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Ron Paul 2012 Containment Thread Ron Paul 2012 Containment Thread

08-17-2011 , 12:31 AM
Odds for Republican Nominee (courtesy of Bodog sportsbook)

Rick Perry 7/5

Mitt Romney 2/1

Michele Bachmann 7/1

Jon Hunstman 10/1

Sarah Palin 10/1

Ron Paul 20/1

Rudy Giuliani 30/1

Herman Cain 40/1

Newt Gingrich 40/1

Gary Johnson 50/1

Rick Santorum 50/1

odds are quite similar to what is showing on intrade.

Last edited by Fermion5; 08-17-2011 at 12:53 AM.
08-17-2011 , 12:34 AM
huntsman 10/1 lol
08-17-2011 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by Fermion5
Odds for Republican Nominee (courtesy of Bodog sportsbook)

Rick Perry 7/5

Mitt Romney 2/1

Michele Bachmann 7/1

Jon Hunstman 10/1

Sarah Palin 10/1

Ron Paul 20/1

Rudy Giuliani 30/1

Herman Cain 40/1

Newt Gingrich 40/1

Gary Johnson 50/1

Rick Santorum 50/1

odds are quite similar to what is showing on intrade.
So if I bet $5 million on Ron Paul at 20/1, then donate $50 million to his birthday donation thing, helping him win the nomination, it should be a win/win amirite?
08-17-2011 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by 4Flush
Jon Stewart with the clips from news shows ignoring Ron Paul:
Streisand effect ftw
08-17-2011 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by kurto
I'm surprised Gary Johnson doesn't have more support (at least on this forum). I admit that I don't know him to well but from the one debate I saw with him in it he seemed articulate, libertarian, etc. And he maybe be more electable then RP by virtue of being a little younger, doesn't have the baggage (the accusation of being a racist, for instance), etc.

Is there something about Gary that I don't know that prevents him from getting all the support that libertarians direct towards RP?
From what little I know of Gary Johnson I already probably like him better. Paul has a certain charisma and has been around longer which is probably why he has so much support.
08-17-2011 , 02:00 AM
08-17-2011 , 02:03 AM
The thing with Johnson is he is an unknown quality. How did a libertarian become governor of anything in the first place? Did he actually govern like a libertarian - vetoing every spending bill - or did he compromise and what would he be like as president? Paul you know won't work with the thieves in Congress, it will be game on from day one, every bill that doesn't reduce the size of government vetod, the bully pulpit brought into full bore.
08-17-2011 , 02:14 AM

Watch out the neocons and cfr sobs, along with all the right wing government types are after him now. No chance to talk on Fox after the straw poll, here is the reason. Rick Perry is the false flag, to pick a teabagger from Texas to take votes.
08-17-2011 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by DMACM
From what little I know of Gary Johnson I already probably like him better. Paul has a certain charisma and has been around longer which is probably why he has so much support.
If you don't get invited to the debates this is what happens. CNN/Fox pick your poison. You have to get top two in Iowa or New Hampshire or you are done.
08-17-2011 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by Sholar
From context, I thought it was clear that I was referring to modifying the law. I can't tell whether you think that is also absurd, or whether you are just ascribing to me a much more radical position.
That was indeed clear. It was also absurd. The belief that abortion is murder does not require or even remotely imply the belief that murder cases should be prosecuted by the federal government. The two ideas are separate and distinct.
08-17-2011 , 02:29 AM
Ron Paul on the Alan Colmes Show (8/16/11)
Ron Paul also addresses the Jon Stewart segment about him, possibility of a Kucinich VP, and running as a third party.
08-17-2011 , 02:48 AM
Thank you Jon ****ing Stewart.
08-17-2011 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by FallsviewPokerPro
The thing with Johnson is he is an unknown quality. How did a libertarian become governor of anything in the first place? Did he actually govern like a libertarian - vetoing every spending bill - or did he compromise and what would he be like as president? Paul you know won't work with the thieves in Congress, it will be game on from day one, every bill that doesn't reduce the size of government vetod, the bully pulpit brought into full bore.

Gary Johnson vetoed more bills than all other governors combined.

In an interview in Reason Magazine in January 2001, Johnson's accomplishments in office were described as follows: "no tax increases in six years, a major road building program, shifting Medicaid to managed care, constructing two new private prisons, canning 1,200 state employees, and vetoing a record number of bills."[23]

Andrew Sullivan quoted a claim that Johnson "is highly regarded in the state for his outstanding leadership during two terms as governor. He slashed the size of state government during his term and left the state with a large budget surplus."[37] According to one New Mexico paper, "Johnson left the state fiscally solid," and was "arguably the most popular governor of the decade . . . leaving the state with a $1 billion budget surplus."[38] The Washington Times has reported that when Johnson left office, "the size of state government had been substantially reduced and New Mexico was enjoying a large budget surplus."[25]

According to a profile of Johnson in the National Review, "During his tenure, he vetoed more bills than the other 49 governors combined — 750 in total, one third of which had been introduced by Republican legislators. Johnson also used his line-item-veto power thousands of times. He credits his heavy veto pen for eliminating New Mexico's budget deficit and cutting the growth rate of New Mexico's government in half."[39] Johnson has "said his numerous vetoes, only two of which were overridden, stemmed from his philosophy of looking at all things for their cost-benefit ratio and his axe fell on Republicans as well as Democrats."
08-17-2011 , 03:32 AM
If new Hampshire is indeed as libertarian as I have read it is, shouldn't Ron Paul be a shoe in there?
08-17-2011 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
If new Hampshire is indeed as libertarian as I have read it is, shouldn't Ron Paul be a shoe in there?
Dunno what you read, but it's probably not as libertarian as you've read it is. Austin is better.

I once talked someone who lived in NH into moving to Austin. He claims not to regret the decision.

08-17-2011 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
If new Hampshire is indeed as libertarian as I have read it is, shouldn't Ron Paul be a shoe in there?

We thought this last time around too....I'll never forget the gut-wrenching, soul-crushing feeling when I first saw the results of the new Hampshire primary that night.

Live free or die my a****** I believe was my response.

We will do better this time for sure, but we need to do A LOT better, and that is still very much in the air. I still don't think we've hit the critical mass we need to have a strong enough showing there.
08-17-2011 , 03:40 AM
He got waffle crushed in NH in '08.

Gary Johnson supports torture!

p.s. i had to dig really hard to find any dirt on Johnson. He even admitted to smoking pot! I really like this guy.
08-17-2011 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by FallsviewPokerPro
Gary Johnson supports torture!

p.s. i had to dig really hard to find any dirt on Johnson. He even admitted to smoking pot! I really like this guy.
Why would you dig to find dirt on Johnson and then grossly misrepresent his position?
08-17-2011 , 03:45 AM
Are you saying that I put on a Gary Johnson mask and went on Freedom Watch?
08-17-2011 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by Spladle
Dunno what you read, but it's probably not as libertarian as you've read it is. Austin is better.

I once talked someone who lived in NH into moving to Austin. He claims not to regret the decision.


Well I read here on this forum somewhere I think that New Hampshire has a lot of libertarians or something along those lines.

The difference between New Hampshire and Austin though is New Hampshire is a state, where as Austin is just a city. Austin is almost like a little socially liberal island in the middle of a very conservative state. I really really liked Austin a lot, and really liked all the things I heard about it, and really liked all my experiences and all the people there.

As for the rest of Texas though ... well, that's a different story
08-17-2011 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by FallsviewPokerPro
Are you saying that I put on a Gary Johnson mask and went on Freedom Watch?
It should be obvious that I'm saying grudging acceptance of Guantanamo Bay's existence is not the same as supporting torture. Continue to play dumb and I'll be forced to conclude that you actually are.

You didn't answer the first part of my question btw.
08-17-2011 , 03:59 AM
new hampshire historically has some libertarian idealogy "live free or die" on the licence plates, and being a small state a relatively small number of political activists could make a decent dent in the outcomes of elections there, which inspired the free state project in 2001, which has been mostly fail with some success
Those who join the Free State Project sign a statement of intent to move to New Hampshire within five years of the group reaching 20,000 participants or some other trigger selected by participants. As of June 2011, around 900 FSP participants live in NH.[2] Approximately 11,000 people have signed the FSP statement of intent.[3] In 2010, at least 12 Free Staters were elected to the New Hampshire House of Representatives.[4]
08-17-2011 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by Spladle
It should be obvious that I'm saying grudging acceptance of Guantanamo Bay's existence is not the same as supporting torture. Continue to play dumb and I'll be forced to conclude that you actually are.

You didn't answer the first part of my question btw.
Pretty sure they torture at Gitmo. Gotta flank em from the freedom side of things.
