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Sarah Palin, BruceZ, and Mean People on the Internet Sarah Palin, BruceZ, and Mean People on the Internet

07-09-2017 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
... Everyone is racist. We all unconsciously exhibit bias towards the "other"... some people that have moved beyond the unconscious racism to conscious... like white supremacists. We fight the first kind of racism differently than we do the last type...
You fundamentally misunderstand what is meant by Secret Heart R-word-ism -vs- Institutional R-word-ism.

Secret Heart R-word-ism is harboring personal racial animus in the secret inner heart of your very soul. Some Secret Heart R-word-ers don't act on their Secret Heart R-word-ism. They often have black friends. We can't know if they are Secret Heart R-word-ers unless they tell us (and even then they could be lying).

Out-of-the-closet R-Word-ers, like self-described white supremacists, are Secret Heart R-word-ers too (unless they are fakers). These are not different "kinds" of R-word-ism, nor are they different "levels" of R-word-ism. They're the same "kind" of R-word-ism (the Secret Heart kind), and differ not by "levels", but by actions.

The other "kind" of R-word-ism is Institutional R-word-ism. It takes the form of segregated lunch counters, unequal pay for equal work, redlining, union busting, and siting chemical plants near neighborhood's of color... among other wonders and amazements.

Got it ??

Last edited by Shame Trolly !!!1!; 07-09-2017 at 03:40 PM. Reason: siting citing siding
07-09-2017 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Because your question is stupid. You know its is stupid. You know I know what the 14 words are.
I really sincerely don't think you do. I think if you did you would've just answered me the first time I asked.

I've shown in my posting history I am not a moron. You want to pretend I don't know because you can cling to the idea you were right when in fact you were obviously wrong in this case. You read my posts where I called her a racist over and over. You are not a moron, you are just completely disingenuous.
Yeah but you prefaced all of those with this weird 64,000 foot view where by social science everyone is a racist. Which kinda blunts the claim.

Notice how I have offered several concessions itt and accepted where I was wrong several times. That is called adult debate. You simply want to scream so carry on.

**** **** ****.

That does feel good. I'll grant you that.

For the record I have literally taught a course in Anthropology on race but please carry on thinking I am too stupid to use google if it makes you feel better.
It makes me feel worse tbh. You think this **** makes me HAPPY?
07-09-2017 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
You fundamentally misunderstand what is meant by Secret Heart R-word-ism -vs- Institutional R-word-ism.

Secret Heart R-word-ism is harboring personal racial animus in your secret inner heart of your very soul. Some Secret Heart R-word-ers don't act on their Secret Heart R-word-ism. They often have black friends. We can't know if they are Secret Heart R-word-ers unless they tell us (and even then they could be lying).

Out-of-the-closet R-Word-ers, like self-described white supremacists, are Secret Heart R-word-ers too (unless they are fakers). These are different "kinds" of R-word-ism, nor are they different "levels" of R-word-ism. They're the same "kind" of R-word-ism (the Secret Heart kind), and differ not by "level", but by actions.

The other "kind" of R-word-ism is Institutional R-word-ism. It takes the form of segregated lunch counters, unequal pay for equal work, redlining, union busting, and citing chemical plants near neighborhood's of color... among other wonders and amazements.

Got it ??
We are saying the same thing just with different terms, no?

Racism, of the type you call secret heart and institutional, exist on a continuum. From you and me to David Duke for the former and Canada to Apparthied South Africa on the latter.

My point was that its important to recongnize this continuum because we battle different ends of it with different methods.
07-09-2017 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
We are saying the same thing just with different terms, no?

Racism, of the type you call secret heart and institutional, exist on a continuum. From you and me to David Duke for the former and Canada to Apparthied South Africa on the latter.

My point was that its important to recongnize this continuum because we battle different ends of it with different methods.
But this is why you are getting hammered here, no? Racism is bad, full stop. Who cares where it is on the "continuum"? It's bad period, and should be shouted down when seen.
07-09-2017 , 03:50 PM
Fly Ill play along some more since you are doing such a good job showing your true colours.

You want to still maintain I am some moronic trumpkin totally oblivious to the racial history of the world or the cross-disciplinary literature on racism because it makes you feel better.

Here my first post itt which started this whole thing

Originally Posted by Clovis8
The 14 words thing is a coincidence guys. We are sounding more and more like /theDonald lately.
Please explain my post if I have no idea what the 14 words are. What was I calling coincidence?

I'm actually excited to see you respond to this. It should be illuminating.
07-09-2017 , 03:53 PM
And failing to understand that the underlying motivation of modern American conservatism is defense of white supremacy is going to make you do dumb **** like imagine you can peel off 2 suburban Republicans with appeals to civility for every 1 rural vote you lose on trade and immigration.

It's so bizarre that these guys always retreat to the abstract. There was literally a major election where one candidate structured their campaign around superior dignity, civility, and following norms, and the other confessed to sexual assault and offered to pay the legal bills of people who beat up protestors.
07-09-2017 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Please explain my post if I have no idea what the 14 words are. What was I calling coincidence?

I'm actually excited to see you respond to this. It should be illuminating.
You are aware "the 14 words" is a white supremacist thing, I don't think you know what the actual words are.

Evidence: you've written well over 15 words since I asked
07-09-2017 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by bowens
But this is why you are getting hammered here, no? Racism is bad, full stop. Who cares where it is on the "continuum"? It's bad period, and should be shouted down when seen.
The debate isn't if its bad. Thats silly. We are not morons or alt-righters. We are far past that.

It matters because we combat the different ends with different methods. We cant pass laws to reduce unconscious racism or secret heart as trolley call it.

We can only fight this type with multiculturalism, education and more research into its biological and cultural foundations.
07-09-2017 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
You are aware "the 14 words" is a white supremacist thing, I don't think you know what the actual words are.
Lol you delivered beyond my wildest dreams.
07-09-2017 , 03:59 PM
Your bleating panicky incomprehension and calling it a "coincidence" are incompatible with

1) Knowing what Trump's speech was about


2) Knowing what the 14 words are
07-09-2017 , 03:59 PM
Hey Dvaut, want to come back in and tell us how good FLY is for the debate?
07-09-2017 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
We are saying the same thing just with different terms, no?

Racism, of the type you call secret heart and institutional, exist on a continuum. From you and me to David Duke for the former and Canada to Apparthied South Africa on the latter.

My point was that its important to recongnize this continuum because we battle different ends of it with different methods.
I don't think giving much weight, or acceptance, of this continuum is necessarily such a good thing. I feel like it can quickly lead to an acceptance of our basest, tribal nature, because hey, it's just biology, or some ****. It's a shame that more of us can't reason our way past such base, antisocial emotions, or at least make a concerted effort to nip those lizard brain feelings in the bud whenever we sense them cropping up.

I dislike this "from you and me on down" take. Maybe you can accept it as some hard truth about yourself, but I can't. It's a vestigial remnant from our cave dwelling days, not something we should accept at all. Our fists were specifically designed to throw punches, doesn't mean we can't rise above the primordial hellscape we originated from.
07-09-2017 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Your bleating panicky incomprehension and calling it a "coincidence" are incompatible with

1) Knowing what Trump's speech was about


2) Knowing what the 14 words are
You are actual worse at this than I was even giving you credit for. The circle, you are back at the start.
07-09-2017 , 04:01 PM
Clovis there is an extremely foolproof way of proving beyond any shadow of a doubt you know the answer to my question and you're at like maybe 30 posts since I asked without deploying it.
07-09-2017 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
I don't think giving much weight, or acceptance, of this continuum is necessarily such a good thing. I feel like it can quickly lead to an acceptance of our basest, tribal nature, because hey, it's just biology, or some ****. It's a shame that more of us can't reason our way past such base, antisocial emotions, or at least make a concerted effort to nip those lizard brain feelings in the bud whenever we sense them cropping up.

I dislike this "from you and me on down" take. Maybe you can accept it as some hard truth about yourself, but I can't. It's a vestigial remnant from our cave dwelling days, not something we should accept at all. Our fists were specifically designed to throw punches, doesn't mean we can't rise above the primordial hellscape we originated from.
You and I don't accept it. That is why we are not awful people like the alt-right.

It's very dangerous though to pretend the science doesn't exist. We will not be using the right tools to fight it if we pretend the source isn't what it is.
07-09-2017 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Clovis there is an extremely foolproof way of proving beyond any shadow of a doubt you know the answer to my question and you're at like maybe 30 posts since I asked without deploying it.
Beyond my wildlest imagination! I'm actually laughing in real life now.

07-09-2017 , 04:03 PM
lol is this a flywf gimmick account?
07-09-2017 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Fly Ill play along some more since you are doing such a good job showing your true colours.

You want to still maintain I am some moronic trumpkin totally oblivious to the racial history of the world or the cross-disciplinary literature on racism because it makes you feel better.

Here my first post itt which started this whole thing

Please explain my post if I have no idea what the 14 words are. What was I calling coincidence?

I'm actually excited to see you respond to this. It should be illuminating.
Stop running with that, he doesn't think you're a moronic trumpkin, he just thinks you're a moron.
07-09-2017 , 04:05 PM
Is Clovis = ikestoys finally showing face?
07-09-2017 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
The two are directly related. That is the point.
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Please explain why we can't comment on both style and substance? You don't think the two are linked?
As you've repeated this multiple times you must think it's important, but I think it's clearly wrong. I assume you think Fly is the king of the "rhetorical style of the alt-right" in this forum and he holds opposite views from them and loathes them!
07-09-2017 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Hey Dvaut, want to come back in and tell us how good FLY is for the debate?
But if he's that terrible, you could just stop talking to him. But you don't want to, because you're extra-salty right now. Why that is, I don't know, but look at chezlaw. Look at what he's become, a shambling zombie whose day begins and ends with googling FlyWf BruceZ.

That's the road you're headed down, man. Nobody's stopping you from turning back.
07-09-2017 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
I don't think giving much weight, or acceptance, of this continuum is necessarily such a good thing. I feel like it can quickly lead to an acceptance of our basest, tribal nature, because hey, it's just biology, or some ****. It's a shame that more of us can't reason our way past such base, antisocial emotions, or at least make a concerted effort to nip those lizard brain feelings in the bud whenever we sense them cropping up.

I dislike this "from you and me on down" take. Maybe you can accept it as some hard truth about yourself, but I can't. It's a vestigial remnant from our cave dwelling days, not something we should accept at all. Our fists were specifically designed to throw punches, doesn't mean we can't rise above the primordial hellscape we originated from.
I didn't understand Clovis to be saying that either form of racism was acceptable.
07-09-2017 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Beyond my wildlest imagination! I'm actually laughing in real life now.

Can anyone think of a reason BESIDES not knowing the answer for why Clovis is treating my question in this way? I'm open to suggestions.
07-09-2017 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
Stop running with that, he doesn't think you're a moronic trumpkin, he just thinks you're a moron.
Fair enough but he is still pretending I am too stupid to have googled the 14 words at this point, even if I really didn't know what there were before this all started, which is obviously absurd. He doesn't even believe it himself.

He is in a rhetorical trap and simply lacks the self awareness and maturity to admit he might have been wrong in this one small instance so instead is going to cling with his fingertips to the idea that I still, at this point in the debate, don't know what the 14 words are.

At this point I wont ever post them out of pure spite.
07-09-2017 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
We are saying the same thing just with different terms, no?...
No. Not at all.

This essay, "The Easiest Way to Get Rid of Racism? Just Redefine It", explains the difference better than I can.

...Duke said. “Donald Trump is not a racist. And the truth is... There’s massive racial discrimination against Euro*pean-Americans..."

Duke was defending... Trump... because he doesn’t harbor hate in his heart... But then he pivoted. The real problem, he claimed, is systemic racism...
What I called "Secret Heart R-word-ism" is referenced above as "harbor hate in his heart". What I called "Institutional R-Word-ism" is referenced above as "systemic racism".

This essay goes on to explain how the US segregationists of the 1960s coined this newfangled "Secret Heart" definition...

... Then came the civil rights era, when the word took on for many a convenient new meaning, one that had more to do with the human heart than with practices like redlining, gerrymandering or voter intimidation. In 1964... George Wallace... explained the clear difference... “A racist is one who despises someone because of his color, [a...] segregationist... believes... in... separate... social order.”...
What I called "Secret Heart R-word-ism", G.Wallace referenced as "despises someone because of his color". A policy of "separate social order" is an example of what I called "Institutional R-word-ism".

Is this distinction making any sense to you yet ??
