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Ron Paul 2012 Containment Thread Ron Paul 2012 Containment Thread

04-23-2012 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Sect7G
Not sure if his predictions have been posted.
Just saw this today, nearly jizzed myself.
04-25-2012 , 04:43 AM

I may want a more general thread in Politics on monopolies, but for now, just wanted to link a thread I started because I am headed out and probably did a somewhat bad job arguing the free market opinion on the subject. Reading NVG discussion about the FTP takeover and a Stars monopoly being this huge disaster in the industry is annoying me.
04-25-2012 , 07:46 AM

"While being questioned, the Sowers were finally presented with a seizure order and advised that the feds had already emptied their bank account of $70,000. The Dept. of Justice has since sued to keep $63,000 of the Sowers’ money, though they committed no crime other than maintaining their privacy."
04-26-2012 , 07:57 AM
I voted Paul Tuesday

But I'm ready to support Romney
04-26-2012 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
I voted Paul Tuesday

But I'm ready to support Romney
What is Romney going to accomplish that you support?
04-26-2012 , 02:06 PM
it's us vs them man, democrats are bad mmk? ABO ABO!!
05-13-2012 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
Yeah...if I lose it's likely going to be in some back door way rather than paul legitimately winning the popular vote in a state.

This is Max....I just checked the wiki page and they now have 2 maps, 1 of which shows paul as winning 2 states.,_2012 Not sure what the fairest way to settle is....maybe something like running it twice in poker with each map counting for half the pot?
05-13-2012 , 07:48 PM
They won, you lost imo.
05-13-2012 , 08:38 PM
max can you link me to where you and fermion discussed the terms of the bet?
05-13-2012 , 08:44 PM
The convoluted rules of the gop primaries are making the bet more interesting.
05-13-2012 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by dessin d'enfant

This is Max....I just checked the wiki page and they now have 2 maps, 1 of which shows paul as winning 2 states.,_2012 Not sure what the fairest way to settle is....maybe something like running it twice in poker with each map counting for half the pot?
I found the bet:

Originally Posted by Max Raker
Prop Bet Info

So Fermion5 have finalized the bet. If Ron Paul wins at least 1 state in the republican primary (according to,_2012) I will pay him $500 USD. If paul wins 0 states he will pay me $100 USD.

General Tsoa,
You can have the same bet if you want. Let me know here.
Are you saying the 2 maps weren't there when the bet was agreed to?

Was popular vote map specified in some other conversation?

Feel free to take this to PM IMO.
05-13-2012 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
I found the bet:

Are you saying the 2 maps weren't there when the bet was agreed to?

Was popular vote map specified in some other conversation?

Feel free to take this to PM IMO.
Plurality of delegates map is definitely newer, but neither map was up yet back in August 2011. Here was the last update: August 31st, 2011 Version

However, the 2008 primaries had one map that declared the winner of each state.

Edit: I think the states carried is the most relevant section of the Wiki page, and I think most of the value on the Paul side of the bet was in something like this happening. Certainly there was little reason to suspect back then that he could come as close as he did to winning the popular vote in Iowa. I'd want to read all the related posts before the bet, and if the spirit was like yeah Paul has a great chance to win the popular vote in Alaska, Maine, Iowa, North Dakota, or wherever then I'd award the bet entirely to Max. If the spirit of the bet was more Max saying there's no way Ron Paul will win a state, I'd award it to Fermion/Tsao. Just looking at the odds that were being laid I'd suspect it's closer to the latter.

Last edited by Scary_Tiger; 05-13-2012 at 09:30 PM.
05-13-2012 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
Are you saying the 2 maps weren't there when the bet was agreed to?
Yeah, we were going by what was there in the wiki articles on previous years primaries

All the ones I saw only had 1 map.

Was popular vote map specified in some other conversation?

Feel free to take this to PM IMO.
Fermion sent me a PM with the can ask him to send it to you. I can't PM on this account and can't log into my main account yet.
05-13-2012 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
Feel free to take this to PM IMO.

Feel free to NOT!

05-13-2012 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Feel free to NOT!


Some good railing potential here.
05-13-2012 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by dessin d'enfant
Yeah, we were going by what was there in the wiki articles on previous years primaries

All the ones I saw only had 1 map.

Fermion sent me a PM with the can ask him to send it to you. I can't PM on this account and can't log into my main account yet.
gogogo fermion

is fermion even posting?
05-13-2012 , 09:32 PM
Since the hacking? Yessir, he's back.
05-13-2012 , 09:33 PM
Was back before you actually, slow poke.

05-13-2012 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Was back before you actually, slow poke.

wow, someone's gotten a little smarmy since the hacking.

max, is it cool if we post non-sexual PMs publicly, if they relate to this bet only? EG the ones you sent me about wearing women's panties will never be made public - that secret will go with me to my grave.
05-13-2012 , 10:03 PM
Smarmy? Smarmy? The **** you calling smarmy?

05-13-2012 , 10:06 PM
Just did some preliminary hacking. Wow General, that? For your first dance???? lololololol

05-13-2012 , 10:08 PM
wtf wat

is that the guy from blade runner?
05-13-2012 , 10:09 PM
Spike? James Marsters? idk

Doesn't look like it.
05-13-2012 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
max, is it cool if we post non-sexual PMs publicly, if they relate to this bet only? EG the ones you sent me about wearing women's panties will never be made public - that secret will go with me to my grave.
I'm fine with you and Fermion posting the bet related PMs itt.
05-13-2012 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
Was popular vote map specified in some other conversation?
This is probably the most important issue. From my recollections, we simply bet on the wiki map and didn't specify anything else...we weren't even 100% sure how the map actually worked.

Originally Posted by Fermion5
the bet is based on wiki map which is based on popular vote I believe.

So I still think splitting the bet into 2 halves, 1 for each map is the most fair...which results in you guys winning but not winning the full amount.
