Originally Posted by einbert
You could also argue there's plenty of evidence for quid pro quo. Putin had it in for Clinton from her time as Secretary of State. He blamed her for Russian protests and near-uprisings that threatened his steel grip over Russia. We all know Russia wanted her to lose or at least be discredited as much as possible. Then there's the platform change in the RNC. Then there's Trump going hard after NATO, and him praising Putin many times all the way up to saying "we kill people too" to defend friggin' assassinations of political critics of Mr. Putin. Why are so many Trump campaign members meeting with Russia. Why are they all lying about it in all these official capacities. Why was Flynn working for Turkey and what exactly was he trying to accomplish to that effect. Did he ever disclose that info in his security clearance applications in the first place? Why did Sessions think it was worth risking his entire decades-long political career to lie under oath to Congress about these meetings with the Russians.
Put simply, here's what we know about quid pro quo...
Trump Gets:
Help from Russian Hackers to Become President
Putin Gets:
GOP Platform Change on Ukraine
Trump's platform on NATO
Trump somewhat normalizing Putin in the USA
Trump soft stance on him being a killer
Trump May Get:
Boatloads of Money
Putin May Get:
Easing of Sanctions
Those are the topline points. We know the first two lists, and they're brief - other stuff could arguably be added... The last two, we aren't sure of yet. Meanwhile there are tons of contacts swirling around between Russia and Trump's people, and tons of lies being told. Some of them are glaring and odd - denying any contact with Kislyak and we later found out there was a meeting at Trump Tower with Kushner and Flynn. That means, at minimum, they were clueless and Kushner kept his mouth shut after the denial.
Now some of this may be coincidence. Maybe Sessions truly took the meetings out of stupidity and actually did get confused in his testimony, then got swept up in all of it. Maybe this computer DNS stuff is a coincidence. Etc, etc... But each one of these instances seems more likely to NOT be a coincidence even though one or two of them probably are, just due to the sheer magnitude of it.
Now, none of this proves it reaches Trump, he could just be the guy being played by his people... It's possible Putin/Russia identified him as a political candidate who would be friendly to them and whose circle they could potentially infiltrate due to incompetence, went for it, and succeeded.
It's also possible Trump wasn't involved, found out about it, and tried to cover it up.
So there are plenty of possibilities, but certainly the media asking why is fair, and I don't think the Democrats or media are hyping it up more than they should be. It's a big effing deal and as a country we MUST get to the bottom of it as quickly as possible.
The other thing I'll say is that if I was POTUS, and I knew I was innocent, I'd call up Comey and say, "What do you need from me to investigate me fully? If I give you my full cooperation, what does it entail?"
I'd then hold a press conference and announce that I was turning over my phones/emails/records/whatever and answering all questions to prove my innocence... I'd say if someone in my campaign or administration is guilty of this, I want to find out, I want to fire them, and I want them prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Trump is a showman so this would be right up his alley, no?
I can only think of three reasons not to do this: You're guilty of what you're accused of (or a cover up), you're guilty of something else and afraid they'll find it, or you think Comey is out to get you.
If Trump did this, and they couldn't get him on anything, he'd be absolute TEFLON for four years. No attack, no accusation would stick unless they had video. "Oh, he got bribed by 500 people from some country staying in his hotel? Yeah, sure, and he's still working with Putin too, right?"
But, he's not... He's flailing around on Twitter like a wounded animal... There's a there here somewhere.
Originally Posted by einbert
Unfortunately, because this was out before the election it's too politically expedient for Republicans to say, "The voters knew about this and didn't mind."
This is why the first actual qualifier for impeachment is an approval rating at least down to the low 30s/high 20s. There are already impeachable offenses, there just isn't a broad enough appetite for it among the electorate.