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11-14-2007 , 10:18 PM
Can we just lock this damn thread before adanthar and RedBean show up again?

So 20+ RP threads so far this month is OK as long as they aren't negative? And I thought AC'ers and Libertarians were against censorship. My bad.
We've had this thread. At least 6 times. adanthar once, RedBean the other 5.
11-14-2007 , 10:22 PM
This stuff has been debunked over and over here.
So were the Swift Boat Vets. If you expect Paul to be a major player, he's going to have to deal with smear campaigns.
We've had this thread 6 times. You even gave the guy who was trolling 4 different thread with this [censored] ANOTHER thread for it.

Perhaps I can find some old Nielsio 9/11 Truth questions to start posting new threads about.
11-14-2007 , 10:22 PM
And we've had more than that by RP supporters who instead of using an existing thread from the previous week seek to use any flimsy excuse or "new" slant to start yet another RP thread to keep the buzz alive here for all of you who aren't even going to vote. I mean if so many of you AC'ers don't vote, why would you expect to influence the rest of us who do to vote for RP or follow his campaign? Why not just urge us not to vote as well nor to pay attention to *any* political candidate?
11-14-2007 , 10:23 PM
You were already debunked on your too-many-Ron-Paul-threads-for-me crybaby fest. Get a life.
11-14-2007 , 10:26 PM
LOL. Boro asserts his way to victory again.
11-14-2007 , 10:26 PM
This stuff has been debunked over and over here.
So were the Swift Boat Vets. If you expect Paul to be a major player, he's going to have to deal with smear campaigns.
By 'deal with' do you mean what I think you mean?
11-14-2007 , 10:31 PM
I think everyone can agree that

1) There are too many Dr. Paul threads. Even if you think the level of discussion is fine, there are often a lot of new threads started that could be part of old threads.

2)BluffThis is a crybaby.
11-14-2007 , 10:34 PM
Say that ron paul is a racist. He won't ever be able to express his views and he won't be able to do anything to harm those that he is racist towards.
You liked him before, now you know this, do you still vote for him?
11-15-2007 , 01:16 AM
Say that ron paul is a racist. He won't ever be able to express his views and he won't be able to do anything to harm those that he is racist towards.
You liked him before, now you know this, do you still vote for him?
[censored] no! I guess I have no other choice but to run myself.
11-15-2007 , 01:36 AM
RP is the biggest (maybe the only, idunno) opponent of the war on drugs in the election, which disproportionately effects black males. I agree though that if he keeps picking up steam he's going to have to deal with this.
11-15-2007 , 03:14 AM
Ron Paul's one ghost written news letter vs. Hillary's 3,000,000+ "secret" documents
11-15-2007 , 03:29 AM
Say that ron paul is a racist. He won't ever be able to express his views and he won't be able to do anything to harm those that he is racist towards.
You liked him before, now you know this, do you still vote for him?
I don't see how this is relevant? The point wasn't "ZOMG RON PAUL IS EVIL" it was "what is Ron Paul going to do about this so it doesn't negativley effect his campaign when the mainstream media gets ahold of it?"
11-16-2007 , 04:29 AM

Can we just lock this damn thread before adanthar and RedBean show up again?

We'll, nice to see you too, big daddy.
11-16-2007 , 05:10 AM
Say that ron paul is a racist. He won't ever be able to express his views and he won't be able to do anything to harm those that he is racist towards.
You liked him before, now you know this, do you still vote for him?
I don't see how this is relevant? The point wasn't "ZOMG RON PAUL IS EVIL" it was "what is Ron Paul going to do about this so it doesn't negativley effect his campaign when the mainstream media gets ahold of it?"
This was just an inquiry of mine.
11-17-2007 , 10:31 AM
11-17-2007 , 11:01 AM
we are constantly told that it is evil to be afraid of black men, it is hardly irrational. Black men commit murders, rapes, robberies, muggings and burglaries all out of proportion to their numbers.
So you're stating that this is patently false? That is that black men don't commit murders, rapes etc. that is out of proportion to their numbers?

DOJ statistics anyway seem to suggest at least the notion that the murder rate by black males is way out of proportion to their numbers:

DOJ Stats

Pointing out facts means one is a racist in this country I suppose. Too damn bad IMO.

In a lot of ways I don't understand journalism today. I believe Hillary made a valid point about being a game of "gotcha" in a recent debate. Why don't we actually try and go beyond the statistics and understand why things happen? Maybe Paul's ideas on economics and the constitution might help improve the situation if implemented, maybe they wouldn't. Have no clue why journalists don't want to go farther than they seemingly do. Could be convinced otherwise though.
