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Rand Paul for Senate 2010 Rand Paul for Senate 2010

07-22-2009 , 01:17 PM
Rand Paul on The Alex Jones Show Thursday July 23 1PM Central

Any news is good news I guess.....
07-22-2009 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by The 13th 4postle
In the quest for libertarian legitimacy to the masses, one thing libertarian leaning candidates for public office hoping to attain high offices might want to do in the future is stop going on Alex Jones show.
07-22-2009 , 01:26 PM
srsly. **** alex jones. **** him in the ass. wtf is rand paul going onto that idiot's show for.
07-27-2009 , 05:03 PM
GOP Sen. Bunning won’t run for re-election in 2010

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Republican Sen. Jim Bunning of Kentucky announced Monday he won’t seek re-election in 2010.

In a statement issued by his office, the former professional baseball pitcher said he has been unable to raise enough money to run an effective campaign, adding: “For this reason, I will not be a candidate for re-election in 2010.”

“To win a general election, a candidate has to be able to raise millions of dollars to get the message out to voters,” the statement said. “Over the past year, some of the leaders of the Republican Party in the Senate have done everything in their power to dry up my fundraising. The simple fact is that I have not raised the funds necessary to run an effective campaign for the U.S. Senate.”
07-27-2009 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
srsly. **** alex jones. **** him in the ass. wtf is rand paul going onto that idiot's show for.
Why is Alex Jones an idiot? And why has smart guy like Rand Paul not picked up on it?
07-27-2009 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by The 13th 4postle
I think if anything this will consolidate Grayson's support. Grayson will be much harder to take out than Bunning. Now if David Williams gets in, then we might be able to talk.
07-27-2009 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
srsly. **** alex jones. **** him in the ass. wtf is rand paul going onto that idiot's show for.

I already wrote to him about it. I doesnt matter how good the interveiw is or what he has to say, Alex Jones taints him w/ the truther conspiracy nut blight and its just not worth it.

Last edited by NeBlis; 07-27-2009 at 07:58 PM. Reason: wait... if Taso says "F someone in the A" is that good or bad??? i am confused
07-27-2009 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by ALawPoker
Why is Alex Jones an idiot? And why has smart guy like Rand Paul not picked up on it?
he is a conspiracy nut and a perfect weapon for Rands opposition to use against him. Case in point his fathers POTUS bid was tarnished by the truthers and various prisonplanet dimwits.
07-27-2009 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by neblis
Case in point his fathers POTUS bid was tarnished by the truthers and various prisonplanet dimwits.
What exactly makes the case? That RP lost? I don't understand the metric that shows "RP's bid was tarnished by X people."

What do you know that RP and RaP don't know? Do you think they're confused about what really happened on September 11th, or do you think they agree with you that AJ is a nut and they go on his show anyways?
07-27-2009 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by ALawPoker
Do you think they're confused about what really happened on September 11th, or do you think they agree with you that AJ is a nut and they go on his show anyways?
im not sure but I do know that going on AJs show is a big political mistake.
07-27-2009 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by ALawPoker
What exactly makes the case? That RP lost? I don't understand the metric that shows "RP's bid was tarnished by X people."

What do you know that RP and RaP don't know? Do you think they're confused about what really happened on September 11th, or do you think they agree with you that AJ is a nut and they go on his show anyways?
if they agree with AJ then they should not go on his show, or ever talk about conspiracy ****, because that guarantees they don't get elected.
07-27-2009 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by NeBlis
im not sure but I do know that going on AJs show is a big political mistake.
Is calling for an abolition of the income tax and an end to the empire/federal reserve system a political mistake?
07-27-2009 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
if they agree with AJ then they should not go on his show, or ever talk about conspiracy ****, because that guarantees they don't get elected.
That doesn't answer any of the quoted questions (or the one I asked you earlier).

However, Ron Paul is a sitting congressman.
07-27-2009 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by ALawPoker
Is calling for an abolition of the income tax and an end to the empire/federal reserve system a political mistake?
no IMO
07-27-2009 , 09:42 PM
i'm not saying that RP lost the Presidency because he went on the AJ show. I'm saying one should not expect to win a big election if one goes onto a show with a known conspiracy theorist.
07-27-2009 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
i'm not saying that RP lost the Presidency because he went on the AJ show. I'm saying one should not expect to win a big election if one seems to be a supporter of a known conspiracy theorist.
07-28-2009 , 01:20 AM
Rand rocks.

Its so strange that electing senators has gone from state legislatures to what is now essentially a national campaign. Sure, you have to live in the particularly state to vote, but lots of monies come from all over the country.

I sent some already. I'll send more when he makes an official announcement.
07-28-2009 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Taso
i'm not saying that RP lost the Presidency because he went on the AJ show.
You weren't accused of saying that. ??

I'm saying one should not expect to win a big election if one goes onto a show with a known conspiracy theorist.
Maybe this is accurate, but I don't know why it's relevant or what your point is. (I'm still wondering, i.e., why AJ is stupid.)
07-28-2009 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by ALawPoker
(I'm still wondering, i.e., why AJ is stupid.)
if you have listen to him you already have your answer. Just because he is right 50-75% of the time does not excuse the insanely embarrassing other 50-25%. He hurts much more than he helps.

think back to before the conspiracy ghetto thread, everytime certain posters would write an OP you wondered what level of damage control you were going to have to do just to keep the jeering and laughter of the statists to a dull roar, so we could discuss issues rather than the Art Bell qualities of the OP.

AJ gives the opposition ample ammo to distract from the real issues at hand, They can just attack his horrible ideas rather than confront the ones they cannot counter.
07-28-2009 , 01:09 PM

alaw, imo, this comes down to what we were discussing in the other thread - how you didn't think it made any sense to introduce people to ACism slowly because they should just hear the truth right away. I have no idea if the 9/11 conspiracy **** is true, but I do know that, just like talking about anarchism puts 90% of the country off, so does talking about 9/11 conspiracies. All this stuff does is just push people away from us who might have otherwise been friendly towards our ideas. This is why when talking to a non-libertarian, I will never identify myself as an ACist.
07-28-2009 , 01:44 PM
I when we agree sweetums xxoxo
07-28-2009 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
Do you want to just answer the question? Why do you think Alex Jones is stupid? (Or should I assume Neblis's post is your words?)

I have no idea if the 9/11 conspiracy **** is true, but I do know that, just like talking about anarchism puts 90% of the country off, so does talking about 9/11 conspiracies
That still doesn't shed light on why AJ is stupid or a nut. For example, is someone who talks about anarchism stupid? All you're saying here is that you think other peoples' reactions are important. So again, I don't see the relevancy to what I asked you.

This is why when talking to a non-libertarian, I will never identify myself as an ACist.
Similarly, I don't believe Alex Jones identifies himself as "a 9/11 conspiracy theorist" when he talks to people. So I don't see the relevance of this either.
07-28-2009 , 02:30 PM
I don't know what this part has to do with anything, but anyways:
alaw, imo, this comes down to what we were discussing in the other thread - how you didn't think it made any sense to introduce people to ACism slowly because they should just hear the truth right away.
I never said "people should hear the truth right away" or "it doesn't make sense to introduce people to AC slowly." (Actually, I did suggest you don't waste time talking to these people about political theory at all -- which is the slowest way to possibly "introduce them to ACism.") My point over there was, simply, that saying something you don't think is accurate is not a practical way to show someone what you think is accurate. And then you disagreed.

How you spend your time and what things you talk about with people is subjective, and not a matter of "sense."

(If you'd like to talk about that again, feel free, but please don't attribute arguments to me that I never made.)
07-28-2009 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by ALawPoker
That still doesn't shed light on why AJ is stupid or a nut. For example, is someone who talks about anarchism stupid?
ACism is actually possible, whereas the the idea that our government could come close to pulling off what the truthers think is beyond laughable. And the 911 stuff is on the lighter side of the garbage he spouts.

Similarly, I don't believe Alex Jones identifies himself as "a 9/11 conspiracy theorist" when he talks to people. So I don't see the relevance of this either.
While im sure he doesnt come up to people and say "Hi I'm a flaming nutbar" Anyone who knows who he is automatically identifies him as such, and anyone that wants to learn who he is finds this out automatically also.
07-28-2009 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by NeBlis
While im sure he doesnt come up to people and say "Hi I'm a flaming nutbar" Anyone who knows who he is automatically identifies him as such, and anyone that wants to learn who he is finds this out automatically also.
You missed the point. (The same deduction is there when someone is an anarchist, whether or not he announces that he is one.)

But anyways since I apparently fit into the "flaming nutbar" category, please put me on ignore and stop wasting your time replying. Nothing to see here.
