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President Obama Throws Down The Gauntlet President Obama Throws Down The Gauntlet

11-22-2011 , 12:53 PM
Yea, like I would even open a link from Rolling Stone on politics
11-22-2011 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Former DJ
The strategy of both parties is to "let the voters decide" in 2012 by, presumably, electing members of their party in droves and then the triumphant party - having taken over both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency - proceeds to force their "solution" onto the American people. If the Republicans win the trifecta, they proceed to cut their way to nirvana - with not one dime of tax or revenue increases.
lol were you not alive in 2000-2006 when the republicans had control of the presidency and both houses of Congress and proceeded to go on an unprecedented orgy of unfunded pork spending and costly popular programs like Medicare PT D, while cutting taxes at the same time?

Man it must be nice to establish a stereotype of yourself as the small govt waste-cutters, knowing that your low-information-voter base will never believe otherwise now matter how much you raise spending, cut taxes for your rich buddies, and bloat the deficit.
11-22-2011 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by caseycjc
Yea, like I would even open a link from Rolling Stone on politics
Thanks for demonstrating the mechanism that allows the republicans to keep their stereo type as the small govt champion of the little guy, despite doing the exact opposite.

Should be pretty easy to refute Rolling Stone if they're full of **** no? I've seen that article posted in multiple forums now, and so far the only republi-bot response I've seen to it is to just keep mum and wait for it to go away.
11-22-2011 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
lol were you not alive in 2000-2006 when the republicans had control of the presidency and both houses of Congress and proceeded to go on an unprecedented orgy of unfunded pork spending and costly popular programs like Medicare PT D, while cutting taxes at the same time?

Man it must be nice to establish a stereotype of yourself as the small govt waste-cutters, knowing that your low-information-voter base will never believe otherwise now matter how much you raise spending, cut taxes for your rich buddies, and bloat the deficit.
Which Obama has raised to new levels.
11-22-2011 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by ogallalabob
Which Obama has raised to new levels.
jfc stop trying to pretend either party is better or worse than the other, they are both super duper awful
11-22-2011 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by ogallalabob
Which Obama has raised to new levels.
as much as I hate to agree with suzzer99, at least he isnt a hypocrite. Republitards are hypocritical *******s who spout off about limited/smaller government, and then grow the **** out of it (Reagan included). At least Obama isn't being two-faced about the stunts he is pulling.
11-22-2011 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
jfc stop trying to pretend either party is better or worse than the other, they are both super duper awful
Most intelligent statement I've read in the politics forum like ever.
11-22-2011 , 01:25 PM
gdp in Jan 09 was what -6.5 we lost what a million jobs the month obama took oath, and that winter 08-09 before any obama policies could go into effect, we lost what 5 million jobs? this is what a decade of republican fiscal policy got us. so he got a depression. obama passed a modest stimulus 1/3 of which was tax cuts and every credible public or private study says it created or saved 2-5 million jobs, auto industry saved and credit crunch eased, the recession ended we have had a like 20 str8 months of private sector growth.

now with republicans dead set on defeating obama and threatening default and world wide economic factors against him and cutting public sector jobs and cutting spending at a time of record low interest its no wonder we arent recovering fully. its sabotage for political gain. and dont tell me the parties are the same. and save me your randian AC fantasy libertarian dream world. we have economists in the country that dont teach at utah state or denver community college but rather harvard and yale and they tend to agree that u are stupid.
11-22-2011 , 01:42 PM
kilt them pirates kilt bin laden kilt quadafi now he comin for mittens
11-22-2011 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Should be pretty easy to refute Rolling Stone if they're full of **** no? I've seen that article posted in multiple forums now, and so far the only republi-bot response I've seen to it is to just keep mum and wait for it to go away.
It's an atack piece written by a very liberal author. That skews facts, language and quotes to his very liberal leanings.

Is anyone shocked that the richest 400 americans tax rate is pretty well the capital gains rate. But why use that as the cut off? After all it claims the party of the 1%. Where is the stats on the 1%? could it be that most of the 1% is closer to 30% and then you might have to talk about the bottom 46%. It also ignores all the corporate taxes that were paid before they recieved that money.

It does not talk about that Bush lowered the taxes for everyone. That Obama has furthered lowered those taxes for the middle income lower tax brackets. That Obama agreed to extend those rates for everyone. If revenue is so important then why is that not equally wrong or the Dems equally to blame for agreeing to the extension.

It does not mention any spending or problems with goverment spending just assumes all the spending is necessary and the bill need to be paid. It fails to mention that that no Dem proposal for tax increases would allow all the bills to be paid.

Blames the debt deal on Reps and gives the Dems a pass. It was all Republicans fault, we could have had a 4 trillion deal. Yeah right. the parties still can not agree on 1 trillion in cuts, but this article acts like they would have agreeed on 3 trillion if it were not for the Reps refusal to raise taxes. That is real in depth reporting. Why then is it not the Dems fault if they agreed 3 trillion could be trimmed by just not agreeing to get rid of these wasteful spenditures?
11-22-2011 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
gdp in Jan 09 was what -6.5 we lost what a million jobs the month obama took oath, and that winter 08-09 before any obama policies could go into effect, we lost what 5 million jobs? this is what a decade of republican fiscal policy got us. so he got a depression. obama passed a modest stimulus 1/3 of which was tax cuts and every credible public or private study says it created or saved 2-5 million jobs, auto industry saved and credit crunch eased, the recession ended we have had a like 20 str8 months of private sector growth.

now with republicans dead set on defeating obama and threatening default and world wide economic factors against him and cutting public sector jobs and cutting spending at a time of record low interest its no wonder we arent recovering fully. its sabotage for political gain. and dont tell me the parties are the same. and save me your randian AC fantasy libertarian dream world. we have economists in the country that dont teach at utah state or denver community college but rather harvard and yale and they tend to agree that u are stupid.
Wow,such keen economic advice ITT. The leaders of Greece are nodding their heads furiously in agreement.
11-22-2011 , 01:54 PM
cause greece=usa and raising the marginal rates on millionaires 3% and some low interest borrowing and spending on cops and roads in a depression is just oh so radical. thought anatta said to spare him from stupid people.

what do i expect talking to people who think fdr extended the great depression through government spending and it only ended with WW2 which was funded by what church bake sales. use greece instead of 1990's japan or 2011 data on stimulus or any other data the real economists at real schools look at.

Last edited by anatta; 11-22-2011 at 02:00 PM.
11-22-2011 , 02:00 PM
anatta spitting the hot fire as usual
11-22-2011 , 02:07 PM
to say nothing about the merits of annata's poasts, I can't be the only one absolutely floored that anatta apparently follows politics
11-22-2011 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by The 13th 4postle
I like that President Obama is threatening a Veto for trying to get around sequestration. We finally get a decrease in spending...

Too bad Obama didn't threaten a veto beforehand, probably would have gotten a deal from Super Committee.
He did do that.
11-22-2011 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
now with republicans dead set on defeating obama and threatening default and world wide economic factors against him and cutting public sector jobs and cutting spending at a time of record low interest its no wonder we arent recovering fully. its sabotage for political gain. and dont tell me the parties are the same. and save me your randian AC fantasy libertarian dream world. we have economists in the country that dont teach at utah state or denver community college but rather harvard and yale and they tend to agree that u are stupid.

Oops not all Harvard and Yale economist agreed with Obama.
11-22-2011 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
to say nothing about the merits of annata's poasts, I can't be the only one absolutely floored that anatta apparently follows politics
There's been quite a bit of crossover between SE and Politics lately. Clark's made some appearances, Bitchface was here for a while, and plenty others.
11-22-2011 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Former DJ
The vaunted “Super Committee” fails to come up with a budget cutting agreement. Within moments of the announcement of their failure, President Obama strolls into the Brady Briefing Room in the White House and sternly announces that any attempt (by the Republicans) to get around sequestration will be met with a veto. This “response” was planned in advance, but President Obama has thrown down the gauntlet. Obama and the Republicans are now playing a game of political chicken. Both sides have decided to roll the dice and gamble on the outcome of the next election – hoping that they’ll gain enough seats in the Congress (and the White House) to force their “solution” onto the American people.

This development ensures three outcomes. First, there will be another downgrade of the United States credit rating by at least one of the major credit rating agencies. Second, and even more ominous, the odds of some kind of crisis in the financial markets are now greatly increased as the bond vigilantes will panic trying to force the politicians to act. Third, the odds of a third party challenger for the Presidency are now virtually guaranteed. A candidacy by somebody like Michael Bloomberg suddenly becomes extremely viable. There are other consequences of this political showdown, but these are the three main ones.

Former DJ
Why are you saying this as fact? If the triggers are removed I think that's right, and there's a chance that Fitch my downgrade, but its far from a certainty, particularly if Obama will really veto ways around the trigger. A second downgrade is problem and would dwarf the other consequences in all likelihood, but you cant say its definitely going to happen.
11-22-2011 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
cause greece=usa and raising the marginal rates on millionaires 3% and some low interest borrowing and spending on cops and roads in a depression is just oh so radical. thought anatta said to spare him from stupid people.
I see anatta doesn't respect the education provided by institutions such as Utah or Denver community college but I bet they both have intro to economics courses in which their students are taught what the term depression means (in case Harvard and Yale don't come knocking on anetta's door). anetta should be congratulated on successfully recognizing that Greece and the USA are two different countries. After completion of a community college level economic course maybe anetta will see the dangers of uncontrolled government spending and the lessons that should be learned by Greece's example.
11-22-2011 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
There's been quite a bit of crossover between SE and Politics lately. Clark's made some appearances, Bitchface was here for a while, and plenty others.
My explanation is everyone looks at Riverman's posting history to find out who to bet against and then sees all these threads he's posting in in the politics forum and decide to stop by and see whats up
11-22-2011 , 02:46 PM
I just thought this was relevant, anatta:
11-22-2011 , 03:01 PM
"Durbin, breaking with Dems, applauds GOP offer on taxes as a breakthrough"

"As part of a broader plan to rein in entitlement spending and reform the tax code, Toomey had offered to raise tax revenues $250 billion over 10 years. “What I said was, we should set a goal of getting all the tax rates lower by 20 percent--across the board... And then let’s find the combination of deductions that we would diminish, and exclusions that we would treat as taxable income," Toomey recalls. "I was willing to accept that the $250 billion ... revenue increase would come from the top two [tax] brackets, which was another huge concession to the Democrats. That by definition makes the tax code more progressive."
11-22-2011 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
It's that national defense is too important to cut. If we cut it even in the slightest, the Iran-China-North Korea-Venezuela-Al Qaeda bloc will nuke us the next day. Instead, we should eliminate social programs
Why one or the other? How bout drastically cut both?
11-22-2011 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by the steam
Why one or the other? How bout drastically cut both?
Uhh, don't you see?

national defense is too important to cut. If we cut it even in the slightest, the Iran-China-North Korea-Venezuela-Al Qaeda bloc will nuke us the next day
11-22-2011 , 03:29 PM
I'm pretty sure out of the 130 countries,(or whatever it is) we have troops in, we could figure out how to scale that back some without risking our National security.
What do we have like 58K troops in Germany? What a massive waste of $$ while Germany spends bupkis on their own National defense.
