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Rocky "March"iano NC thread Rocky "March"iano NC thread

03-15-2012 , 02:47 PM
LOL social conservatives. Wrong about everything since, well, forever.
03-15-2012 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Jonaspublius
1. The right statute to overturn Roe by is waiting, if not several versions.

2. You have no idea what went on to make it 7-2. Politics and elections do sway the courts. Thomas and Scalia will overturn Roe in the right circumstance.
With another conservative it could conceivably be 6-3.

3. States' rights is gaining traction, as is the 10th amendment, after years in the wilderness as the preserve of racists and wingnuts. Whether the racists and wingnuts are in power, or just afraid of them, you can decide for yourself.

4. Scalia and Thomas are getting close to retirement/croaking age, and the next right wing pres may be their last shot at a legacy.

5. The lower courts are stacked with antiabortion zealots ready to hand a decision to the Court to curry favor for office or appointment.

Romney AND Santorum both will feel huge pressure to use the Oval Office to promote the antiabortion lobby. It is the single most important Republican issue, unless you want to go with the racehating on Obama. If a vacancy opens, and Romney doesn't put a zealot in, he will face a primary, 100%, and a challenge as strong as Ford had in 76.

If you think Personhood, vaginal probe rape, and birth control denial are just skirmishes, youre deluding yourself. The abortion voters have won the party, and they aren't going to let up.
so no evidence that they're one judge away, but more stupid scaremongering. Got it.
03-15-2012 , 02:48 PM
My daughter - who does her best to keep me informed about web sites - showed me a new one.

Consists of people listing things that they hope for Barack Obama. Some are cute, some funny, some sarcastic.

Here's one I consider pretty thoughtful:

I hope when Barack Obama orders a cookie dough Blizzard, all of the cookie dough bits are just small enough to fit through the straw and none of them plug it up.
So, is this type of website new, or just new to me?
03-15-2012 , 02:50 PM
nah, texts from bennett (THANKS SNAGGLE IT PROBABLY ISNT REAL!) and gs elevator gossip are pretty similar.
03-15-2012 , 02:50 PM
Do you have pvn on ignore because that's the only other thing he posts besides the pear.
03-15-2012 , 03:01 PM

Britain's England and Wales coalition is finally making inroads on their promised move to allow gay people to call themselves married in England and Wales (Scotland already has that devolved power and i guess Northern Ireland does too).

For the record civil partnerships which offer equal rights but not the name "marriage" are already legal and fully accepted. They seem to have struck a weird compromise that means religious groups that want to marry gay people cant do so but i think its better to take this small step now and then take that next step another couple years down the line that risk getting nothing now if that is how the expected votes line up.

"Put simply, it's not right that a couple who love each other and want to formalise a commitment to each other should be denied the right to marry," said Home Secretary Theresa May and Equalities Minister Lynne Featherstone in a joint preface to the consultation.

Featherstone told the Independent: "There is no rolling back whatsoever. The essential question is not whether we are going to introduce same-sex civil marriage but how."

The government proposes allowing civil marriages between same-sex couples, and enabling transsexual people to change their legal gender without having to end their marriage or civil partnership.

But it does not propose to allow religious gay marriages or to allow mixed-sex couples to enter into civil partnerships.
Prime Minister David Cameron has strongly backed gay marriage despite significant opposition from within his own Conservative Party. Reports said MPs of the ruling coalition would be allowed to vote with their consciences when the issue reached parliament.

The Labour opposition said the plans should go further and allow groups such as Quakers and Unitarians, who want to conduct religious gay marriage ceremonies, to do so.
Proof if ever it were needed that politics can create weird bedfellows and i still dont get how this compromise got thought up. Hopefully its just removed in committee anyway after they start working out if they have the votes to allow voluntary religious gay marriage to be legalised.

The most senior Catholic in Scotland, Cardinal Keith Michael Patrick O'Brien, referred to gay marriage as "a grotesque subversion of a universally acknowledged human right".
Oh Catholic leaders, at least you are consistent.
03-15-2012 , 06:47 PM
btw, instead of making up bull**** reasons to vote for obama, how bout voting for the only time the government is remotely accountable? Aka, when its split?

Republicans will likely control the Senate, probably the house. Vote Obama for split government!
03-15-2012 , 08:12 PM
Hooray gridlock!
03-16-2012 , 05:55 PM
'This American Life' gets caught making **** up.

Please get Ira Glass off my NPR forever.
03-16-2012 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
btw, instead of making up bull**** reasons to vote for obama, how bout voting for the only time the government is remotely accountable? Aka, when its split?

Republicans will likely control the Senate, probably the house. Vote Obama for split government!
This was only a good strategy when parties were responsible enough that there wasn't a real risk that the government would default on the national debt in a fit of pique and inane ideological fervor.
03-16-2012 , 06:01 PM
There was never a real risk of that happening. Ever.
03-16-2012 , 06:11 PM
What are you basing that on? I agree it's unlikely, but how certain can you really be?
03-16-2012 , 06:28 PM
Call the hate police.

03-16-2012 , 06:47 PM
Your point in posting that vid is... what, exactly? Don't be niggardly in sharing your motivations.
03-16-2012 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Your point in posting that vid is... what, exactly? Don't be niggardly, please, in sharing your motivations.

Anyway, yeah, does the steam know the etymology of "niggardly?"
03-16-2012 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by the steam
Call the hate police.
Not sure if serious...
03-16-2012 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie

Anyway, yeah, does the steam know the etymology of "niggardly?"
Quick plug for the iPhone, but I being able to highlight words like "etymology" and "niggardly", click "define" and a dictionary pops up to the front.

Very very nice IMO
03-16-2012 , 09:32 PM
03-16-2012 , 09:53 PM
Yeah I am still pissed about Mizzou.
03-16-2012 , 10:02 PM
Yeah, both of my brackets got wrecked by the d00k and Mizzou losses.
03-16-2012 , 10:03 PM
So, just because I happen to be in middle-eastern PA everything around me has turned into some orgasm of Lehigh. It's really quite annoying because most of these morons couldn't give two ****s about that school like ever and have no association with it whatsoever. Hell, the only reason most of them know about it is because the Eagles have their preseason camp there.

Am I supposed to be all excited about them beating Duke just because they're in my general vicinity?
03-16-2012 , 10:12 PM
^Seems like a cheap high.
03-16-2012 , 10:47 PM
03-16-2012 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
What are you basing that on?
The duh test. No one was ever going to allow the country to go into default.
03-17-2012 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Your point in posting that vid is... what, exactly? Don't be niggardly in sharing your motivations.
Remember the guy who got fired? It was all over the news and called "niggardlygate".
