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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

12-23-2018 , 10:32 PM
There are a lot of ways steel slats could be taken down or spread apart. A couple blades, a few extra batteries, and a sawzall would probably do it, large diameter circular saw with the right blade, or acetyline cutting torch
12-23-2018 , 10:33 PM
If you guys must know, the most transportable way to cut the fence is with a plain old oxy acetylene torch. Small bottles are easily carried and have enough fuel to cut a hole big enough for a school bus.
12-23-2018 , 10:33 PM
Open em up with a Jaws of life contraption
12-23-2018 , 10:34 PM
Lol i can just imagine

*tries to explain to trump how the modern banking system works*


Mnuchin later, on the phone -

“Yea, weird question but I gotta ask it, you have like, money right?”
12-23-2018 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
What an incredibly flawed democracy. 9 fossils with lifetime appointments and basically 1 clown Roberts making decisions that effect 350 million people. And mother ****ers itt think it's the GOAT country?
There’s no reason to panic on the Roberts decision yet. There is so little information on this it is really hard to know what it is going on, but it is probably pretty meaningless. (See my post above).
12-23-2018 , 10:37 PM
I’d snap bet 10,000:1 trump couldn’t tell you what LIBOR is.
12-23-2018 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
If I'm understanding this correctly, Trump is flipping out about the stock market so badly that he's forced Mnuchin to try to strong arm the banks into doing... I have no ****ing idea. This is bat****.
No it sounds more like Mnuchin is worried about **** getting very very ugly in the markets, and wanted the banks to assure him it won't turn into another 07-08.

Why the hell they would put out that release, I have no idea. It seems like that release alone will spook the living hell out of the markets.
12-23-2018 , 10:39 PM
could a bonesaw cut through these steel slats? asking for a friend.
12-23-2018 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
No it sounds more like Mnuchin is worried about **** getting very very ugly in the markets, and wanted the banks to assure him it won't turn into another 07-08.

Why the hell they would put out that release, I have no idea. It seems like that release alone will spook the living hell out of the markets.
Because this administration is filled with the dumbest people to ever hold public office; who are staffed, top to bottom, with grossly inexperienced and galactically-incompetent people who know nothing about the departments in which they work.
12-23-2018 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
I may have been too trusting of the Terminator franchise, YouTube doesn’t support my theory that bathing the base of a slat in LN2 would make it brittle enough to be smashed by a hammer.

I thought it be like the steel chain breaking late in the video.
It’s a huge thermal mass with great thermal conductivity, you’re not going to make it brittle with just a bucket of liquid nitrogen.
12-23-2018 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
No it sounds more like Mnuchin is worried about **** getting very very ugly in the markets, and wanted the banks to assure him it won't turn into another 07-08.

Why the hell they would put out that release, I have no idea. It seems like that release alone will spook the living hell out of the markets.
No problemo.
12-23-2018 , 11:01 PM
12-23-2018 , 11:33 PM

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12-23-2018 , 11:34 PM
tmr's stock market will be one of those 1/2 days right?
12-23-2018 , 11:48 PM

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12-23-2018 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by ligastar
tmr's stock market will be one of those 1/2 days right?
Sell everything.
12-23-2018 , 11:53 PM
Mitch just said I was a big boy.
12-24-2018 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
So uhhhh....did something happen that I wasn’t paying attention to or is the treasury department putting out a statement saying banks are liquid don’t be afraid literally out of ****ing nowhere?

And if it is out of nowhere how ****ed are we?
Munchkin is so f'ing dumb it's unreal

or owns a **** ton of gold

It got reported under obama many times those banks failed stress tests. We forget they're all run like full tilt.
12-24-2018 , 12:06 AM

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12-24-2018 , 12:10 AM
Rand Paul has lost his mind:

you gotta read the whole thread
12-24-2018 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

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So...the "drones and technology" are complete wastes of money?
12-24-2018 , 12:27 AM

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12-24-2018 , 12:31 AM
I feel like this is the Infrastructure Week we've all been waiting for.
12-24-2018 , 12:35 AM
I think Rand is high AF.
12-24-2018 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Rand Paul has lost his mind:

you gotta read the whole thread
What the ****

That's gotta be some intern or something
