just get the sample for free, it'll give you the first 7 chapters. It'll give you an insight into who produced the IPCC reports (students, green activists without PhDs were LEAD AUTHORS) and how they were produced.
I have no idea what this book is, but if it claims people without PhDs were lead authors it is wrong on the issue we are discussing. This may be true for Working group II or III, but the make up of the scientific basis report (WGI) is beyond reproach in terms of credentials.

Last edited by 13ball; 10-27-2011 at 05:59 PM.
10-27-2011 , 07:34 PM
Yeah, after a quick read of the first 4 chapters, that book is utter nonsense. She tries to make the case that IPCC lead authors aren't experts, but her evidence is that one guy said the 1995 report didn't have any malaria experts and that two other "experts" were not lead authors. But the info on malaria is out of date and there are plenty of sea level experts and hurricane experts as lead authors in the IPCC.
10-27-2011 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
You're going to need a cite.
Muller’s stated aims were simple. He and his team would scour and re-analyze the climate data, putting all their calculations and methods online. Skeptics cheered the effort. “I’m prepared to accept whatever result they produce, even if it proves my premise wrong,” wrote Anthony Watts, a blogger who has criticized the quality of the weather stations in the United Statse that provide temperature data.
Washington Post Blog

Muller’s project is funded in part by the foundation of one of the oil-billionaire Koch brothers, and his invitation to testify this spring before the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology was orchestrated by Republicans.
The Atlantic

Originally Posted by ikestoys
MBN to make **** up as you go.
The Charles G. Koch Foundation even gave Muller’s project $150,000
From same Post blog. You know who the Koch brothers are.

It's not often argued by denialists unless you want to play some absurd no true scotsman game.
I agree most denialists at least admit the Earth is warming. But in some of those 2009 clips, you have guys like Hannity and Beck saying "global warming is a fraud." Of course they could be referring to man-made GW but I think some of them used to really just argue the warming point.
10-27-2011 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
It's not often argued by denialists unless you want to play some absurd no true scotsman game.
Well, it was argued by prominent skeptic Fred Singer in Nature yesterday:

But unlike the land surface, the atmosphere has shown no warming trend, either over land or over ocean — according to satellites and independent data from weather balloons. This indicates to me that there is something very wrong with the land surface data. And did you know that climate models, run on super-computers, all insist that the atmosphere must warm faster than the surface? And so does theory.

And finally, we have non-thermometer temperature data from so-called ?proxies?: tree rings, ice cores, ocean sediments, stalagmites. They don?t show any global warming since 1940!
And if you ask a skeptic about "hide the decline" most think it's about hiding the "decline" in global temperatures.
10-27-2011 , 08:59 PM
There are loads of denialists that insist that insist the Earth is not warming. A quick google search will confirm this.
10-27-2011 , 09:57 PM
Does it help to mention that Michael Shermer - a skeptic so skeptical of everything that he founded the magazine called Skeptic (not to mention being a self-described Libertarian) - changed his mind and now accepts anthropogenic global warming? He did this over a year before this thread was created.
10-27-2011 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Well, it was argued by prominent skeptic Fred Singer in Nature yesterday:

And if you ask a skeptic about "hide the decline" most think it's about hiding the "decline" in global temperatures.
But unlike land surface

Come on dude, you're better than that.
10-27-2011 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by FourFins
Muller was popular among denialists for not supporting the assumption that there had been a signifigant amount of warming as other scientists had shown. If this was true, GW would clearly be a non-starter.

Muller lols at your knowledge of his views

Al Gore flies around in a jet plane -- absolutely fine with me. The important thing is not getting Al Gore out of his jet plane; the important thing is solving the world's problem. What we really need are policies around the world that address the problem, not feel-good measures. If [Al Gore] reaches more people and convinces the world that global warming is real, even if he does it through exaggeration and distortion -- which he does, but he's very effective at it -- then let him fly any plane he wants.
10-28-2011 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
But unlike land surface

Come on dude, you're better than that.
Come on dude, read the rest of the quote.
This indicates to me that there is something very wrong with the land surface data.

And finally, we have non-thermometer temperature data from so-called ?proxies?: tree rings, ice cores, ocean sediments, stalagmites. They don?t show any global warming since 1940!
Not to mention the fact that he's wrong about proxies not showing warming and the atmosphere not warming.
10-28-2011 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by FourFins
Muller was popular among denialists for not supporting the assumption that there had been a signifigant amount of warming as other scientists had shown. If this was true, GW would clearly be a non-starter.

Muller was funded by oil people to disprove it. He didn't. You're right; he did not confirm the fact that some of GW is caused by man. But he disproved an often argued point by denialists.
No, Very few "denialists" ever argue that.
10-28-2011 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
No, Very few "denialists" ever argue that.
Some do. The very prominent Anthony Watts essentially denied there was warming by claiming the data showing there was warming was inaccurate:

Watts has argued for a long time that our temperature records or analyses stink and that we cannot, therefore, believe the scientists who have shown over and over that it is warming
Forbes Blog

Some, like Hannity and Beck, phrase there statements to be construed in such a way ("Global warming is a fraud.")
10-28-2011 , 02:06 PM
Soon it will be "Well duh, very few denialists actually argue that the warming is man-made. But what can we realistically do/have done to prevent it? That was really our whole point the entire time."

The name of the game is just to slow down the process and gunk up the argument by any and all means necessary. Worked for the tobacco industry for 40 years.

In before nearly instantaneous ikesbot contentless generic snark.
10-28-2011 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by FourFins
Some do. The very prominent Anthony Watts essentially denied there was warming by claiming the data showing there was warming was inaccurate:

Forbes Blog

Some, like Hannity and Beck, phrase there statements to be construed in such a way ("Global warming is a fraud.")
The temperature records do suck. 64% of US stations have an error of >2C. Only 9% have an error of less than 1C.

There's also a huge difference between the temperature record sucks and the temperature isn't going up.
10-28-2011 , 02:58 PM
You should tell Mueller that he's an idiot then.
10-28-2011 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by andyhop
Muller lols at your knowledge of his views
Clearly Muller had showed strong skepticism that the warming showed in other studies was inaccurate or false. This is why Anthony Watts and other denialists were so excited about him, as Muller is such a respected scientist and to find one of those on the denialist side was clearly cause for celebration.
10-28-2011 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
You should tell Mueller that he's an idiot then.
Muller isn't disputing this. He's reanalyzing the same data that the USHCN used, not recreating it.

You should keep to talking about stuff you're vaguely familiar with, like Barry Bonds.
10-28-2011 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
There's also a huge difference between the temperature record sucks and the temperature isn't going up.
Not if you're a denialist. Clearly the point of saying the temperature record sucks when it shows the Earth is warming is to then insinuate that the Earth is not warming (or a very negligible stop messing with my CO2 emissions and go hug a tree you hippie amount.)
10-28-2011 , 03:05 PM
If the Earth is so hot, explain my chart....if in fact it is caused by man, then why do global warming charts usually start at about 1860-1880 (AT the Industrial Revolution, not before it for comparison)?

In order to show global warming a) is a threat, b) is man made, and c) is credibly preventable, we might want to start charts AT LEAST 500-400 years ago (if not at the dawn of man) to compare pre-industrialization to now, show that we are hotter now than pre-industrialization (which we aren't), and that therefore man can do something MAJOR (I admit we exacerbate it, but to what small degree is the question) to stop it.

Now the chart:

10-28-2011 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by FourFins
Not if you're a denialist.
Yes, it is obviously. Nice to know you can read minds though.

Clearly the point of saying the temperature record sucks when it shows the Earth is warming is to then insinuate that the Earth is not warming (or a very negligible stop messing with my CO2 emissions and go hug a tree you hippie amount.)
Again, more mind reading. It's interesting, because the accuracy of a temp increase is hugely important to so many things about AGW, but addressing this fact makes you a denliast, just like those nazis.

10-28-2011 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
The temperature records do suck. 64% of US stations have an error of >2C. Only 9% have an error of less than 1C.
It has been shown many times that this doesn't affect the computed trend in any significant way.
10-28-2011 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
No, Very few "denialists" ever argue that.
Lol....tons of "denalists" argue that global warming is an outright fraud. Of course many of them also argue temperatures are not increasing.
10-28-2011 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
It has been shown many times that this doesn't affect the computed trend in any significant way.
Yes but it sounds like it means something.
10-28-2011 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Yes, it is obviously. Nice to know you can read minds though.

Again, more mind reading. It's interesting, because the accuracy of a temp increase is hugely important to so many things about AGW, but addressing this fact makes you a denliast, just like those nazis.

If you only address it by saying "Maybe the temperature didn't go up that much, or at all!!!" and never address it by saying "maybe the temperature actually went up a bunch more than shown", then pretty much yes, addressing it makes you a warming denialist. If you say "well, there's a lot more uncertainty in this data than is being acknowledged", that's rather another matter.

(It's possible that Muller's actually made that point -- but I doubt it. Can't be bothered to research it.)
10-28-2011 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Yes, it is obviously. Nice to know you can read minds though.

Again, more mind reading. It's interesting, because the accuracy of a temp increase is hugely important to so many things about AGW, but addressing this fact makes you a denliast, just like those nazis.

Thankfully we can put that accuracy behind as, as Muller has confirmed it!

Also, congrats on the nazi reference. Godwin's Law confirmed once again.

Denialist is an easy way to refer to those who are skeptical of the current scientific consensus on GW. I suppose DGW would make it nicer for you?
