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Rand Paul for Senate 2010 Rand Paul for Senate 2010

04-21-2010 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by istewart

I'm sure you realize that Ron Paul's constituents once he's in office won't be this forum, but instead the backwater ******ed rednecks that comprise the Texas Republican Party. I eagerly await him demanding Obama pull out of Afghanistan though imo, sure it will be a fun watch!
04-21-2010 , 06:10 PM
Yeah, brilliant edit. It makes total sense now imo. Except for the part where Rand Paul's campaign strategists obviously made the calculated decision that he couldn't win election by running on a platform like his Dad's (with the alternative explanation being that he actually believes in the standard GOP line on foreign policy). And the part where Ron Paul could never win a Senate election in Texas unless he changed his platform.

I mean, the bottom line is that the representative will generally reflect the constituents. It's why Scott Brown is in a tough spot on basically every vote. If Rand Paul wants to go balls to the wall with drug legalization and troop withdrawals and Medicare cuts, etc., he'll have a short career in Kentucky.
04-21-2010 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by istewart
If Rand Paul wants to go balls to the wall with drug legalization and troop withdrawals and Medicare cuts, etc., he'll have a short career in Kentucky.
IDK, Kentucky is king when it comes to pot farming.
04-21-2010 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by istewart
Yeah, brilliant edit. It makes total sense now imo. Except for the part where Rand Paul's campaign strategists obviously made the calculated decision that he couldn't win election by running on a platform like his Dad's (with the alternative explanation being that he actually believes in the standard GOP line on foreign policy). And the part where Ron Paul could never win a Senate election in Texas unless he changed his platform.

I mean, the bottom line is that the representative will generally reflect the constituents. It's why Scott Brown is in a tough spot on basically every vote. If Rand Paul wants to go balls to the wall with drug legalization and troop withdrawals and Medicare cuts, etc., he'll have a short career in Kentucky.
You're sorta right but not really. It's not like the electorate gets to pick from a smorgasbord of all possible options - they get to pick from two in most cases or maybe a handful at most.

Oh and then there's the matter of incumbents winning over 95% of the time. Winning the second time is about a million times easier than winning the first time.
04-22-2010 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
IDK, Kentucky is queen when it comes to pot farming.
NoCal is Always Top in Pot.
04-22-2010 , 04:56 PM
He started airing a commercial with Sarah Palin, at It's now featured on his campaign's site.
04-22-2010 , 06:29 PM
ya, i gotta a letter from him yesterday asking me for mo' money. i'm gonna write back that i don't donate money to neocons sry rand
04-22-2010 , 06:35 PM
OMG Taso. He's not a Neo-Con. Neither am I btw. I take offense that you called me one the other day.
04-22-2010 , 10:17 PM
Ya, I know. His rhetoric is pretty close, though. His rhetoric is what Fly claims the Tea Party is (minus the racism).

04-22-2010 , 10:18 PM
Basically I agree with Taso here. Not that Paul is a neocon, but that the foreign policy is basically a dealbreaker when it comes to donations.
04-22-2010 , 10:22 PM
foreign policy, and, "TERRORISTS don't deserve a fair trial" or whatever.

****ing so offensive. Well, okay, yeah, "terrorists" don't. And by terrorists, I mean people already convicted of terrorism. Because that's the only way our government would know they were terrorists. You know, because we have a legal system in this country based off of something more than the decree of the tyrants?

How can a libertarian say something so stupid, it is beyond me. And so its hard for me to see him as a libertarian, or see his rhetoric as libertarian, anyways. The ACCUSED don't deserve a fair trial. Jesus.

/angry nearly incoherent rambling
04-23-2010 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by Taso
foreign policy, and, "TERRORISTS don't deserve a fair trial" or whatever.

****ing so offensive. Well, okay, yeah, "terrorists" don't. And by terrorists, I mean people already convicted of terrorism. Because that's the only way our government would know they were terrorists. You know, because we have a legal system in this country based off of something more than the decree of the tyrants?

How can a libertarian say something so stupid, it is beyond me. And so its hard for me to see him as a libertarian, or see his rhetoric as libertarian, anyways. The ACCUSED don't deserve a fair trial. Jesus.

/angry nearly incoherent rambling
Sadly, it's too easy to throw this into an attack ad. "Taso doesn't think the detainees at Guantanamo Bay are terrorists. So what does he think the planners behind 9/11 are? Heroes?"
04-23-2010 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by The 13th 4postle
OMG Taso. He's not a Neo-Con. Neither am I btw. I take offense that you called me one the other day.
He's sounding more and more like one every day.
04-23-2010 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Nichlemn
Sadly, it's too easy to throw this into an attack ad. "Taso doesn't think the detainees at Guantanamo Bay are terrorists. So what does he think the planners behind 9/11 are? Heroes?"
04-23-2010 , 12:38 PM
Republican Primary Candidates Debate live right now.

OMG at some of these other candidates. LOL. Wow.
04-23-2010 , 12:43 PM
ewww, so the "big endorsement" Rand's campaign manager has twittered awhile back was sarah palin?

well i guess it will atleast give him a lock for the GOP nom.
04-23-2010 , 12:45 PM
I think the "big endorsement" was Jim Bunning more than Sarah Palin.
04-23-2010 , 12:45 PM
LOL at this old man in the debate with Rand Paul and Trey Greyson.
04-23-2010 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by The 13th 4postle
I think the "big endorsement" was Jim Bunning more than Sarah Palin.
Who is Jim Bunning?
04-23-2010 , 12:47 PM
the guuy currently holding the seat rand is running for. he's retiring.
04-23-2010 , 01:36 PM
was he named after Ayn Rand?
04-23-2010 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by BurningSquirrel
was he named after Ayn Rand?
04-23-2010 , 01:57 PM
is the debate still going on?
04-23-2010 , 07:38 PM
I donated a small amount for the lulz to screenshot my name on the main page.
04-25-2010 , 02:38 AM
Trey Grayson and Rand Paul exchange uglies at a press conference
