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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

05-30-2017 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by Lestat
Speaking of civil liberties; Portland's mayor is seeking to disallow a pro Trump rally. All the liberals here okay with that? I have absolutely nothing in common with a Trump supporter or someone like Ann Coulter, but silencing people we don't agree with is not good. It's also un-American. Lastly, it's why we're in this mess in the first place imo.
The last sentence is just blatantly ridiculous.

The right wing sons of bitches had already shot a protestor in Seattle, stabbed a protestor in Berkeley, and now murdered two people in Portland. There will be blood. The government preventing rallies is not good. I'm not anxious to see violence escalate, but it's looking inevitable.

I will tell you that every single one of the people at the "free speech" rally is a horrible ****ing person and I'd be very happy if they crawled back under their rocks.
05-30-2017 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by Lestat
Speaking of civil liberties; Portland's mayor is seeking to disallow a pro Trump rally. All the liberals here okay with that? I have absolutely nothing in common with a Trump supporter or someone like Ann Coulter, but silencing people we don't agree with is not good. It's also un-American. Lastly, it's why we're in this mess in the first place imo.
There is no silencing in what you describe.
05-30-2017 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by Lestat
What do you consider old? I can give you black males (and couples) in their 30s, 40s, and 50s who voted for Trump. Granted, they're all at least upper middle class, anti-drug (in that they all think illegal Mexicans contribute to this country's drug problem and are for the wall), and are afraid of another 9/11 happening here.

Here's how one black female client put it to me over over lunch while I was picking my jaw up off the floor upon hearing how she's gonna vote for Trump. "I want a man who's successful, decisive, and makes me feel safe and secure".

You think she's an *******?

One last question: You think it takes a bigger ******* to be black and support Trump or a female? What about a Jew or someone disabled?
You have to be an ******* to support Trump period. Is it a shock that 40% of people are *******s? Well, it's more than that because certainly not every ******* supports Trump.
05-30-2017 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Black people and civil rights activists often weren't allowed to protest, and on top of that beaten to a pulp when they did, and you're crying for lily white crybabies.
What's your point? You once had a rattle in your mouth. I assume you don't anymore, but maybe that's too much of an assumption.

Silencing opposition has always been the American way. McCarthy did it the commies as well.
Silencing the opposition is the American way? And you're calling me dumb? Discrimination used to be the majority. If it wasn't for free speech, civil rights advances never could've happened!
05-30-2017 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
You have to be an ******* to support Trump period. Is it a shock that 40% of people are *******s? Well, it's more than that because certainly not every ******* supports Trump.
First of all, 40% of Americans do not and did not support or vote for Trump. It's nowhere near that. You're assuming 100% voter turnout.

Secondly, you don't have to be an *******, you just have to be dumb. I'm okay with saying if you voted for Trump, you're probably not too bright. IMHO you guys continue to miss the lesson that should've been learned with his election. And things are just gonna get worse.
05-30-2017 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by Lestat
What's your point? You once had a rattle in your mouth. I assume you don't anymore, but maybe that's too much of an assumption.

Silencing the opposition is the American way? And you're calling me dumb? Discrimination used to be the majority. If it wasn't for free speech, civil rights advances never could've happened!
My point is you're in this thread concern trolling like a prat. The civil rights movement was in all ways being suppressed by govt agencies of various sorts. McCarthy tried to round up the opposition. You are an idiot if you don't see how suppression of opinions has always been the American Way. And here you are acting like liberals are the bad guys because some angry white dudes in Portland might not be able to shout hateful things. Maybe that's because you want to shout about Islam like the hateful bigot that you are known to be.
05-30-2017 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by Lestat
First of all, 40% of Americans do not and did not support or vote for Trump. It's nowhere near that. You're assuming 100% voter turnout.
ehhh... he has 40% approval rating after the most disastrous start to a presidency...

he DOES have 40% of the whole population's support...
05-30-2017 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by Lestat
First of all, 40% of Americans do not and did not support or vote for Trump. It's nowhere near that. You're assuming 100% voter turnout.

Secondly, you don't have to be an *******, you just have to be dumb. I'm okay with saying if you voted for Trump, you're probably not too bright. IMHO you guys continue to miss the lesson that should've been learned with his election. And things are just gonna get worse.
Good then it's just 20%. Calling them dumb doesn't work. They're dangerous *******s.

The Dems lost because they ran a bad candidate.

Why did Trump win the nomination though? Every Republican who imagines they're something other than a fascist clown like Trump should learn a lesson.
05-30-2017 , 01:12 AM
Trump stepping up support for SA and US troops on the ground in Yemen.

According to aid agencies, 17 million people do not have enough to eat, in what the UN calls the "largest humanitarian crisis in the world".

Typically, people shop throughout Ramadan, but Yemeni storekeepers have nothing to celebrate.

"Sales are the lowest from years past. Every year is worse than before," Yahya Hubar, a shopkeeper in Hodeidah, a coastal city in western Yemen, told Al Jazeera.

More than two million children are acutely malnourished in Yemen, where a child under five dies every 10 minutes of preventable diseases, according a report by UNICEF published in December.

In addition, the country is facing a cholera outbreak, which so far has infected more than 29,000 people.
starving child, not a pleasant sight, but it's time to take the crisis in Yemen seriously and stop making it worse.

05-30-2017 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
You have to be an ******* to support Trump period. Is it a shock that 40% of people are *******s? Well, it's more than that because certainly not every ******* supports Trump.
Should i explain why fighting fascism with fascism is a problem or is it apparent?
05-30-2017 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by JacktheDumb
Should i explain why fighting fascism with fascism is a problem or is it apparent?
I guess you could try. I'm not confident you know what fascism is though.
05-30-2017 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by Lestat
What do you consider old? I can give you black males (and couples) in their 30s, 40s, and 50s who voted for Trump. Granted, they're all at least upper middle class, anti-drug (in that they all think illegal Mexicans contribute to this country's drug problem and are for the wall), and are afraid of another 9/11 happening here.

Here's how one black female client put it to me over over lunch while I was picking my jaw up off the floor upon hearing how she's gonna vote for Trump. "I want a man who's successful, decisive, and makes me feel safe and secure".

You think she's an *******?
Lol ya, duh.


One last question: You think it takes a bigger ******* to be black and support Trump or a female? What about a Jew or someone disabled?
You're trying to hoodoo the hoodoo man up in here.
05-30-2017 , 02:54 AM
Police were caught off guard by the afternoon's first incident. The klan, and other white supremacist groups that joined it, met at a staging area about a mile from Marquette Park. Nearby a predominantly white group of young men and women were playing what appeared to be a routine Saturday afternoon softball game.

Ballplayers Attacked

Suddenly the ballplayers rushed from the diamond and attacked the white-robed klan members and combat-clad paramilitary supporters, who identified themselves later as being from the America First Committee.

While a truck carrying the white supremacists sped away, police fought with the group from the ball diamond. First Deputy Supt. John J. Jemilo said that up to five policemen were injured in the clash and several persons were arrested.
05-30-2017 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by einbert
The next big thing, long-term-wise, is the dismantling of the public academic system. Restrict it to where mostly only people with money can take part in the system, and see how far they can push that. They need a very uneducated electorate in addition to massive voter suppression if they want any kind of prolonged electoral success, and I think that's exactly what they're going to push for.
This has been done already.
05-30-2017 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by Wooders0n
That is what she was pretty much saying though. She didn't say "we can't rely on the US as an ally" she said the time of COMPLETELY depending on others is on the way out.

Like seriously **** off then
She was mainly talking about NATO and the Paris climate change agreement and to a lesser extent trade. Both of which Trump has hinted he is reneging on. To depend on someone in this context simple means that their word isn't worthless. That they will do what they agree to do. Trump is a liar, a cheat and an idiot and her interactions with him have strongly suggested that the US is no longer a friend of Europe.
05-30-2017 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
The last sentence is just blatantly ridiculous.

The right wing sons of bitches had already shot a protestor in Seattle, stabbed a protestor in Berkeley, and now murdered two people in Portland. There will be blood. The government preventing rallies is not good. I'm not anxious to see violence escalate, but it's looking inevitable.

I will tell you that every single one of the people at the "free speech" rally is a horrible ****ing person and I'd be very happy if they crawled back under their rocks.
Liberals and people on the left for the most part have been turning the other cheek to the rights violence/killings and the messed up part is if the right does finally push the other sides to the levels of violence they use people like Lestat will give the same line and blame game.
05-30-2017 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by batair
Liberals and people on the left for the most part have been turning the other cheek to the rights violence/killings and the messed up part is if the right does finally push the other sides to the levels of violence they use people like Lestat will give the same line and blame game.
This is a Trumpism FWIW. Some people say something about him that he doesn't like, so he instructs the DOJ and FBI to investigate or arrest those people without just cause and cries victim to any pushback. Rinse and repeat for other 10x counterpunching.
05-30-2017 , 06:16 AM

Russian government officials discussed having potentially "derogatory" information about then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and some of his top aides in conversations intercepted by US intelligence during the 2016 election, according to two former intelligence officials and a congressional source.

One source described the information as financial in nature and said the discussion centered on whether the Russians had leverage over Trump's inner circle. The source said the intercepted communications suggested to US intelligence that Russians believed "they had the ability to influence the administration through the derogatory information."
05-30-2017 , 06:34 AM
What do they mean by derogatory?
05-30-2017 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by Rex Ingram
What do they mean by derogatory?
He got pissed on by prostitutes.
05-30-2017 , 06:57 AM
and money stuff
05-30-2017 , 07:01 AM
Originally Posted by Rex Ingram
What do they mean by derogatory?
His bank account wasn't the most bigly, and something about mellow yellow.
05-30-2017 , 07:04 AM
lol at deplorables caring about any of his derogatories
05-30-2017 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by King_of_NYC
lol at deplorables caring about any of his derogatories
They don't need to care if it's a crime or basis for a cover-up.
05-30-2017 , 07:21 AM
If your tax returns are inconsistent with all your claims, maybe don't run for president.

I bet he was bummed when he found out about the emoulments clause, but not bummed enough to adhear to it.
