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07-11-2016 , 01:48 PM
I mean it's clear most in this thread agree with the 25% at the Yale debate who don't think free speech is threatened on campus, and the 67% who do think it is threatened are clearly wrong because they're right wing bigots who just like spewing racist garbage unchallenged. That's an example of an ad hominum.
07-11-2016 , 01:50 PM
If you are going to insist on using the one latin phrase you know, do try to at least spell it correctly. And use it in a paragraph that isn't you just completely making up nonsense that nobody in this thread has said.
07-11-2016 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by 5ive
FoldN I'll give it up, you fought to a draw in the comedian sub-topic IMO, but...

I don't think you've fully read all the articles you've posted.

The lead is buried deep but this wasn't about her n-bombing, that was just the punctuation.

"...She also suggested that students were dropping out of KU not because they were victims of racism or felt threatened on campus, but because of their low grades..."

She punctuated that by saying she doesn't see racism because "’s not like I see ‘N****r’ spray-painted on walls..."

Free speech blah blah aside, it's disingenuous to compare this to Bill Maher or Louis CK n-bombing all the time.
So in your opinion, a professor should be suspended and investigated for expressing that opinion?
07-11-2016 , 02:34 PM
Add homonym itt?
07-11-2016 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I mean it's clear most in this thread agree with the 25% at the Yale debate who don't think free speech is threatened on campus, and the 67% who do think it is threatened are clearly wrong because they're right wing bigots who just like spewing racist garbage unchallenged. That's an example of an ad hominum.
No, it's not. You didn't even spell it right, setting aside that your argument there is combination of a strawman and YET ANOTHER BIZARRE ARGUMENT BY PROXY LOL,

that absolutely is not what ad hominem means. It's a fallacy, not an insult.

Having a discussion with these SMPers is so ****ing exhausting. You have to define all the words, carry on both sides of the argument, and even after doing that you have to check back periodically to correct their errors. We aren't getting paid for this ****, you know?
07-11-2016 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by TrollyWantACracker
With all due respect to uke and blade, I am afraid that all of the time you guys spend working, attending and living at universities has colored your perception of things. We really need an unbiased view on this issue. Like a bunch of stand-up comedians who dropped out of high school and avoid college campuses as a matter of principle.
I think Sarah Silverman spoke fairly well about that. Loosely paraphrasing, she mentioned using the word "gay" to mean bad, and how she used to defend it because she didn't mean gay people, she meant "gay" as in "damn, that's gay", but eventually there hits a point where you've become that old guy in the corner who says "Hey, I have coloured friends, there's nothing wrong with saying coloured. We said that all the time back in my day". And if you can't keep up with the minimal effort required to drop language like that then it's kind of you that has the problem.

Last edited by Bladesman87; 07-11-2016 at 03:07 PM.
07-11-2016 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
I think Sarah Silverman spoke fairly well about that. Loosely paraphrasing, she mentioned using the word "gay" to mean bad, and how she used to defend it because she didn't mean gay [i]people[/b], she meant "gay" as in "damn, that's gay", but eventually there hits a point where you've become that old guy in the corner who says "Hey, I have coloured friends, there's nothing wrong with saying coloured. We said that all the time back in my day". And if you can't keep up with the minimal effort required to drop language like that then it's kind of you that has the problem.
For the record "gay" was a standard line of mine in high school. All my friends said it. I never really thought about it until several years later and now I realize I was a huge moron
07-11-2016 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
For the record "gay" was a standard line of mine in high school. All my friends said it. I never really thought about it until several years later and now I realize I was a huge moron
Honestly, it's something I still slip up with occasionally in certain social circles. When I was about 13, gay was definitely the go to insult in school. When I was 17 a couple of guys in my school came out and both were well accepted but still the usage was everywhere. Now it's something I try not to do but language is pretty well ingrained you. What I don't do is use that term around just anybody and expect them not to think poorly of it, or do the mental gymnastics required to justify that it's not a term rooted in homophobia. And I certainly wouldn't do a stage act repeating it and then wonder why all these kids are so uppity.

I look forward to when people of my generation send that shudder down the next generation's spine when homosexuality is spoken of in the same tone my grandparents spoke of race.
07-11-2016 , 03:37 PM
The whole "I just thought gay meant bad" argument is so bull****. When I was younger I used it, but I damn sure knew what it meant and what I was saying. I just didn't appreciate the negative impact of normalizing that type of language and mostly was selfish and just wanted to sound cool and funny. Then I grew up and got less ****ty and self-involved.
07-11-2016 , 04:59 PM

Lol, as illiberal as most of you guys are, I doubt any of you are as bad as the moderator at Gateway Pundit. I had like 20 posts like this deleted for trying to argue the obscene idea that Obama might not be responsible for the murder of the five cops in Dallas. Echo chambers...
07-11-2016 , 05:14 PM

Where most of this thread probably best lives.
07-11-2016 , 05:29 PM
I'm sorry your trolling didn't get the response you wanted but again, like just about everything you post, NOT A ****ING FREE SPEECH ISSUE
07-11-2016 , 05:34 PM
How many different online communities is this assclown trolling?
07-11-2016 , 06:00 PM
What a martyr.

Selflessly bringing up something to do with nothing.
07-11-2016 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Having a discussion with these SMPers is so ****ing exhausting. You have to define all the words, carry on both sides of the argument, and even after doing that you have to check back periodically to correct their errors. We aren't getting paid for this ****, you know?
It would be easier for you if you didn't use so many strawmen and poor generalizations in such a determined effort to try to be mean.

I appreciate you have your own entertaining style for reasons but then there's no point crying about it.
07-11-2016 , 07:40 PM
Heheh a lot of posters worked up today.
07-11-2016 , 08:07 PM
Lol, ITT I learn from a poster named trolly that asking people why they think Obama is fomenting racial hatred and arguing he's not responsible for the murder of cops... is trolling. Whew, can't make this stuff up!
07-11-2016 , 08:17 PM
Context would help but really, who pays attention to you anymore?
07-11-2016 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Lol, ITT I learn from a poster named trolly that asking people why they think Obama is fomenting racial hatred and arguing he's not responsible for the murder of cops... is trolling. Whew, can't make this stuff up!
Maybe it's as Kerowo says and Trolly calls it trolling with no consideration on the content or context.
07-11-2016 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Maybe it's as Kerowo says and Trolly calls it trolling with no consideration on the content or context.
I'm going to go out on a limb and state that we have some context that suggests Foldn was trolling.
07-11-2016 , 08:36 PM
Going to go out on a limb about whether Trolly has been trolling?
07-11-2016 , 08:42 PM
I mean, sure, they were shocked I would question why Obama was responsible for the cop killings. Based on their reply's like "where have you been? " and "have you been living in a cave?" I'm sure they did think I was trolling. And it shouldn't surprise me those of you in here who act just like them would either. That's what rational questions and critical thinking look like to some people. Of course, none of them could articulate why Obama was responsible because they're idiots who search out safe spaces so they don't have to explain any of their tightly held, emotionally driven beliefs.
07-11-2016 , 09:15 PM
Again, commercial sites moderating private message boards according to policy set by the owner or their proxies is not, and never will be, any sort of free speech or safe space related issue.
07-11-2016 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Lol, ITT I learn from a poster named trolly that asking people why they think Obama is fomenting racial hatred and arguing he's not responsible for the murder of cops... is trolling. Whew, can't make this stuff up!
So you don't have me on ignore after all. Can you explain how it is you're aware of the contents of private messages sent from BruceZ to wookie? Or can you explain why you've been dodging this question?
07-11-2016 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
That's what rational questions and critical thinking look like to some people.
