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A Safe Space to Discuss Safe Spaces A Safe Space to Discuss Safe Spaces

05-28-2016 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
Here's the end of the article in case you didn't get that far, FoldN. The author straight up admits that this isn't some widespread, nefarious issue that threatens to undermine our education system - it's just some stupid little phenomenon that anti-SJW types are expending an outsized amount of energy focusing on. People are allowed to protest for what they believe and sometimes those protests are stupid, get over it already.
This is by far the most important takeaway here.

As I've mentioned, I interact with students each and every day. And they are hilariously bad and stupid in a million ways. They try on stupid ideas like clothes. As it happens, of all the bad ideas students have, I basically never see this particular thing the massive crowd of internet anti-sjw types masterbate so furiously too. And of course the major thrust - that young kids are trying to worry about racism and sexism so forth - is by and large an absolutely wonderful and much needed thing even if, like on every issue that any college kid has ever thought of, somewhere in the country there will be a few issues of people saying something stupid on that topic.

Is this 40 hour bender worthy material?
05-28-2016 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
Here's the end of the article in case you didn't get that far, FoldN. The author straight up admits that this isn't some widespread, nefarious issue that threatens to undermine our education system - it's just some stupid little phenomenon that anti-SJW types are expending an outsized amount of energy focusing on. People are allowed to protest for what they believe and sometimes those protests are stupid, get over it already.
I'm glad somebody actually read the article. Of course, I've mentioned the same thing. Care to guess why this has gotten so much media attention? Because it's ridiculous, is going on at many of our most elite schools, and the author, a leading social psychologist, like many others wants to do his part to keep it from spreading to the rest by giving it the criticism it rightly deserves. Glad you agree.
05-28-2016 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
We do think our worldview is superior to other worldviews. That's not a bad thing when some worldviews are clearly wrong.

Where things are a matter of opinion then that's one thing but if people's opinion is that the moon is made of cheese then we can say 'hmmm'. When those sorts of wrong opinions are also harmful and being expressed as some sort of truth then we can reasonably take it further than 'hmmm'
You mean like when the asian chicken isn't prepared authentically enough at the cafeteria?
05-28-2016 , 02:11 PM
I don't think anyone at all believes you for a moment that you are just doing a good faith attempt to prevent this tiny minority - that a massive horde of internet anti-sjws lap up - from spreading. Ridiculous, criticism worthy well sure but there are a million ridiculous criticism worthy things that college students say so it is hard to imagine why this issue - the one where they try to fight racism and sexism and so forth and sometimes step over the line doing so - is the one you so visciously fight back in 40 hour benders.
05-28-2016 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I don't think anyone at all believes you for a moment that you are just doing a good faith attempt to prevent this tiny minority - that a massive horde of internet anti-sjws lap up - from spreading. Ridiculous, criticism worthy well sure but there are a million ridiculous criticism worthy things that college students say so it is hard to imagine why this issue - the one where they try to fight racism and sexism and so forth and sometimes step over the line doing so - is the one you so visciously fight back in 40 hour benders.
Well, I'm getting the vapors worrying what you think specifically. I've been enjoying watching a bunch of self-righteous posters, who make exactly the same sorts of boneheaded mistakes as these "elite" schoolchildren every day in this forum, getting in a huff because someone said something that could be offensive to someone somewhere, and instead of making a counter argument, claim bigotry and demand their opponent be shamed or punished. I'm in the belly of the beast here. I suspect many of you ARE those kids who protest an afro beat band for being too white, so yeah, I don't really expect to convince you.
05-28-2016 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I've been enjoying watching a bunch of self-righteous posters, who make exactly the same sorts of boneheaded mistakes as these "elite" schoolchildren every day in this forum
Fold you literally just quoted somebody getting into a huff that protesters thought their worldview was superior.

You get that this is just phenomenally stupid right? You don't get to drone on about "boneheaded mistakes" when you fail to recognize that every civil rights protesters etc believes their worldview is superior and there is nothing wrong with this.
05-28-2016 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I've been enjoying watching a bunch of self-righteous posters, who make exactly the same sorts of boneheaded mistakes as these "elite" schoolchildren every day in this forum, getting in a huff because someone said something that could be offensive to someone somewhere, and instead of making a counter argument, claim bigotry and demand their opponent be shamed or punished. I'm in the belly of the beast here. I suspect many of you ARE those kids who protest an afro beat band for being too white, so yeah, I don't really expect to convince you.
No, you are being delusional. Like, if you really want to continue your worldtour of vaguely referencing any event you think went badly on this theme well ok, but to confuse your audience ITT as being the "belly of the beast" where we ARE these kids and our arguments are mirroring theirs? That is just nonsense.

Like you are literally blasting against this group you have seemingly no direct experience with outside of what reddit anti-sjws link you to, but have gotten so confused you don't recognize that the 2+2ers lolling at you here are a different group.
05-28-2016 , 02:49 PM
You're in a different group, eh? Then why is it you and so many of you keep claiming all these articles and critics I've been posting ITT have some sort of right wing agenda?
05-28-2016 , 02:50 PM
FoldN- Bruce is never coming back lol
05-28-2016 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
You're in a different group, eh? Then why is it you and so many of you keep claiming all these articles and critics I've been posting ITT have some sort of right wing agenda?
Oh man. You really ARE confused about your audience. You actually believe that the 2+2 posters you were in your 40 hour bender with are the same people as the college kids you and your anti-sjw internet buddies like to make fun of. Amazing. Like I get that you've never actually met one of these in the wild and you are wanting to paint everyone into the little caricature you've created in your mind but just WOW.

Who knows what you are referencing here, but can we just skip the whole part where I ask you to quote me saying what you say I said, and you evade since you won't find this, and then I laugh at you? Can we just skip right to the laughing at you?

By the way your evasive unwillingness to acknowledge how absolutely terrible your "worldview are superior" quote is is just hilarious. What a good look on you.
05-28-2016 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
You're in a different group, eh? Then why is it you and so many of you keep claiming all these articles and critics I've been posting ITT have some sort of right wing agenda?
Because the vast majority of them do, and you personally do.

Some of the articles don't, but you misinterpret them as if they did to support your actual real concern: you want to call black people lazy and Muslims violent and rape victims lying bitches without disagreement. Total transparency on that count, FoldN, always has been.

Seriously on the FIRST ****ING PAGE we went over this. Remember, always remember, everyone knows more about everything than you. So while this thread is a wonderful journey of self-discovery for you, the very very start of this thread was liberals discussing the causes of the epidemic of stupid anti-safe space opinion columns and op-eds.

Because you're FoldN, lol, you tried to disagree with people about that by PROVING with great gusto that the epidemic liberals were discussing did in fact exist. No ****!
05-28-2016 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Oh man. You really ARE confused about your audience. You actually believe that the 2+2 posters you were in your 40 hour bender with are the same people as the college kids you and your anti-sjw internet buddies like to make fun of. Amazing. Like I get that you've never actually met one of these in the wild and you are wanting to paint everyone into the little caricature you've created in your mind but just WOW.

Who knows what you are referencing here, but can we just skip the whole part where I ask you to quote me saying what you say I said, and you evade since you won't find this, and then I laugh at you? Can we just skip right to the laughing at you?

By the way your evasive unwillingness to acknowledge how absolutely terrible your "worldview are superior" quote is is just hilarious. What a good look on you.

I mean, you just went to the well and said I'm regurgitating things reddit anti-sjw link. Fly has dropped in more than a few times to claim the criticisms I've posted from psychologists, educators et al. in The Atlantic, Psychology Today and so on are right wing agitprop. But you're clearly dong better than the schoolchildren.
05-28-2016 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I mean, you just went to the well and said I'm regurgitating things reddit anti-sjw link. Fly has dropped in more than a few times to claim the criticisms I've posted from psychologists, educators et al. in The Atlantic, Psychology Today and so on are right wing agitprop. But you're clearly dong better than the schoolchildren.
Oh I'm sorry Fold, i didn't realize it was a non reddit anti-sjw that you use as your go to source for "make fun of college kids that care about racism". Maybe you are a sargon of akkader. Who knows. But lol at thinking it matters. It is your loltastically terrible posting that is funny, not where you get your source material from. For instance you STILL are tryign to evade that hilarious attempt to quote mine an insult about protesters (lol rosa parks) thinking their worldviews are superior.

But notice the shift. Notice how embarassing this is for you. You literally just accused ME of posting. I loled at you. Now we are back a post later and it has switched to what Fly posted. Amazing.
05-28-2016 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
FoldN- Bruce is never coming back lol
Rough time for you, ikes is leaving and you are left reminiscing over all those past victories over Bruce that you can never get back. Try forcing it into more conversations!
05-28-2016 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Oh I'm sorry Fold, i didn't realize it was a non reddit anti-sjw that you use as your go to source for "make fun of college kids that care about racism". Maybe you are a sargon of akkader. Who knows. But lol at thinking it matters. It is your loltastically terrible posting that is funny, not where you get your source material from. For instance you STILL are tryign to evade that hilarious attempt to quote mine an insult about protesters (lol rosa parks) thinking their worldviews are superior.

But notice the shift. Notice how embarassing this is for you. You literally just accused ME of posting. I loled at you. Now we are back a post later and it has switched to what Fly posted. Amazing.
Just amazing schadenfreude to watch you and Fly utilize ad hominem and incoherent charges of bigotry as some form of rebuttal, vacillating between defending abuse of safe spaces, claiming it doesn't really exist and acting just like the unreasonable children who think they need to be protected from hearing legitamite criticism. It's like arguing with global warming deniers.
05-28-2016 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Just amazing schadenfreude to watch you and Fly utilize ad hominem and incoherent charges of bigotry as some form of rebuttal, vacillating between defending abuse of safe spaces, claiming it doesn't really exist and acting just like the unreasonable children who think they need to be protected from hearing legitamite criticism. It's like arguing with global warming deniers.
Remember the last time you accuse "me and fly" of something and then I laughed at you knowing you could never quote me saying what you claimed I said? Remember how badly that turned out for you?

Why then - knowing how badly it failed the last time - would you go for round two? OK, let's do this: please quote where I have layed a charge of bigotry against you in a form of rebuttal. Or defended abuse of safe spaces. Or claimed they don't exist.

You can't. I know, i know, you have proven an inability to differentiate between the audience you are talking to and the group you are criticizing, but really at some point this is drifting into just pure lies, right? And please, find it in your heart to differentiate between me and fly.
05-28-2016 , 04:27 PM
Fly outright does it, you cheer him on, and you are constantly making either a completely irrelevant claim that I'm making fun of students who fight for civil rights, or that I'm making fun of them FOR fighting for civil rights, which is bigotted. Of course that's BS. I and all the critics I've quoted ITT (many of them civil rights advocates who have done their fair share of protesting) have been very careful to explain we support many of their causes, but are precisely criticising the way in which many of them are going about it.

And in case your wondering, yes, I am planning to continue posting articles with examples and criticisms of the problems with the safe space mentality and abuse of PC in this thread to help fight the spread of corrosive infantile form or argument you find on some "elite" college campuses and all over the internet.
05-28-2016 , 04:45 PM
Two whole years of this. All because TomD lol'd at your slack-jawed mentor's racist tantrums. Just amazing.
05-28-2016 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Fly outright does it, you cheer him on
Ya for the record I barely read Fly's posts. Occasionally he makes good points, but his entire MO is about building narratives as overtly hyperbolic as possible. I get that you get VERY confused about who your audience is (yes, Fold, we are the ones protesting white bands playing afrobeat) but do try to recognize differences between the posters. And lol at accusing me of cheering him on. Didn't I literally just make fun of him like 2 posts ago?

and you are constantly making either a completely irrelevant claim that I'm making fun of students who fight for civil rights, or that I'm making fun of them FOR fighting for civil rights, which is bigotted.
I have no idea what you are talking about, but try not to use "I badly deduce uke_master's argument to imply I am bigotted". I have never called you that. Not once. I have never meant to imply that. Not once. So please don't don't sit there and claim I am calling you this. Literally every single thing you have claimed I have said in the last while is just flat out wrong.

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
And in case your wondering, yes, I am planning to continue posting articles with examples and criticisms of the problems with the safe space mentality and abuse of PC in this thread to help fight the spread of corrosive infantile form or argument you find on some "elite" college campuses and all over the internet.
Oh I didn't doubt that. You have clearly shown "listing worst examples I can find of a phenomenon" is a huge part of your MO. And it is a very familiar one, one the entire reddit anti-sjw that you are emphatically not a part of does exactly the same. Keep fighting that good fight. What I AM wondering is whether you will ever defend - or refute - your prior attempts to quote passages hilariously attacking protesters for the sin of......thinking their worldview is superior.
05-28-2016 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Ya for the record I barely read Fly's posts. Occasionally he makes good points, but his entire MO is about building narratives as overtly hyperbolic as possible. I get that you get VERY confused about who your audience is (yes, Fold, we are the ones protesting white bands playing afrobeat) but do try to recognize differences between the posters. And lol at accusing me of cheering him on. Didn't I literally just make fun of him like 2 posts ago?

I have no idea what you are talking about, but try not to use "I badly deduce uke_master's argument to imply I am bigotted". I have never called you that. Not once. I have never meant to imply that. Not once. So please don't don't sit there and claim I am calling you this. Literally every single thing you have claimed I have said in the last while is just flat out wrong.
So you've just been scolding me for criticizing protesters fighting for civil rights as an irrelevant aside, but not claiming I'm bashing civil rights. Thanks for the clarification. My apologies.

Oh I didn't doubt that. You have clearly shown "listing worst examples I can find of a phenomenon" is a huge part of your MO. And it is a very familiar one, one the entire reddit anti-sjw that you are emphatically not a part of does exactly the same. Keep fighting that good fight. What I AM wondering is whether you will ever defend - or refute - your prior attempts to quote passages hilariously attacking protesters for the sin of......thinking their worldview is superior.

I get it, psychologists with their mumbo jumbo criticisms of narcissism. Lol at them.
05-28-2016 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
You mean like when the asian chicken isn't prepared authentically enough at the cafeteria?
That is a real problem. Westernised Thai food in particular is a travesty.

I've on friendly terms with the people who run a Sicuhan restaurant and they do the food seriously authentic for two of us. Others we eat with need a safe space for their food.
05-28-2016 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Rough time for you, ikes is leaving and you are left reminiscing over all those past victories over Bruce that you can never get back. Try forcing it into more conversations!
Oh I'm confident FoldN won't ever stop giving me opportunities to Brucedrop, at least until he gets emboldened one day to post honestly and gets perma'd.
05-28-2016 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
So you've just been scolding me for criticizing protesters fighting for civil rights as an irrelevant aside, but not claiming I'm bashing civil rights. Thanks for the clarification. My apologies.
What on earth is this. Like no, my criticisms of you are not just for blanket criticizing protesters fighting for civil rights. Lol. Why on earth would think that. But even if I was, how on earth would that be same as implying you are bashing civil rights?

You said I charged you with bigotry. This is a lie. You can't quote a single sentence of mine going within a country mile of this. You are literally reduced to making round about incoherent "deducation" of my alleged accusations of bigotry that make absolutely zero sense.

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I get it, psychologists with their mumbo jumbo criticisms of narcissism. Lol at them.
It is true that the rest of the piece does strike me as pseudo-psychological mumbo jumbo, but I didn't actually say that or quote the rest. I quoted the part YOU did. The part about how protestors believes their worldview is superiod. THAT part, the part I actually addressed, it clearly and unquestionably stupid. You seem to be struggling with understanding why.
05-28-2016 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Oh I'm confident FoldN won't ever stop giving me opportunities to Brucedrop, at least until he gets emboldened one day to post honestly and gets perma'd.
Given that your current algorithm is "if FoldN posts and a dice rolls a six, then Brucedrop" I think this says quite a bit more about your attempts to relive those glory days than it does about foldn. Maybe Foldn will really explicitly reveal the inner bigotry you just know in your heart is there as bruce did, but something tells me you are goign to fill in most of the time until then getting out that rusting, cum stained medal of the time you beat the racist on the internet.
05-28-2016 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
What on earth is this. Like no, my criticisms of you are not just for blanket criticizing protesters fighting for civil rights. Lol. Why on earth would think that. But even if I was, how on earth would that be same as implying you are bashing civil rights?

You said I charged you with bigotry. This is a lie. You can't quote a single sentence of mine going within a country mile of this. You are literally reduced to making round about incoherent "deducation" of my alleged accusations of bigotry that make absolutely zero sense.

It is true that the rest of the piece does strike me as pseudo-psychological mumbo jumbo, but I didn't actually say that or quote the rest. I quoted the part YOU did. The part about how protestors believes their worldview is superiod. THAT part, the part I actually addressed, it clearly and unquestionably stupid. You seem to be struggling with understanding why.
Dude, seriously. You point at one sentence and ignore those preceding and following. Like, the actual criticism.

The safe space mentality reinforces the narcissistic characteristics of entitlement and superiority. The student protestors are essentially arguing that they are entitled to have the world bend to their will and that their worldview is superior to others. Challenges to their worldview are decried as hate speech or attempts to defend prejudice and discrimination. Narcissists don’t care about free speech. They care about their speech. They see it as the only speech that matters.
Are you really just planning to write it all off as psychologist mumbo jumbo? It could be, I suppose, but I wouldn't just write it off. There are those who also dismiss psychologists who have reclassified transsexualism from a mental disorder to gender dysphoria as mumbo jumbo. I wouldn't do that either.
