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Ron Paul 2012 Containment Thread Ron Paul 2012 Containment Thread

02-02-2012 , 04:04 AM
Originally Posted by prana

I'll tell you what I'm blathering about... I've got information man! New **** has come to light! And ****... man, he knew about them himself. Well sure, man. Look at it... a politician, in the parlance of our times, you know, and he, uh, uh, gets money from all over town, including from known racists, and that's cool... that's, that's cool, I'm, I'm saying, he needs money, man. And of course they're going to say that they didn't write it, because... he wants it both ways, man! He's got to feed the monkey, I mean uh... hasn't that ever occurred to you, man? Sir?

I totally should have done this.
02-02-2012 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by nullspace
So are you saying that people who doubt the evidence are in a state of denial of the truth?

Couldn't you say that about anyone who disagrees with you (no matter what the issue is)?

But maybe you have a point. The evidence is starting to pile up. Of course all of it can be plausibly denied by RP. But then again, what kind of a politician can't cast reasonable doubt upon an accusation like this?
If one Anonymous hack of one computer was the only datum we had regarding Ron Paul pal-ing around with racists, I wouldn't be getting medieval on this thread.
02-02-2012 , 04:15 AM
Anonymous gonna hack more stuff too. Paul must be quaking in his sheets (easy Ronulans, I'm just saying Paul's in bed right about now...sheesh).

Oh, and, Answer My question!
02-02-2012 , 04:25 AM
That didn't answer my question. I asked about this specific situation. And I ask for a very important reason. Either you're actually condemning the man for something that has the equivalent evidence that an article about aliens in the Enquirer has, or you're trolling. Either one of these things seems insane to me for a mod of this forum to be doing.

You make some valid arguments about how he has handled the newsletter situation, and who knows, maybe he was using racists for his own ends, but that was all 20 years ago! Even if he was actively involved with currying the favor of racists at that time, there is NO CHANCE that he continued doing so after getting back into politics and even less that he continued after deciding to run for president in 2008.

And do you understand why we all remain in serious doubt that he actually was knowingly involved in what happened with those newsletters? It has nothing to do with supporting him. It's that other than that isolated event, everything about the man SCREAMS character! All of the people bashing him come off as people who can't believe that anyone in the world is actually honest and have to tear that person down any way they can in order to prove that he's not any better than they are. You seem to think those people are getting under our skins, but in reality, we just see them as very, very sad.


And to jump on this is seriously some WACKY CONSPIRACY ****.
02-02-2012 , 04:28 AM
Please answer alex's question so I can go to sleep.
02-02-2012 , 04:30 AM
BTW, I've been looking through the emails where this supposedly damning evidence is and can't actually find anything. The closest I've seen is that the dude claims that he's going to meet with Ron and Rand.

Is this guy renodoc?!??!
02-02-2012 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
BTW, I've been looking through the emails where this supposedly damning evidence is and can't actually find anything. The closest I've seen is that the dude claims that he's going to meet with Ron and Rand.
The claims were that he had ties with them. There is evidence of multiple meetings and multiple conference calls. It seems like he has pretty easy access to Ron Paul.

EDIT: I think the most interesting thing of all this is the comment from the person who apparently is really close to RP telling Kelso that he's sorry a RP employee snubbed him, that RP owes him a formal apology, and he is going to make sure and make it clear to Ron Paul that Kelso is loved by the White people. <wink> <wink>

Last edited by prana; 02-02-2012 at 04:50 AM.
02-02-2012 , 04:38 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Even if he was actively involved with currying the favor of racists at that time, there is NO CHANCE that he continued doing so after getting back into politics and even less that he continued after deciding to run for president in 2008.

Originally Posted by nullspace
The evidence is starting to pile up.
Originally Posted by nullspace
The evidence is starting to pile up.
Originally Posted by nullspace
The evidence is starting to pile up.
02-02-2012 , 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by prana
lol. Ron Paul wants to make English the Official Language. Protecting the 1st Amendment? Fighting for peoples' Civil Rights? Only if you are copying people's stuff on the internetz guys. YOU SPEAK ENGLISH HERE!!
"English as the official language" means the federal government (or state governments, depending on your exact stance) has to communicate in English.
This doesn't impact the 1st Amendment.
If you believe that state governments have to use English, then yes, it's a civil liberties issue...but unlikely the way you were thinking.
For example, you can argue that it infringes on one's right to vote (by making it much harder for non-English speakers to vote).
It also could damage equal protection under the law (non-English speakers might be unable to defend themselves in court), etc.
I think you would need a longer answer from Paul to determine what exactly he meant. (which won't happen, because it's an irrelevant issue)
02-02-2012 , 05:22 AM

Needing to declare English as an "official" and "only" language is only necessary if you think people who don't speak it are lesser people.
02-02-2012 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by Plancer
"English as the official language" means the federal government (or state governments, depending on your exact stance) has to communicate in English.
This doesn't impact the 1st Amendment.
If you believe that state governments have to use English, then yes, it's a civil liberties issue...but unlikely the way you were thinking.
For example, you can argue that it infringes on one's right to vote (by making it much harder for non-English speakers to vote).
It also could damage equal protection under the law (non-English speakers might be unable to defend themselves in court), etc.
I think you would need a longer answer from Paul to determine what exactly he meant. (which won't happen, because it's an irrelevant issue)
Fortunately, he has co-sponsored a bill already so we know his feelings:

This bill would declare English to be the official language of the United States and would mandate that official government business be conducted in English only. A few exceptions are made, such as in the provision of health care in VA Hospitals, but voter registration would only be in English. Voting itself would only occur using ballots in the English language; Spanish-speaking citizens would lose the effective right to cast their vote. Financial aid for education? Sorry, you can’t apply if you don’t write English. Small business loan? You’ve got to have English proficiency for it. Agricultural subsidies would go to English-language farmers only. There’s a whole range of programs and services administered by the government, paid for by taxpayers, that would be denied to those taxpayers who happen to speak a language other than English. Is that just? Citizenship itself would be denied to those applicants who could not demonstrate English proficiency. Does that live up to the standard of the poem set at the base of our Statue of Liberty?
But wait; there’s more. Under the rules set out by H.R. 997, “English language requirements and workplace policies, whether in the public or private sector, shall be presumptively consistent with the Laws of the United States.” In everyday language, that means that non-profit organizations, churches, charities, groceries, banks, credit unions, clothiers, and hot dog vendors would all be required to abide by English-only requirements, unless legislators passed exemptions for them (which are decidedly not in H.R. 997).
And then there's the whole lolz about Ron Paul's idea that the Constitution granted authority to the federal government to do only 20 specific things enumerated in the text of the Constitution. Where is this listed?
02-02-2012 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
That didn't answer my question. I asked about this specific situation. And I ask for a very important reason. Either you're actually condemning the man for something that has the equivalent evidence that an article about aliens in the Enquirer has, or you're trolling. Either one of these things seems insane to me for a mod of this forum to be doing.
Asking me to evaluate this particular situation in a vacuum is preposterous. That's not how the world works. Of course I'll grant that these claims, in a vacuum, would be dubious. We're it in a vacuum, this conversation wouldn't be happening. Like, if we were to hack a computer revealing David Duke was corresponding with Stormfront about fostering racism, you wouldn't assume it was 100% a hoax, right?

You make some valid arguments about how he has handled the newsletter situation, and who knows, maybe he was using racists for his own ends, but that was all 20 years ago! Even if he was actively involved with currying the favor of racists at that time, there is NO CHANCE that he continued doing so after getting back into politics and even less that he continued after deciding to run for president in 2008.
lol. I'd say there's a chance. We have some previously-private communications asserting Ron Paul curried the favor of racists, something he'd done to return to prominence in the past. I'm curious how you'd prove the negative, that there's NO CHANCE he'd do something he'd done before.

And do you understand why we all remain in serious doubt that he actually was knowingly involved in what happened with those newsletters? It has nothing to do with supporting him. It's that other than that isolated event, everything about the man SCREAMS character! All of the people bashing him come off as people who can't believe that anyone in the world is actually honest and have to tear that person down any way they can in order to prove that he's not any better than they are. You seem to think those people are getting under our skins, but in reality, we just see them as very, very sad.
lol @ "isolated event"

[ ] "isolated event"

You really think it was one newsletter once? If it were one newsletter once, I wouldn't be here.


And to jump on this is seriously some WACKY CONSPIRACY ****.
Except where we are at the point of believing that Ron Paul did not merely "passively allow it to go on." We are at the point where the rational conclusion is that he probably actively engaged in it. Neither is the assumption that the newsletters and the correspondence with neo-nazis 20 years later are independent events rational.
02-02-2012 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
We are at the point where the rational conclusion is that he probably actively engaged in it. Neither is the assumption that the newsletters and the correspondence with neo-nazis 20 years later are independent events rational.
I disagree, but it doesn't matter!

Even if that's all true, it doesn't magically turn the rantings of a person who is obviously EXTREMELY INSANE into evidence of ANYTHING. The dude is beyond bonkers. All we know is that this extremely crazy person was telling people that he was going to meet with Ron.

It's also worth noting that these nutjobs have their own presidential candidate... seems kind of redundant if your conspiracy theory is true.
02-02-2012 , 05:54 AM
i just read every reference to paul in that document, along with much of the rest of it

prana, klinker, and wookie's post are all fairly ignorant concerning this topic

its pretty evident that:

-dude is a nutjob
-dude has no real affiliation to the pauls
-dude wants to hitch his whitenews to the 'very real and very big ron paul base'
-dude has no access or coordination with the paul campaign
-at very best the the nutjob kelso was good buddies with this 'bill johnson' who was likely a grass roots paul campaign organizer in a state along with being a racist clown
-these guys really like the plan of hitching themselves to the ron paul revolution

it seems pretty obvious to me that there is no real connection between kelso and ron paul, rand paul, or the paul campaign.

any connection is tenuous at best, and for the most part the 'connection' seems to be fairly similar to my relationship to supermodel kate upton. which is to say we are secretly meant for each other, and when she was winking that time in that ad it was really meant as a secret message to me. also i am head of her fan club. trust me guys, she doesn't feel differently

to sum things up as anonymous did in the preface to that piece, and as prana, klinker, and mr wookie have so far in this thread is pretty disingenuous, ignorant, and pathetic.

i am sure the three of you were clearly convinced that obama is a weather underground operative and that william ayers is bulling some strings inside the white house. oh no? i didn't think so

but i will leave you with this fun quote. it seems ol' doctor paul wasn't quite racist enough for some of the racists back in 2008:
Now it's been
100 years of failure, but - the economic conservative/Libertarian true believer
cult is still with us in 2011. I thought you pegged the 2008 Ron Paul campaign
100% dead on in this podcast - where R.P. punted the South Carolina primary
saying he would set all the Blacks in prison free because the courts
discriminated against them and that he deeply admired Martin Luther King Jr.
so So.Cal Billy Bobs voted for Baptist Preacher the Huckster, military vets went
for McCain. So here it is in 2011/12 and the true believer Libertarian cult is
back with us in the Presidential campaign and it does frustrate me. I apologize
again for any posts here insulting those working on another Ron Paul campaign -
I just get frustrated when our side embraces sure fire losing campaigns.
stupid ron paul, if only he had been more racist as those racists are so sure that he is, then he might have had a chance!
02-02-2012 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM;
All we know is that this extremely crazy person was telling people that he was going to meet with Ron.
[ ] all we know
02-02-2012 , 06:00 AM
You guys really wanna keep doubling down on this one?
02-02-2012 , 06:22 AM
Most of the "Ron Paul is a Racist" comments are those in the military industrial complex, teachers, or living on the government dole. There is another thread for these comments. The biggest racist is Barack Obama, give to the rich home owners and take from the poor homeless. What has Obama done to lower home prices for the poor?
02-02-2012 , 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Asking me to evaluate this particular situation in a vacuum is preposterous. That's not how the world works. Of course I'll grant that these claims, in a vacuum, would be dubious. We're it in a vacuum, this conversation wouldn't be happening. Like, if we were to hack a computer revealing David Duke was corresponding with Stormfront about fostering racism, you wouldn't assume it was 100% a hoax, right?
(quote truncated)
I vehemently disagree.

If we received an anonymous tip that Duke was corresponding with Stormfront, we wouldn't question the validity of the tip because the tip would have no influence on our decision making.
The tip would contain zero information, so contemplating its validity has zero utility. (none of your beliefs about Duke will change if the tip is proven true, or if the tip is proven false)

The Duke analogy aside, I still disagree. You can't easily make a Bayesian argument about Paul being racist.

This is because the probability of a false positive is higher for Paul than it is for a random politician. There are many reasons for false positives - mainly, a massive Zionist conspir-er...I mean...mainly due to the following:
1) Confirmation bias
2) The utility for the hoax-er is greater when he targets RP than a random politician. (this applies to trolls and political types)

Please note, when I use the term "hoax" I don't just mean your standard hoax (like the moon landing). I also include misinterpretations. For instance, finding significance in posts on a white-supremacist web page would be a prime candidate for misinterpretation.

So, although it's tempting on Bayesian grounds to say that Paul has a higher probability of being racist, this doesn't imply that an anonymous tip has a higher probability of being true.

My disagreement doesn't end there, of course.
It's certainly possible that you are consistently a Bayesian. However, I'd like to point out that Bayesian arguments aren't necessarily safe for society or for a debate forum.
For instance, you might dismiss this post on Bayesian grounds if you found a speling error. Bayesian reasoning is very dangerous. It justifies uncivil behavior like ad hominem attacks, and violates many of our basic tenants about democracy / civil discourse.
02-02-2012 , 06:47 AM
To steal a point I read someone else make elsewhere,

"Why would "Anonymous" reveal the mythical ties between a hate group and the politician that "Anonymous" has been protecting/defending for nearly three years now?"

Like seriously, Anonymous is arguably a radical libertarian organization.
02-02-2012 , 07:05 AM
also, in before 'ron paul endorsed bill johnsonfor la superior court!'. until retracting that after some things came to light and the endorsement in the first place was one of many and slipped lizardo's screening

a rp fundraiser was also held at johnson's house at one point, so there is more of a connection than i had initially thought, though the overall message is the same

if there were a real connection between jamie kelso and A3P and ron paul, rand paul, and the paul campaign, then that guy would have had a massive raging hardon over it, and there would be an infinite amount of paul-heart-racism dramabomb info for you guys to gleefully fap over
02-02-2012 , 07:11 AM
Did nazi this coming...

Ron Paul single handedly setting the libertarian movement back a decade or two by making sure that they're branded as being racists.

Of course, the cultist will not give up on their leader but once he's gone it will probably mean the end to the libertarian movement for a long time. It's sad, really.
02-02-2012 , 07:18 AM
i think any real movement that is anti-military industrial complex, anti-fed, anti-corporatism, and pro-civil liberties was going to be effectively snuffed out by the powers that be, so i wouldn't blame ol ron too much

of course i really wish there was a version of him that was younger, better spoken, more pragmatic, less jesus-loving, pro evolution, and didn't pal around with racist scumbags

but i wish a lot of things, like obama not being liar on the campaign trail and not being beholden to the same corporate interests as every other crooked fk that is ruining this country for personal gain
02-02-2012 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by snagglepuss
of course i really wish there was a version of him that was younger, better spoken, more pragmatic, less jesus-loving, pro evolution, and didn't pal around with racist scumbags
That's Gary Johnson. The media did even more to discount him than Ron Paul. The reasons should be obvious.
02-02-2012 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by steelhouse
Most of the "Ron Paul is a Racist" comments are those in the military industrial complex, teachers, or living on the government dole. There is another thread for these comments.
Gentlemen! You can't post about RP here; this is the RP thread!

02-02-2012 , 08:56 AM
Wookie's saying mean things again! Time for a Wookie containment thread
