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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

12-07-2018 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
been super busy, any chance I could get cliffs on today?
Big developments in the Uranium One and Clinton Foundation investigations!
12-07-2018 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by dth123451
Thanks awval
Awval is having the last laugh. He took his $187.23 tax cut and invested it entirely into the stock market.
12-07-2018 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by d10
I know they're not doing it for no reason, I'm saying the reason that they're doing it is misguided. It's part of a standard playbook that probably works fine for low profile cases but I don't think it's serving its desired purpose here.
Maybe. It's inarguably better from a standpoint of getting convictions and more information from witnesses. But yeah, I could potentially buy an argument that releasing info sooner for greater political impact is more important here. I dunno, though, that gets you into some tricky spots weighing politics against justice. And I'm not 100% sure that releasing info sooner is better politically, either.
12-07-2018 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
He's not going to jail and no reasonable American expected that. But he is being embarrassed to hell and back.
12-07-2018 , 10:43 PM
Be patient he’s ****ed

My conservative groups going off today from some liberal trolls and the usually rabid responses are pretty sheepish, barely even qualified trolling.

Like the **** today all sounds pretty damning. I’m trying to think of someway he weasels out of it but i cant barring some national ****ing crisis. Either way ****s gonna get interesting fast and i dont think theres a ton of outcomes that end well for him
12-07-2018 , 10:50 PM
The problem is that 40% of the country are literally cult members and reality doesn't matter. It isn't like walking into Waco and telling the members that Koresh was a bad guy and a criminal would have ended it. It won't end it here either. Especially when the cult controls large swaths of govt.
12-07-2018 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
I’m trying to think of someway he weasels out of it but i cant barring some national ****ing crisis.
We've been in a national crisis for two years now. Trump can still pardon everyone involved and there's precious little chance a Republican Senate will ever vote to remove him from office. Probably he gets slapped with charges after he leaves office, but that's a long way away.
12-07-2018 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
I’m trying to think of someway he weasels out of it but i cant barring some national ****ing crisis.
12-07-2018 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by kre8tive

This is good work
12-07-2018 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by d10
I know they're not doing it for no reason, I'm saying the reason that they're doing it is misguided. It's part of a standard playbook that probably works fine for low profile cases but I don't think it's serving its desired purpose here.

Why not? With the redactions Trump doesn’t know how much they know. Neither do other people being interviewed who may decide to come clean in case the redaction shows they already know it

The only reason not to redact is so we know what it says, but Mueller doesn’t care about that; he is running an investigation
12-07-2018 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
Be patient he’s ****ed

My conservative groups going off today from some liberal trolls and the usually rabid responses are pretty sheepish, barely even qualified trolling.

Like the **** today all sounds pretty damning. I’m trying to think of someway he weasels out of it but i cant barring some national ****ing crisis. Either way ****s gonna get interesting fast and i dont think theres a ton of outcomes that end well for him
It's only as damning as Senate Republicans think it is. We need 20 to vote to convict. That's nearly 40% of Senate Republicans.

And that's how he weasels out of it. Then he'll pardon himself and his family during his last week in office and SCOTUS will decide if he can pardon himself. On the off chance he loses that case, then he is still drawing live to a "heal the nation" pardon from the next POTUS.

And if he expects to lose the court case, he'll resign and let Pence pardon him.

He's probably still a heavy favorite to never be impeached and convicted or see the inside of a jail cell in relation to any federal crimes.
12-07-2018 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by fatkid
Ha ha. What was Hannitys lead tonight? Uranium One?
12-07-2018 , 11:30 PM
Even if he gets away with all the Russia stuff his sham charity is a walking RICO violation.
12-08-2018 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
4 years? i'll ****ing take it.

feeling great today
I am still streets behind as MNN (Mason News Network) is my only source of news today, but yeah 4 years seems like a lot given all indications he cooperated with them to the extreme. Which means he was probably facing a real chance of dying in prison.
12-08-2018 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by jmakin
Be patient he’s ****ed

My conservative groups going off today from some liberal trolls and the usually rabid responses are pretty sheepish, barely even qualified trolling.

Like the **** today all sounds pretty damning. I’m trying to think of someway he weasels out of it but i cant barring some national ****ing crisis. Either way ****s gonna get interesting fast and i dont think theres a ton of outcomes that end well for him
What is it that you think is going to happen? He's going to serve out the rest of his term and then he's going to get voted out, which is the same thing that would happen if Mueller didn't exist. Whether he gets indicted after leaving office I'm not sure. It might happen. He'll probably test the theory that he can pardon himself on the way out.

The only early end of term I can see is a Nixon scenario, where Trump gets to be such a detriment to the party that they tell him he either resigns or gets impeached and prosecuted. I think this is unlikely because:

a) Trump's base is a cult, which puts a floor on how bad things can get for the GOP
b) Trump's base is a cult, so turning on Trump might not improve the electoral math for them
c) Trump would thrash around like a harpooned whale in such a situation and would do enormous collateral damage to the party, what with Trump's base being a cult and all.

I'd say Trump would be unlikely to ever conclude that he's in danger of jail time, because narcissists are bad at understanding that consequences apply to them, and because there will be no shortage of MAGA chuds telling him to stand and fight.
12-08-2018 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
What is it that you think is going to happen? He's going to serve out the rest of his term and then he's going to get voted out, which is the same thing that would happen if Mueller didn't exist. Whether he gets indicted after leaving office I'm not sure. It might happen. He'll probably test the theory that he can pardon himself on the way out.

The only early end of term I can see is a Nixon scenario, where Trump gets to be such a detriment to the party that they tell him he either resigns or gets impeached and prosecuted. I think this is unlikely because:

a) Trump's base is a cult, which puts a floor on how bad things can get for the GOP
b) Trump's base is a cult, so turning on Trump might not improve the electoral math for them
c) Trump would thrash around like a harpooned whale in such a situation and would do enormous collateral damage to the party, what with Trump's base being a cult and all.

I'd say Trump would be unlikely to ever conclude that he's in danger of jail time, because narcissists are bad at understanding that consequences apply to them, and because there will be no shortage of MAGA chuds telling him to stand and fight.

Him getting voted out is in 2020 is best case scenario. Jail shortly follows. Republicans lose the house for the next 20 years

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
12-08-2018 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by SirOsis
Has anyone else developed some sort of severe aversion to listening to Trump speak? I'm not kidding that with me when he comes on TV and is on for more than about 3 seconds I automatically rise as if to leave the room. There was a clip on MSNBC an hour ago or so with him talking up the gains in the stock market over and over, and next thing I know I'm in the next room for no apparent reason. I think this started a while back, maybe two months ago. I really have to force myself to listen to him. My deep, visceral hatred for that man is not normal.
I'm the same. It's not even exactly what he's saying. People have said ****ed up things in the past and I haven't cringed at what they say. It's that Trump is such a horrific public speaker. He does everything wrong. He's either jumping from one non-sequitur to another when speaking to supporters or he's wooden and monotone while reading off of a teleprompter.
12-08-2018 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
I'm the same. It's not even exactly what he's saying. People have said ****ed up things in the past and I haven't cringed at what they say. It's that Trump is such a horrific public speaker. He does everything wrong. He's either jumping from one non-sequitur to another when speaking to supporters or he's wooden and monotone while reading off of a teleprompter.
Plus his ****ing face.
12-08-2018 , 02:18 AM
impeachment is a political process and the country is extremely polarized. seems to have been slowly getting worse, especially among the republican side (which is not what the narrative is). check out how much more democrats were willing to support the bushes rather than republicans supporting obama. as has been pointed out, it would take something so explosive to get rid of trump that democrats would be better off running against him...

12-08-2018 , 03:14 AM
I still think Trump is a dog to get impeached/convicted, but I do think there's a real chance he will resign.

If simplicitus is correct that Trump can be indicted after he's out of office, I think that changes things substantially.

Assuming Trump can't pardon himself, his only safe move might be to cut a deal with Pence in exchange for pardons. Trump gets off. Pence gets to be President. Congressional Republicans get to move on without having to cast any votes.
12-08-2018 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by JoltinJake
I still think Trump is a dog to get impeached/convicted, but I do think there's a real chance he will resign.

If simplicitus is correct that Trump can be indicted after he's out of office, I think that changes things substantially.

Assuming Trump can't pardon himself, his only safe move might be to cut a deal with Pence in exchange for pardons. Trump gets off. Pence gets to be President. Congressional Republicans get to move on without having to cast any votes.
Trump resign?

Sure that might be the smart move. But all the ****er cares about is his ego. ****er isn't about to take that hit to his ego. He will fight until the bitter end.
12-08-2018 , 04:52 AM
He might. And as ChrisV pointed out, narcissists are bad at understanding how consequences apply to them. Agreed.

But I think there's a point at which reality becomes too much, even for Trump. If his lawyers and Pence and McConnell and his kids and people on TV are all suggesting resignation as the only way out, I think he would do it. Fear is a pretty strong motivator.
12-08-2018 , 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by JoltinJake
I still think Trump is a dog to get impeached/convicted, but I do think there's a real chance he will resign.

If simplicitus is correct that Trump can be indicted after he's out of office, I think that changes things substantially.

Assuming Trump can't pardon himself, his only safe move might be to cut a deal with Pence in exchange for pardons. Trump gets off. Pence gets to be President. Congressional Republicans get to move on without having to cast any votes.

For him to resign he has to admit (to himself) he did something wrong

But he’s never done anything wrong

So he won’t resign

I’m president and you’re not.
12-08-2018 , 05:57 AM
Meh. Nixon resigned. He was at least as crazy as Trump.

And Trump has (probably) a lot more to lose than Nixon did, financially.

12-08-2018 , 06:04 AM
no chance. he doesn't care about his kids and he is too old and impotent for it to matter. it is more likely that he tries to start a nuclear holocaust than resigns. he'll set the world on fire first there is no doubt in my mind.
