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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

03-16-2017 , 11:08 PM
The good thing about this new travel ban getting struck down, by the time this all has been litigated the 90 days he was requesting will have passed and there won't be a need for any more bans.
03-16-2017 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
Well that's the most terrifying thing to happen in an absolutely terrifying two months.
03-16-2017 , 11:10 PM
sounds worse than what other news are calling it
03-16-2017 , 11:10 PM
I'm looking at a book

i'm reading a book

i'm trying to get started

this man is a pathological liar
03-16-2017 , 11:16 PM
It's seriously getting close to time to contemplate forceful removal of Trump.
03-16-2017 , 11:16 PM
Taking food aid away from the poor is a fun way for the administration to observe Irish-American heritage month.
03-16-2017 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
It's seriously getting close to time to contemplate forceful removal of Trump.
wont happen with 40% of the population being morons
03-16-2017 , 11:41 PM
say what you will about president trump, he is keenly focused on jobs jobs JOBS
03-16-2017 , 11:50 PM
That Chicago Tribune article on NK mentions a strategic missile defense system as a possible response. I can't believe we'd go through that **** again.
03-16-2017 , 11:54 PM
hes just cutting in everyones jobs and care for the poor so he can build a stupid wall and give whats left to the army eh?

Good plan!
03-16-2017 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl

In any case it's not like they're tarnishing Gorka's good name. He's already known as a shallow intellectual cum salesman telling anti Muslim groups what they want to hear for money. That's why he's in the Trump administration to begin with.
Typical Trump--hiring a cum salesman instead of an intelligence analyst.
03-17-2017 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Proof, conclusive evidence.

I know, just unnecessary minor details to you guys, right.
Sushy, I have a question for you.

Does it alarm you that you have a higher threshold of proof needed here than things from Trump's mouth?

Like, here you are asking for "Proof, conclusive evidence." Yet the orange messiah just blurts out things like "Obama is a Muslim from Kenya", "Wire tapps!", "That Mexican judge is biased!" with nary a **** given.

Why are you demanding proof from a poker internet board but don't give the slightest **** about King Trump's ramblings?

Just curious...
03-17-2017 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by GTO2.0
border towns depend a ton on people coming over from Mexico to shop and whatnot. A lot of them only have walmarts and HEBs because they count the towns across the border in the population calculations. Smaller cities could be losing like a third of their economy basically.
that's home for me. ~5500 people, walmart closes at 9/isn't a supercenter, didn't get a McDonald's until the late 90s.
03-17-2017 , 12:13 AM
Guys, Trump is a genius. We go to war vs NK, lose 75% of our workforce but the remaining all have jobs! 100% employment!
03-17-2017 , 12:16 AM
Heck, cut the world population by 75% and who cares about global warming or silly stuff like that?
03-17-2017 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by RV Life
Sushy, I have a question for you.

Does it alarm you that you have a higher threshold of proof needed here than things from Trump's mouth?

Like, here you are asking for "Proof, conclusive evidence." Yet the orange messiah just blurts out things like "Obama is a Muslim from Kenya", "Wire tapps!", "That Mexican judge is biased!" with nary a **** given.

Why are you demanding proof from a poker internet board but don't give the slightest **** about King Trump's ramblings?

Just curious...
According to Sushi, Sessions didn't lie at his confirmation hearings either. He has a special talent for self-delusion, or something.
03-17-2017 , 01:17 AM
His proposed cuts to education are the most horrifying thing I've seen so far. The nuke stuff, meh. Between us, japan, and china not being suicidal we have the capability to shoot down and thwart any potential attack on us. South korea though, I'd be ****ting my pants if I lived there.
03-17-2017 , 01:21 AM
I mean, it's probably not a good idea to piss off a guy willing to use anti aircraft weapons to kill family members because they didn't like the color of his tie. That's just me though.
03-17-2017 , 01:25 AM

F U olds. F U
03-17-2017 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by RV Life
I mean, it's probably not a good idea to piss off a guy willing to use anti aircraft weapons to kill family members because they didn't like the color of his tie. That's just me though.
Another guy you wouldn't want to anger is the leader of North Korea.
03-17-2017 , 01:45 AM
As the mushroom cloud goes up - a few million South Koreans are going to shake their fists at Mark Burnett for not releasing the Apprentice outtakes.
03-17-2017 , 01:59 AM
03-17-2017 , 01:59 AM
03-17-2017 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Another guy you wouldn't want to anger is the leader of North Korea.
03-17-2017 , 02:11 AM
We probably should be having a societal debate on why are we paying for some of these gov't programs that trump wants to cut but the part where it's all seemingly going to either rich people, trump himself, blow someone up/go to war makes it seem silly to bother. It does bother me the most common defense for some of these tend to be a garbage argument for it--that it only costs X in a big budget. It's simple to me--if it's not worth it, we shouldn't be paying for it and it should be cut. It's a shame that anytime they do it though they just take that waste of $ and waste it somewhere else instead of something useful but that's politics.

I'm not talking about the stuff people overwhelmingly support; many of these most people couldn't tell you what they do.
