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Rush signs a 0million+ deal Rush signs a 0million+ deal

07-02-2008 , 02:24 PM
What do you do for a living?
07-02-2008 , 02:47 PM
Liberals = Successful people who feel guilty about it OR Unsucessful people who are jealous of the successful.

Conservatives = Successful people with no remorse OR Unsuccessful people who think they can become successful.

Libertarians = I just wanna live my life and I'll define success my own way.
07-02-2008 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Don't shoot the messenger.

The free market has made that statement FAR louder than I can.

Please point out ONE successful liberal radio talk show, and I'll show you 100 successful conservative ones. That is, if you can even find a successful liberal talk show on the radio.
Because liberals think for themselves instead of having information fed to them as conservatives prefer it: in flavored morsels more palatable to their narrow tastes?

Just, you know, suggesting...
07-02-2008 , 03:33 PM
Im a donkamenter/columnist for a small local paper. Even if i was a doctor making a couple mil i would be voting democratic. Ill sacrifise a mercedes for a lexus so some family can eat this week. also, i would gladly pay more taxes for socialized health care.
07-02-2008 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by pimpbot
why is there no good left wing radio? im sure olbermann could get a big audience in that arena if he wanted to. i have heard colmes (sp?) radio show and he is funny and it is interesting. air america was just a mean spirited crapfest though.
My pet theory is that liberals are more likely to listen to conservative talk-shows in some odd masochistic reflex. Every friend I have that self-identifies as a solid liberal listens to Limbaugh from time to time or Fox News.

Originally Posted by Inso0
Don't shoot the messenger.

The free market has made that statement FAR louder than I can.

Please point out ONE successful liberal radio talk show, and I'll show you 100 successful conservative ones. That is, if you can even find a successful liberal talk show on the radio.
That's not what you said earlier. You stated that "the reason" conservative radio was popular was because of substance. You can't extrapolate that reasoning by pointing out the lack of liberal talk shows.
07-02-2008 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by kudzudemon
Because liberals think for themselves instead of having information fed to them as conservatives prefer it: in flavored morsels more palatable to their narrow tastes?

Just, you know, suggesting...
talk to any hippies, ever?

Originally Posted by ElectricHaZ3
Im a donkamenter/columnist for a small local paper. Even if i was a doctor making a couple mil i would be voting democratic. Ill sacrifise a mercedes for a lexus so some family can eat this week. also, i would gladly pay more taxes for socialized health care.
Problem being, why should you force everybody else to make that sacrifice? Where is the cut off, and who decides it? Not to say these questions cannot be answered, but simply stating "I'll give up a Mercedes for a Lexus to make the world a better place" isn't a good argument. I'm no anarchist, but the argument for taxation of any kind should not come from simplified emotional appeal.
07-02-2008 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by ElectricHaZ3
Im a donkamenter/columnist for a small local paper. Even if i was a doctor making a couple mil i would be voting democratic. Ill sacrifise a mercedes for a lexus so some family can eat this week. also, i would gladly pay more taxes for socialized health care.
Go ahead. Nobody here wants to stop you from helping other people.
07-02-2008 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by ElectricHaZ3
i would gladly pay more taxes for socialized health care.
Then why don't you?

I'm fairly certain the government will gladly cash your check and put it into the "helping people" fund.

Why a Lexus? Why not trade it in for a Kia and donate the rest to Code Pink?
07-02-2008 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Go ahead. Nobody here wants to stop you from helping other people.
youre likely hinting at charity. charity is wonderful, and everyone should do their part. I just think it needs to be done on a higher level. I think the tax cuts on the upper class has ruined the economy. It has takent he middle class and made it into lower class. Now we basically have rich people, and everyone else somewhere on the bottom.
07-02-2008 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by ElectricHaZ3
youre likely hinting at charity. charity is wonderful, and everyone should do their part. I just think it needs to be done on a higher level. I think the tax cuts on the upper class has ruined the economy. It has takent he middle class and made it into lower class. Now we basically have rich people, and everyone else somewhere on the bottom.
Abolish the IRS and the income tax, and you'll see charitable contributions skyrocket to levels you never thought possible.

And I'm guessing the charities are going to a LOT better job at getting that money to the people that actually deserve it, instead of handing it to the willingly indigent who live on the public dole just because it's the path of least resistance for them.
07-02-2008 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by ElectricHaZ3
youre likely hinting at charity. charity is wonderful, and everyone should do their part. I just think it needs to be done on a higher level.
Actually, I was hinting at paying more taxes. If you want to pay taxes, go right ahead.

Or, go ahead and do whatever on a "higher level". I'm not sure how what you think creates some obligation for me or anyone else.

I think the tax cuts on the upper class has ruined the economy. It has takent he middle class and made it into lower class.

How does cutting taxes on person A make person B poorer?

Also, I think taxcuts created a 200% increase in rainbows and warm fuzzy feelings. So what do you think of that?
07-02-2008 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by ElectricHaZ3
Perhaps this is because there is no good left wing station i can listen to, or know of. Im in philly if anyone has a suggestion.
Sirius has entire channels of political talk. A conservative station, a liberal station, even an independent station that offers "political talk for people who hate political talk". I don't listen to them, so I can't tell you if they're any good or not. If you don't like them, you can always just listen to Howard or Bubba, and see how much better uncensored radio is (not to mention commercial-free music).

Speaking of Sirius, do you think Clear Channel saw CBS Radio go down the tubes when they let Howard Stern walk, so they handed the keys to the castle to Rush in order to keep him?

(The rest of this post is just a commercial for satellite radio. It's for all of you guys like "I'm from Philly, and there's nothing on the radio I want to hear." I don't work for any satellite company--I don't care if you get Sirius or XM. I'm just trying to enlighten the reader about a whole world of awesomeness that costs next to nothing, that they can be a part of. It's posted as a spoiler, to help those who want to skip the hijack.)

Yesterday, while grilling on the back patio, I popped my Sirius receiver out of the car, and plugged it into the boombox so I could listen in the back yard.

Last night, I had to run to the drug store for something. I got in the car, and saw that I had forgotten to return the Sirius receiver to its dock.

"Oh well," I thought, "I'm only going a few miles, I can stand AM/FM for that long."

It was painfully horrible. I actually said, out loud to nobody, "It's like they're DARING me to listen. 'Hey, audience! Betcha can't listen to this garbage!'" I turned off the radio and popped in a CD before I made it one mile.

When I meet other satellite listeners (this goes for XM subscribers, as well), we marvel that most people don't have satellite radio. "They just don't know how awesome it is," they conclude.

My theory goes a little deeper, because I'm old enough to remember the advent of cable tv. "When it first hit the market, everyone said, 'Why should I pay for tv, when I can get it for free?' Then they go over someone's house that has it; they see how awesome it is; and they can't wait to get it for themselves. Satellite radio is the same thing--except nobody ever comes over to my car to see how awesome it is."

When I ask people why they don't subscribe, they immediately object to the price of $13/mo. I ask how much they're paying for tv, and they always cite a number 5-10 times higher. Then they start making excuses, like "I don't listen to radio, I've got my iPod and CD's...", which is baloney--they're clinging to their "I don't want to pay for radio that I can get for free," even if it's an untenable position.

Finally, I'd just like to add that with the exception of one troll on a message board, I've never met anyone who tried it, then canceled it because they didn't think it was worth the $13/mo. Every person I've met in real life, without exception, is a satisfied customer.

So if you spend any time at all in your car, go ahead and try it. You'll eventually send me a PM and tell me, "You were right, this is awesome, I had no idea what I was missing, if they doubled the price tomorrow I'd still be happy to subscribe..."

Last edited by youtalkfunny; 07-02-2008 at 04:35 PM.
07-02-2008 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by ElectricHaZ3
This argument that liberalism leaves you at 30 is absolutely rediculous. What about half the country thats registered democrats, are they just 21 year olds who dont know any better? please. If being a conservative means the patriot act(garbage). unlawful wars (iraq, afghanistan. and soon to be iran), drug wars that do nothing but waste tax dollars. your complete disregard for the poor and blatant racism as your representatives have shown so much. Lets keep going, your rediculous sanctions on countries that dont deserve it, your military first approach to everything (nothing is solved by dropping bombs, nothing.) Gitmo, you are supporters of water boarding and torture, wtf do you think this is? iraq under saddam? the guy you couldnt wait to usher out? How about your stance on religion. You are no longer the republican party, your run by the ****ing church. your politicians do nothing but pander to the religious right. I know obama is doing it too(dobson) and imo its a major mistake. How about republican views on the economy, reganomics? i will never buy into this whether i make 30k or 500k. I personally make 50-75k a year. I dont believe it works, capitalism in the truest sense of the word is capitalizing off others to get your self rich. Call me a socialist, communist, whatever the **** you want. but i support the redistribution of wealth. Struggling family shouldnt pay taxes tothe extent a wall street person should, its rediculous. Even warren buffett agrees. Off shore drilling is a moronic idea as well, i will never stand for destroying the environment. harry reid statment the other day was great. Were getting sick because of the toxins in our air, because were bringing things that should be in the ground out in to our atmosphere. Thats it for now, i suppose my main point was i would NEVER buy into your theocracy.
This is single biggest lump of straight ******ation Ive seen here in a while, at least from the liberal side of the viewing audience. In attempt to keep this from being a straight flame post, I'll just address a few of your points:

If being a conservative means the patriot act(garbage).
Yeah the Dems showed us their credentials with the latest FISA vote, way to go Dems!

unlawful wars (iraq, afghanistan. and soon to be iran)
Yeah good thing no Dems had a hand in approving any of that (notwithstanding your speculative Iran war claim).

drug wars that do nothing but waste tax dollars.
Yes the Dems are definitely fighting the good fight on ending the War on Drugs.

Oh and this:

Im a donkamenter/columnist for a small local paper.
This is somewhat sad, scary, and funny all at the same time.
07-02-2008 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
Sirius has entire channels of political talk. A conservative station, a liberal station, even an independent station that offers "political talk for people who hate political talk".

Speaking of Sirius, do you think Clear Channel saw CBS Radio go down the tubes when they let Howard Stern walk, so they handed the keys to the castle to Rush in order to keep him?
Lynn Samuels is pretty crazy, but I also find her hysterical. It's probably the fact that she refers to just about anyone on the planet as an "*******". Ed Schultz is pretty average, listenable but nothing particularly interesting. Stephanie Miller is also pretty funny and insightful.
07-02-2008 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by vulturesrow
This is single biggest lump of straight ******ation Ive seen here in a while, at least from the liberal side of the viewing audience. In attempt to keep this from being a straight flame post, I'll just address a few of your points:

Yeah the Dems showed us their credentials with the latest FISA vote, way to go Dems!

Yeah good thing no Dems had a hand in approving any of that (notwithstanding your speculative Iran war claim).

Yes the Dems are definitely fighting the good fight on ending the War on Drugs.

Oh and this:

This is somewhat sad, scary, and funny all at the same time.
Basically youre just throwing blame at democrats. I dont disagree again, because congress has been awful. they havent done anything, they have no backbone. But the ideas mentioned above are republican ideals. when the war started the dems were lied to just like the rest of the country, if you deny this youre an idiot. Also, i hope you are not trying get at my grammar or something, because when i post on forums i couldnt care less, im just expressing opinions. But if you would like to get into a grammar contest np.
07-02-2008 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by ElectricHaZ3
Basically youre just throwing blame at democrats. I dont disagree again, because congress has been awful. they havent done anything, they have no backbone. But the ideas mentioned above are republican ideals. when the war started the dems were lied to just like the rest of the country, if you deny this youre an idiot. Also, i hope you are not trying get at my grammar or something, because when i post on forums i couldnt care less, im just expressing opinions. But if you would like to get into a grammar contest np.

So you are saying that elected Democrats dont represent your liberal ideals? And the so called Republican ideals you mentioned above are nothing more than liberal claptrap that you regurgitated into one massive semi-unreadable post. And no I wasnt really "trying to get at your grammar", although it was pretty bad. I was thinking more about your apparent lack of capacity for original thought.

PS Give that this is a medium where we interact through writing, and then you claim not to really care about how you write, you can see where that alone might cause me to take you less then seriously.
07-02-2008 , 04:28 PM
youre basically saying that because dems went along with it, it was right. I dont agree. like i said inthe post above, the dems havent done **** and im dissapointed in that. But citing the patriot act, that now most democrats oppose, the war, which most democrats oppose, etc. you know why they oppose now? because they have funtioning brains capable of making decision, whether youre going back to your original view point or not. The bush administration lied hundreds of times, this was a study put out a couple months ago, i can dig it up if you want. This was big news. So to say that dems and everyone else wasnt lied to is rediculous. Why didnt you address my other points? what about sanction on cuba, and iran, that shouldnt exist? What about the fact this administration has turned your party into a religeous rule, you happy with that, pal?
07-02-2008 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by vulturesrow
So you are saying that elected Democrats dont represent your liberal ideals? And the so called Republican ideals you mentioned above are nothing more than liberal claptrap that you regurgitated into one massive semi-unreadable post. And no I wasnt really "trying to get at your grammar", although it was pretty bad. I was thinking more about your apparent lack of capacity for original thought.

PS Give that this is a medium where we interact through writing, and then you claim not to really care about how you write, you can see where that alone might cause me to take you less then seriously.
i dont regurgitate anything. These are the differences between the two parties. Elected democrats promised to represent my views, but when they got elected that was just thrown on the back burner. I was making a post from work, i dont want to go into detail about every single issue. i was trying to get the basic point across. and if to you these arent the main differences between the party, youre ******ed.
07-02-2008 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by vulturesrow
PS Give that this is a medium where we interact through writing, and then you claim not to really care about how you write, you can see where that alone might cause me to take you less then seriously.
He can't be bothered with coherent writing, punctuation, sentence structure, etc, etc. That's the editors job.
07-02-2008 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by ElectricHaZ3
This argument that liberalism leaves you at 30 is absolutely rediculous. What about half the country thats registered democrats, are they just 21 year olds who dont know any better? please. If being a conservative means the patriot act(garbage). unlawful wars (iraq, afghanistan. and soon to be iran), drug wars that do nothing but waste tax dollars. your complete disregard for the poor and blatant racism as your representatives have shown so much. Lets keep going, your rediculous sanctions on countries that dont deserve it, your military first approach to everything (nothing is solved by dropping bombs, nothing.) Gitmo, you are supporters of water boarding and torture, wtf do you think this is? iraq under saddam? the guy you couldnt wait to usher out? How about your stance on religion. You are no longer the republican party, your run by the ****ing church. your politicians do nothing but pander to the religious right. I know obama is doing it too(dobson) and imo its a major mistake. How about republican views on the economy, reganomics? i will never buy into this whether i make 30k or 500k. I personally make 50-75k a year. I dont believe it works, capitalism in the truest sense of the word is capitalizing off others to get your self rich. Call me a socialist, communist, whatever the **** you want. OK.... Socialist Commie over emotional non thinking bleeding heart liberal.but i support the redistribution of wealth. Struggling family shouldnt pay taxes tothe extent a wall street person should, its rediculous. Even warren buffett agrees. Off shore drilling is a moronic idea as well, i will never stand for destroying the environment. harry reid statment the other day was great. Were getting sick because of the toxins in our air, because were bringing things that should be in the ground out in to our atmosphere. Yet our life expectancy keeps going up....hmmmmmm......Thats it for now, i suppose my main point was i would NEVER buy into your theocracy.

this post should at least get you an interview at the New York Times.
07-02-2008 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by ElectricHaZ3
Why didnt you address my other points?
Because I didnt feel like putting that much effort into your recycled talking points. Once I see a post where you seem to be able to do some original thinking (and based on your latest posts to me, improve your reading comprehension) I might feel inclined to address your other points. Sorry to disturb you at work. I'll let you get back to your big "This Week in Arts and Crafts" column.

PS I'll give you a list of liberal posters who I actually consider worth discussing issues with so you can study their bodies of work.
07-02-2008 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Abolish the IRS and the income tax, and you'll see charitable contributions skyrocket to levels you never thought possible.
Making such a fantastic statement is a safe harbor for a would be propaganda-as-fact specialist. I think such a scenario is unlikely, but at this moment, both positions are entirely unprovable. It can only be considered a possibility until proven otherwise. But if you make it in such declarative fashion, with such rosy implications, you may be able to sway the confused and simple-minded. Much like Rush himself.

LOL kneejerkreactaments
07-02-2008 , 04:53 PM
lol at you republicans yelling at me for stereotyping earlier in this thread when youre doing the same. Calling me a bleeding heart liberal and such, such horse ****. Just like in politics, youre a bunch of stubborn asses in real life too. P.s im a sports writer(manly i know) and it will be a big article when i start at the philadelphia daily news in september of this year. read my column, youll enjoy it.
07-02-2008 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by kudzudemon
Making such a fantastic statement is a safe harbor for a would be propaganda-as-fact specialist. I think such a scenario is unlikely, but at this moment, both positions are entirely unprovable. It can only be considered a possibility until proven otherwise. But if you make it in such declarative fashion, with such rosy implications, you may be able to sway the confused and simple-minded. Much like Rush himself.

LOL kneejerkreactaments
Its self evident that inso is a simpleton. just read the thread. The only thing republicans know to say, is whatever rush told them to say the day before. If you think liberal talking points are regurgitated and same old? look in the mirror, you idiots have been pounding into everyone heads that we should ddrill here, drill now! why? because in 15 years we will gas back to 3.50 a gallon. The only price we pay is our environment.. Morons.
07-02-2008 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by kudzudemon
Making such a fantastic statement is a safe harbor for a would be propaganda-as-fact specialist. I think such a scenario is unlikely, but at this moment, both positions are entirely unprovable. It can only be considered a possibility until proven otherwise. But if you make it in such declarative fashion, with such rosy implications, you may be able to sway the confused and simple-minded. Much like Rush himself.

LOL kneejerkreactaments
Are you trying to say that the fact that charitable contributions go UP when taxes go DOWN is unproven conjecture? Seriously?

I suppose if I tell you that tax revenues INCREASE when they DECREASE capital gains taxes, you'll also call me a propagandist? (hint: they do! look it up)
