Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Lol....hobbyist. Like I'm just a hobbyist in alot of fields to. And I accept I'm not qualified to make bold, sweeping claims like your first sentence.
C'mon now Max Theory, we both know it isn't physically possible for you to be a hobbyist to the level I was referring to in "a lot of fields". Just not enough hours man
Originally Posted by sylar
As a hobbyist, you probably haven't actually seen AI in the industry. Not a knockdown of you man, just hard to have access to proprietary research unless you are in it.
I have been fortunate to meet a number of sharp people in ml/dnn in both research and industry, in addition to the same in robotic manufacturing. I will likely be at Automate 2017 just to meet up with some associates and friends.
I am not sure what this "proprietary research" you are referring to, as so much is publicly published these days from the major corporations. I read around 20 research papers a week, sometimes more around the major conferences.
By hobbyist I meant dedicating a large portion of my time for the greater part of two years now and plans to continue going forward, as I wish to work under Schmidhuber or Hassabis.