Originally Posted by einbert
Seems to me there is quite a substantial difference between a few members of Antifa deciding to non-peacefully shut down a Milo speaking engagement (something we liberals could do nothing about by the way, demonstrators at the protest yelled at these black-masks to stop but they seemed like they were there to cause trouble) and the Senate shutting down Elizabeth Warren reading MLK's widow's letter because they got their feelings hurt. Anarchists and morons like Antifa, we expect to do things like that and we shouldn't be particularly surprised when they happen--that's what those kinds of groups do. But you would really think The U.S. Senate would rise slightly higher than that.
There is also the matter that Milo was trying to out undocumented and LGBT students at his speaking engagement, which can in its own way be considered a form of violence. So yeah. Anyway there are plenty of threads to talk about Milo, we have better things to talk about in The Resistance thread so FoldN you can kindly take your crap elsewhere please and thank you.
Well, I'm glad you think violently stopping political speech is a no-no. Seeing lot's of condemnation of that here, which is the right move. So, yes, that is something you can do. Stand up for liberalism, and don't be like the many posters in here who love licking the balls of the "anti-fascist" regulars in this forum. I use quotes, because these guys clearly use that banner to justify violence and suppression of any ideas they dislike.
For example, after spending a few weeks now in the Milo thread in Pv7, boy have I learned a lot about Milo. His tactics do seem to work, everyone is talking about him. He's been called a fascist repeatedly, yet nowhere has any evidence been presented to justify that claim. He seems pretty terrible, but not a fascist.
Lately, I've heard two provocative claims. Someone in here said Milo has advocated for genocide. Evidence to that effect would convince me he's fascist, so please link. He's also widely criticized for attempting to out undocumented immigrants, another charge lacking sources that appears designed to justify violence. It would seem that if outing immigrants were a thing, someone ought to be able to dig up a list from the depths of the deplorosphere somewhere. Yet I've seen no evidence even the creamy white supremacist center of the alt right have stooped so low. Strange.
I do see
lists of fascists like Milo on the antifa website, there to be "protested", cartoon frogs on lists, and even
moderate Muslim reformers on lists that put them in actual danger of Islamofascist retribution. So many lists.