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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

10-31-2018 , 03:30 PM
Does it not bother anyone that Donald J. Tramp, our president, is the most bullied man in America?
10-31-2018 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump
Yesterday in Pittsburgh I was really impressed with Congressman Keith Rothfus (far more so than any other local political figure). His sincere level of compassion, grief and sorrow for the events that took place was, in its own way, very inspiring. Vote for Keith!
538 thinks there's a 95% chance this dip**** loses to Conor Lamb, so that's good
10-31-2018 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
You're not actually coming here are you? TrumpUSA deserves a boycott.
I broke that to my wife and son last year.
On the plus side I don't have to go to Disney again.
10-31-2018 , 04:15 PM
Don't celebrate so soon, they'll find another one.
10-31-2018 , 04:18 PM

( twitter | raw text )
10-31-2018 , 04:18 PM
10-31-2018 , 04:21 PM
10-31-2018 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

( twitter | raw text )
Willie Horton 2018
10-31-2018 , 04:24 PM
Trump is hella SHOOK. He knows the investigations are going to uncover mountains of ****
10-31-2018 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
sucks that beto will lose to ted ****ing cruz
Originally Posted by Slighted
saw an interesting slogan on a trump twitter post that i cant find again but it was like:

BE the change you wish TO see in the world.

would make a decent presidential run poster if he does lose..
Everything is going precisely to plan for Beto. He needs to demonstrate he can lose before he can get the nomination in 2020.
10-31-2018 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Pablum in a pantsuit
10-31-2018 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Trump is hella SHOOK. He knows the investigations are going to uncover mountains of ****
His only way out is dictatorship.

It’s why he looked depressed when he won.
10-31-2018 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by dth123451
His only way out is dictatorship.

It’s why he looked depressed when he won.
The thing is, he could resign and it would (almost) all go away virtually overnight. "I accomplished so much, it is time to step aside," hell he could come up with any number of ways to save face with his followers and get out. His pride won't let him though.
10-31-2018 , 04:52 PM
It seems more likely to me that Trump loves what he's doing than that he's miserable and wants out. I have no idea how hot this take is though.
10-31-2018 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
The thing is, he could resign and it would (almost) all go away virtually overnight. "I accomplished so much, it is time to step aside," hell he could come up with any number of ways to save face with his followers and get out. His pride won't let him though.
Maybe with congress. I feel like Letitia James would still go after Trump if he resigned though. It'd be massively popular in NY and set up a Gov/Senate/WH run down the road.
10-31-2018 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by well named
It seems more likely to me that Trump loves what he's doing than that he's miserable and wants out. I have no idea how hot this take is though.
He absolutely loves the rallies and tweeting. I'd assume he hates the rest of it.
10-31-2018 , 05:22 PM
How long before we have immigrant battle royale to determine who gets citizenship?
10-31-2018 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by tabbaker
How long before we have immigrant battle royale to determine who gets citizenship?
the fifth DEATH RACE movie.. fifth? i think there are 4.. not counting the original and the originals weird remake with crixus from spartacus.. maybe 8th death race movie? idk.
10-31-2018 , 05:43 PM
Not so humble brag: I took an acting class from someone who was in the original Death Race movie. He was kind of a dick.
10-31-2018 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Are you under the impression that active duty personnel just hang out in the barracks Beetle Bailey style until a war starts? I can assure you from personal experience that is not the case.

In any event they'd be better used assisting with hurricane relief in the FL panhandle than staging a literal photo op for the CiC
I mean, I feel like we've been over this. Do the troops do stuff when they're not deployed somewhere? Of course. Is it important? I guess that depends on context.

Like if you're convinced that without a standing army and the largest Navy and Air Force in the world that the USA would be a sitting duck for any invasion hoard that happened by (though what purpose the nukes serve in that scenario is a mystery, but I digress) then yeah, we need those soldiers 'on that wall' as it were.

But if you are like me and realize that like 90% of what the current US military does is pure political theater -- albeit with real life and death consequences -- then yeah, I happen to think that the troops waste time and money when they're back at their bases, regardless of whether they're practicing HALO jumps or playing Call of Duty. The US has no significant military threats literally anywhere in the world. The only reason it has such a huge military is because it can. That and because reducing it is bad politics.
10-31-2018 , 07:18 PM
Not sure if I've seen this today, hard to keep all the anti-Semitism straight

Trump: 'I wouldn't be surprised' if Soros were paying for migrant caravan

President Trump said Wednesday that he "wouldn't be surprised" if billionaire philanthropist George Soros or someone else is funding the caravan of Central American migrants moving toward the U.S.

"I wouldn’t be surprised," Trump told reporters outside the White House when asked if "someone" is paying for the caravan.

"George Soros?" a reporter interjected.

"I don’t know who, but I wouldn’t be surprised," Trump said. "A lot of people say yes.”

The unfounded conspiracy theory that Soros, a Democratic megadonor, may be providing financial support for the group of migrants has steadily spread among conservatives in recent weeks, The Washington Post reports.
10-31-2018 , 07:50 PM
The President of Strict Constitutionalists

10-31-2018 , 08:31 PM
10-31-2018 , 08:34 PM
10-31-2018 , 08:36 PM
Invasion of very slow ponies!
