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06-21-2016 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
The pragmatic solution is simple, enforce the rules equally in a way that preserves the fundamental right of free speech.
No, not according to your standards.

Part of the first podcast with Jonathan Rauch I'll go over discusses the liberal scientific quest for knowledge, and how the idea of freedom of speech, especially unpopular speech, was a groundbreaking moment in history, how the quest for knowledge is never finished, and we should never stop questioning even the most uncomfortable and sacred ideas.
None of this requires not calling racists racist.
06-21-2016 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
No, not according to your standards.

None of this requires not calling racists racist.
It involves enforcing rules equally despite viewpoint. You just admitted you don't do this here.
06-21-2016 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark;
known about it, and I expect much of it makes a lot of sense. I know I've managed to learn a lot from many of you. But there is still tons of disagreement on what it is and what to do about it. I wonder if many of you self-named anti-racists could admit to yourselves that you have some things wrong, and that some of the people you think are racist have some things right?



[spoiler]no [/spoiler]
06-21-2016 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by prana

FYP. I welcome you to change your mind.
06-21-2016 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
It involves enforcing rules equally despite viewpoint. You just admitted you don't do this here.
Again, your problem is with Mat Sklansky, not MrWookie. They've banned racist viewpoints and anti-Semitic viewpoints from the site. Its right in the rules that you are hellbent on having enforced!
06-21-2016 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
FYP. I welcome you to change your mind.
From quickly skimming an article from the guy about free speech he seems to think that racist idiots should be able to say racist stuff and wasn't the point of what I quoted you saying. I'm laughing at the fact you think that someone that talks about circus music and compares people to cockroaches knows more about what racism is than "anti-racists" lol. This is what Foldn' actually believes. Does he address circus music in that podcast?
06-21-2016 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by prana
From quickly skimming an article from the guy about free speech he seems to think that racist idiots should be able to say racist stuff and wasn't the point of what I quoted you saying. I'm laughing at the fact you think that someone that talks about circus music and compares people to cockroaches knows more about what racism is than "anti-racists" lol. This is what Foldn' actually believes. Does he address circus music in that podcast?
Well, I'm not claiming BruceZ knows more about racism than you, only that he is a very smart guy, and he could probably challenge many of your beliefs about racism, and even be right in some cases where you would be wrong. You could both learn from one another.

I can't force you to listen to the podcasts, but I plan to start a thread on free speech discussing much of their content as well as other things.

Here's a few quotes from that podcast that apply to our conversation:

Jonathan Rauch:​Not necessarily in that order. But, here’s the reason what FIRE does is so important. The greatest idea that humans ever had is also the most counterintuitive idea. It comes up very recently in human history in the 17th century with John Locke, and then James Madison writes it into the Constitution. And that’s that we should not only tolerate speech and thought that is wrong-headed, seditious, offensive, obnoxious, heretical or blasphemous, but that we actually benefit from this as a society. No one had ever said that before. They always said, of course you shouldn’t tolerate seditious speech, criticism of the king, criticism of religion. Well, it turns out that this is a fantastic mechanism for creating knowledge, and that through toleration, you get social peace. But it also turns out that everyday people are born as humans who don’t believe that because our instinct is to say, “If someone’s wrong, we shouldn’t put up with that.” So, every day, we have to push the rock back uphill. We’ve just got to start defending the first amendment all over again, every day for the rest of time, and we’ve just got to be cheerful about that. That’s the burden that falls to folks like FIRE and me – and you’re a generation younger than I am – I guess, what, 26, 27?
Greg Lukianoff:​Well, one of them is to always remember that the things that make us most uncomfortable to talk about are often times the most important things for us to be talking about, and that applies to relationships and societies just the same. But, the one that I really want to emphasize is that I don’t think you should think of yourself as educated unless you see it as an intellectual duty to seek out intelligent people with whom you disagree. And I think if we followed that simple lesson, we would live in a much more intellectually productive and much more bearable society than we currently do.
And from the podcast featuring Glenn Greenwald:

Nico Perrino:​And eventually, you got out of law, and I had read that you spent a lot of time in conservative chat rooms at one point, saying that you believe in the clash of ideas, and that in these chat rooms your ideas were meaningfully challenged. Is this sort of “clash of ideas” thing a thread throughout your life, starting with your time in law school, moving on through your legal career and on to your time as a writer, just engager in the political dialogue?

Glenn Greenwald:​Well, that was actually a really formative experience that those conservative chat rooms that were sort of like the beginning of the internet. And, I remember there was my law school roommate – you know I went to law school in New York; I had gone to college in Washington. I was just like a young, gay man in my early 20s in Washington and New York; in these east coast sophisticated cities. So, I had this kind of caricatured view of conservatives, especially social conservatives in the middle of the country. And, my law school roommate was this woman who was dating this guy whose mother was this hardcore Rush Limbaugh supporter or listener. And she went and visited their house and saw that this woman was in these chat rooms, and it was a chat room sponsored by the National Review and the Heritage Foundation. So, we went in there kind of on a lark, basically to just cause trouble and make fun of them and just have a good laugh at the expense of what we viewed as these kinds of retrograde idiots. And we did do that at first; we just caused trouble and we laughed at them, and then we started actually being drawn in because a lot of them were extremely smart and very informed, and were good debaters.

​And so, I started spending a lot of time debating with them, and it started challenging a lot of my preconceptions, things that I would have assumed were just unchallengeably true. I found myself having to defend it from a pretty formidable, intellectual attack. And then, the more time I spent in there, the better I got to know them as people, and then I actually went one time. I flew to Indiana for this hotel, and it was a kind of meeting of all these – and these weren’t like National Review New York conservatives, these were like middle of the country, megachurch, Rush Limbaugh social conservatives. And just like I regarded them at first, they regarded me. They knew I was young, and a lawyer in New York, and Jewish and gay and so, a lot of those barriers broke down and we actually kind of got to like each other, and a lot of the certainty and the smugness that I had in how I regarded people like that got really broken down. And, I realized that it was so much better to force yourself to engage in these kinds of challenges. Sometimes you’ll be more fortified in the rightness of your beliefs, and other times, you’ll start questioning yourself and changing your views or at least modifying them or being open to the fact that maybe you’re wrong.

And so, yeah, everything I’ve done in my life – I’ve studied philosophy, I was on the college and high school debate team – has very much been geared toward this kind of clash of opposing ideas as the ultimate test for who’s actually right and who’s actually wrong. And I’ve learned a lot from that, I’ve evolved a great deal as a result of that. And so, anything that suppresses that or tries to eliminate it in the name of righteousness and certainty I feel really pernicious and really dangerous, and often times, a lot bigger of a threat than the bad ideas themselves that people who think that way are trying to censor.
06-21-2016 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Well, I'm not claiming BruceZ knows more about racism than you, only that he is a very smart guy, and he could probably challenge many of your beliefs about racism, and even be right in some cases where you would be wrong. You could both learn from one another.

I can't force you to listen to the podcasts, but I plan to start a thread on free speech discussing much of their content as well as other things.
Hahahah, no, your beloved Rauch's thesis isn't that we should let racists speak so that we can learn from them or that they might hone our beliefs. His thesis is that we challenge them, and then we let them make asses of themselves when they respond. This is EXACTLY what happened with your boi Bruce. He repeatedly and forcefully hoisted himself by his own petard.

Bruce may know math, but he revealed himself over and over to be a bigoted simpleton when it came to his understanding of history or current political events.
06-21-2016 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Hahahah, no, your beloved Rauch's thesis isn't that we should let racists speak so that we can learn from them or that they might hone our beliefs. His thesis is that we challenge them, and then we let them make asses of themselves when they respond. This is EXACTLY what happened with your boi Bruce. He repeatedly and forcefully hoisted himself by his own petard.

Bruce may know math, but he revealed himself over and over to be a bigoted simpleton when it came to his understanding of history or current political events.
Perhaps that's your take, and I know Bruce got super maaad and acted poorly. And I've told him to not to watch so much Fox news! But many of you also revealed yourselves to be horribly intolerant and ignorant simpletons. The exaggerations and out right lies told about him while you moved to prevent him from defending himself were a sad sight. A real inquisition.
06-21-2016 , 06:59 PM
FoldN- What is one of the "some things" that anti-racists have wrong that racists have right?
06-21-2016 , 07:00 PM


oh man thats hilarious. You accuse other people of lying and then make that post FoldN? hahahaohwow
06-21-2016 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Hahahah, no, your beloved Rauch's thesis isn't that we should let racists speak so that we can learn from them or that they might hone our beliefs. His thesis is that we challenge them, and then we let them make asses of themselves when they respond. This is EXACTLY what happened with your boi Bruce. He repeatedly and forcefully hoisted himself by his own petard.

Bruce may know math, but he revealed himself over and over to be a bigoted simpleton when it came to his understanding of history or current political events.
Btw, do you disagree with Glenn Greenwald?

Sometimes you’ll be more fortified in the rightness of your beliefs, and other times, you’ll start questioning yourself and changing your views or at least modifying them or being open to the fact that maybe you’re wrong.

And so, yeah, everything I’ve done in my life – I’ve studied philosophy, I was on the college and high school debate team – has very much been geared toward this kind of clash of opposing ideas as the ultimate test for who’s actually right and who’s actually wrong. And I’ve learned a lot from that, I’ve evolved a great deal as a result of that. And so, anything that suppresses that or tries to eliminate it in the name of righteousness and certainty I feel really pernicious and really dangerous, and often times, a lot bigger of a threat than the bad ideas themselves that people who think that way are trying to censor.
06-21-2016 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Perhaps that's your take, and I know Bruce got super maaad and acted poorly. And I've told him to not to watch so much Fox news! But many of you also revealed yourselves to be horribly intolerant and ignorant simpletons. The exaggerations and out right lies told about him while you moved to prevent him from defending himself were a sad sight. A real inquisition.
It's not "my take." It's literally what he says:

All of which brings me back to Orson Scott Card. Some of the things he has said are execrable. He wrote in 2004 that when gay marriage is allowed, “society will bend all its efforts to seize upon any hint of homosexuality in our young people and encourage it.” That was not quite a flat reiteration of the ancient lie that homosexuals seduce and recruit children—the homophobic equivalent of the anti-Semitic blood libel—but it is about as close as anyone dares to come today.

Fortunately, Card’s claim is false. Better still, it is preposterous. Most fair-minded people who read his screeds will see that they are not proper arguments at all, but merely ill-tempered reflexes. When Card puts his stuff out there, he makes us look good by comparison. The more he talks, and the more we talk, the better we sound.
And that's literally what happened to Bruce. We called Bruce racist. Rather than being censored, he was allowed to defend his words. And "fair-minded people who read his screeds," non-politics posters and moderators from all manner of forums, saw again and again that they were not proper arguments but were ill-tempered reflexes (and that he was racist). The more Bruce talked, the worse he looked, until Mat, who initially didn't want to do anything, finally felt forced to demod Bruce for being such a rambling, repulsive racist.
06-21-2016 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
It's not "my take." It's literally what he says:

And that's literally what happened to Bruce. We called Bruce racist. Rather than being censored, he was allowed to defend his words. And "fair-minded people who read his screeds," non-politics posters and moderators from all manner of forums, saw again and again that they were not proper arguments but were ill-tempered reflexes. The more Bruce talked, the worse he looked, until Mat, who initially didn't want to do anything, finally felt forced to demod Bruce for being such a rambling, repulsive racist.
Again, that was your take on Bruce. I agree he looked bad, but not in the same way you do. And I think you looked just as bad if not worse in many regards.

Here's another interesting quote from a black man who befriended a wizard of the KKK:

Daryl Davis:​He said that he respected me. The Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. He said we may not agree on everything, but at least he respects me to sit down and listen to me, and I respect him to sit down and listen to him. The most important thing that I learned was that while you are actively learning about someone else, you are passively teaching them about yourself. All right? So, if you have an adversary, an opponent with an opposing point of view, give that person a platform. Allow them to air that point of view, regardless of how extreme it may be. And believe me, I’ve heard some things so extreme at these rallies, it will cut you to the bone. Give them a platform. You challenge them. But you don’t challenge them rudely or violently, you do it politely and intelligently. And when you do things that way, chances are, they will reciprocate and give you a platform. So, he and I would sit down listen to one another. Over a period of time, that cement that he talked about, that held is ideas together began to get cracks in it. And then it began to crumble, and then it fell apart. And then a few years ago, Roger Kelly quit the Ku Klux Klan. He no longer believes, today, what he said on that videotape. And when he quit the Klan, he gave me his robe and hood, which is a robe of the Imperial Wizard.
06-21-2016 , 07:09 PM
Right. When Bruce left the starry eyed racist sycophants of SMP, who apparently failed for years of challenging Bruce on his nonsense, and his views were actually challenged he wasn't up for the task.

Plus FoldN is glossing over one of the biggest lolz of the BruceZ affair...when Bruce changed his story to how the **** he said was really racist but he was obviously just play acting a racist for the purposes of debate....meanwhile FoldN was still arguing how calling those statements racist was unfair.

Good times....good times.
06-21-2016 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Again, that was your take on Bruce. I agree he looked bad, but not in the same way you do. And I think you looked just as bad if not worse in many regards.
lololololololololololololololololololololololololo l.

Well, to an idiot, that might be true. To the normal readers....hahaha nope.
06-21-2016 , 07:11 PM
Inside the belly of the beast!
06-21-2016 , 07:13 PM
Ever think of maybe stepping outside for a bit of fresh air? Going for a walk or cup of coffee somewhere?
06-21-2016 , 07:13 PM
Bruce saying he was play acting a racist to challenge thoughts or something something while team smp was pretty sure it wasn't even racist was good for some lols.
06-21-2016 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Again, that was your take on Bruce. I agree he looked bad, but not in the same way you do. And I think you looked just as bad if not worse in many regards.
Please, why don't you quote a non-politard who thought I looked worse than Bruce, or quote a post of mine that you think was worse than many of Bruce's.
06-21-2016 , 07:25 PM
Look, dude, you literally just got done lying about wanting to ban Bruce. Like, you got caught red handed and you just brush it off and nobody cares. No shame. You've made so many horribly stupid mistakes I could point out, including that time you quoted what you were sure was me calling a black kid an ape, only to be corrected that you had missed the context. No shame. You do this constantly, just like your followers in this safe space you've created, and none of you seem to ever get the slightest bit embarrassed. That's because you thrive on your pack mentality. If you ever want to learn something, then maybe do what suzzer does, or Glenn Greenwald, and go spend some time in a conservative chat room (hate site?). It could be eye opening.
06-21-2016 , 07:31 PM
lololololololol YOU are accusing ME about lying about that PM? Here's what I said in advance of finding the PM:

Asking for exile was specifically because he was demanding the authority to overstep the one rule we have as moderators on this site. If he cannot show proper restraint, then he should be restricted so as not to abuse his authority.
That is exactly the truth, and it was shown to be true in the text of the PM! I didn't request any further restrictions on Bruce's speech other than his participation in one specific forum on this site where he had threatened to abuse his power. I specifically requested that he be free to say whatever he wanted in a different forum here. Insisting I wanted him censored is your own fabrication. I wanted him demodded, or to at least not abuse his powers in a forum that was not his own.
06-21-2016 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I didn't require he be banned or run a off, just that he be removed as an official representative of this forum. That is not censorship.

The bolded is most sickening. (My bold)
Originally Posted by MrWookie

Minimally, I request Bruce to never post in Politics again and to never report another post in Politics again. His response to any accusations of his racism that are made in Politics will be nothing. Nothing. If he makes any other post in another forum that gets quoted in Politics and called racist, his response will be nothing. That is the absolute minimum with which I would be satisfied. In exchange, he can call me a pig ****er or whatever he wants in any of his forums, and my response will be nothing. I still think you and the other reds and blues should consider demodding him for doing severe damage to the brand, but in the immediate term (and only the immediate term), I would be satisfied with this.
Okay, so you did try to censor him. Maybe you just forgot, it's okay.

Fine, there were extenuating circumstances. Like he got pissed of at being personally attacked, flipped his lid and threatened to do your job enforcing the first rule of this forum, something he never actually followed through with, nor is it clear he even had the power to do. Your response was to call for him to be banned from P so you all could continue your witch hunt behind his back unchallenged by him. It was a trainwreck and I'm sorry I let myself get dragged back into it again. Argh!
06-21-2016 , 07:50 PM
Lolololololololololololol at just blatantly skipping over the sentence right after the ones you bonded.
06-21-2016 , 07:51 PM
Ahhhh, a new take on the famous "just kidding" defense! The old, he never did it only threatened to do it defense. What will SMP think of next?
