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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

11-15-2018 , 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
11-15-2018 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by dlk9s
Dom to make his directorial return.
Prison bitches vol 227

"More pussy, Mel!"
11-15-2018 , 08:00 AM

( twitter | raw text )
11-15-2018 , 08:03 AM
Just regular everyday changes incoming
11-15-2018 , 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
for real tho, you proly should get the timing belt done before your engine blows up.
Originally Posted by smacc25
Usually around 200,000 it needs replacing... lexus, best cars in the road.
tks for the heads up, i'm actually in need of some new brakes and probably due for some other general servicing, so i'll keep it in mind. havent had it in the shop past 200k yet (apart from oil change)

edit: i searched up a list of interference/non-interference engines re: timing belt and it looks like my 3.0L V6 is a non-interference, so at least it wont destroy (or hasnt already destroyed) my car if it breaks

Originally Posted by Rococo
You assured me several weeks ago that Avenatti had "elite judgment". I guess your opinion has changed.
granted, i say a lot of dumb **** and even i dont know what level i'm on most of the time, but if i said he had "elite judgment" then it was almost assuredly in the context of dealing with attacks from disingenuous right wing trolls. beating his wife doesn't change that.

Last edited by +rep_lol; 11-15-2018 at 08:13 AM.
11-15-2018 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by chuckleslovakian
I mean the miserable ****er looks pained when he tries to smile
lol his wife is so ugly too. no surprise, because so is he, but damn. just disgusting people.
11-15-2018 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
Poll: Trump has little support for reelection bid

37% want him to be re-elected. Once you get in the heat of election season, it will probably move up to the mid 40s, but Democrats are gonna have to pick a bad candidate to screw this up.
Hillary Clinton: “Hold my beer.”
11-15-2018 , 08:15 AM

( twitter | raw text )
11-15-2018 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
Lol at not being retroactive. That’s absurd.
It’s not as big a concession from the democrats as it’s made out to be though. A future democratic president could easily just commute all the three strikes sentences unilaterally, no need for legislation.
11-15-2018 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

( twitter | raw text )
This has to be the most projectiony tweet in history.
11-15-2018 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by superleeds
Just regular everyday changes incoming
Maybe he's firing melanie and hiring a new first lady?

Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

( twitter | raw text )
Welp...guess has giving Whittaker the go ahead to end it today.
11-15-2018 , 08:29 AM
indictments soon?
11-15-2018 , 08:32 AM

( twitter | raw text )
11-15-2018 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

( twitter | raw text )

Everyone else is nuts and he is sane. That's right.
11-15-2018 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
holy crap you dont actually believe this? bc its not even remotely close to true.
Cite? Here's mine.

11-15-2018 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
you really dont get it. gop can lose by a ton and still retain all the power. thats due to gerrymandering and wyoming having just as much senate power as california.

look at all of the states where the votes split 50/50 or 6040 dems and they still lost seats.

also, ppl have been claiming that aging repub voters was gonna kill the gop for like 40 years and instead they have an unprecedented amount of power.
You lose credibility with exaggerated claims. GOP cannot lose by a ton "and still retain all the power." Gerrymandering is important, but it's about the same effect as self-segragation. Senate representation is covered by the constitution. Do you want a new constitution, to make DC/PR states, or some other solution? As it is, I think the best approach would be for dems to bribe small nothern states.

I'm not aware of dems losing seats (are you talking about the house?) in 60/40 states? Cite? Sure, the GOP gerrymandered the hell out of some states, and the PA supreme court invalidated their map under PA constitution. What's your solution, to complain? They are also trying to mess with the census. What's your solution? The actual solution is to proceed with the court case vs the citizenship question and for the house Dems to apply leverage. What percent of federal judges are Trump appointees? About 15%. Did you know all appeals are heard by at least a 3 judge panel?

"also, ppl have been claiming that aging repub voters was gonna kill the gop for like 40 years and instead they have an unprecedented amount of power." Cite? It may not be this year, but the inevitable is inevitable. AZ went blue, as did NV. TX was 2.5%, FL a tie (and new law will likely help dems). We will be living in a different world soon enough. Hell, we already are. Maybe treat it like a poker game where you've thought about the next moved instead of being frozen. What's your solution? Uninformed rambling seems like your favored approach.

Frankly, I'm surprised you're not a right winger, or maybe you used to be one, because it seems like your opinions are based mainly on your feels.

Last edited by simplicitus; 11-15-2018 at 08:57 AM.
11-15-2018 , 08:59 AM
i believe you're talking about family separations/re-unification and victor is conflating that with the unaccompanied migrant children who are being detained
11-15-2018 , 09:00 AM
So not that I think this made the difference but [a newspaper] published an open letter I wrote to Senator Graham (not linking to it so you ****ers can’t dox me) as a constituent of his, asking him to make good on his “holy hell” statement by supporting legislation to protect Mueller, and Sunday overnight he announced he would support such legislation. Now with Flake saying he won’t pass any Trump judges on for a vote unless McTurtle brings the Mueller bill to the floor a small part of me wants to feel like I made a difference... but I’m sure I am being naive.

Last edited by fxwacgesvrhdtf; 11-15-2018 at 11:07 AM. Reason: Removed personal identifying details to protect user
11-15-2018 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

( twitter | raw text )
Whatever capacity Trump may have had for strategy (not much) is gone. If more than 5% of the population knew about this tweet he'd be doing even worse than he is. And he's not doing so hot.

11-15-2018 , 09:03 AM
yea you're def being naive, jeff flake doesn't give a **** about anybody but jeff flake, and certainly not about what you think. good on you regardless tho
11-15-2018 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
Whatever capacity Trump may have had for strategy (not much) is gone. If more than 5% of the population knew about this tweet he'd be doing even worse than he is. And he's not doing so hot.

Why do you think any of the 42% that currently support him would care about this tweet?
11-15-2018 , 09:11 AM
A strong majority of the country does not want President Donald Trump to serve a second term and support for Trump’s re-election is even lower than his already poor approval ratings, according to a new poll released Wednesday and conducted just days after Republicans were served sweeping midterm election losses.

A mere 37 percent of adults polled by Monmouth University supported Trump’s re-election, with 58 percent against the billionaire’s run in 2020. The poll also reflected a 43 percent approval rating, with 49 percent disapproving, numbers that have held steady for Trump through much of 2018 in other national polls.
This is an existential threat to Trump. Even disregarding Mueller and all the lawsuits, he should see it as a major problem every day. What is he going to do about it? Nothing, he will whine and flail and say "rigged" and "fake news" and fail to learn. He will try to rile up voters in Alabama and Montana (both of which voted for a Dem for Senate) and tell himself he is winning, then he will lose.

Some of you are focused on the water line of the boats, when you should be thinking about the tide. Gravity and erosion ultimately prevail, just ask the Grand Canyon.

Last edited by simplicitus; 11-15-2018 at 09:17 AM.
11-15-2018 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by alazo1985
Why do you think any of the 42% that currently support him would care about this tweet?
Because I suspect about 1/3 of the 42% are just uninformed and disengaged and have little idea what a **** show the Trump presidency actually is, but he does a terrible job hiding it and it will continue to leak through. Trump's approval likely ticked up because of the "forced choice" of the midterm, and it will now decline further. Apparently, he's now 50/50 among the military.
11-15-2018 , 09:17 AM

“We were concerned”
11-15-2018 , 09:18 AM
If Flake sticks to his judges pledge he's a hero in my book.
