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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

08-02-2018 , 03:02 PM
08-02-2018 , 03:09 PM

( twitter | raw text )
08-02-2018 , 03:15 PM
my main problem with the russiagate narrative is that it's gradually replaced the tangible election threats we are facing right now by our own government such as gerrymandering, voter suppression, campaign finance, and the electoral college.

the republican assault on free and fair elections gets masked by the corporate narrative that it's really the russians and that republicans are working hard to protect us from their unjust interference.
08-02-2018 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

( twitter | raw text )
Work requirements for farmers! Add drug testing too. Damn welfare queens.
08-02-2018 , 03:20 PM
We love our hostages!
08-02-2018 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by dogsballs
I think you're sidetracking.

You think CNN is the real problem...?

Murdoch rags ridiculed JC for his sweaters (they know their audience)
The problem is one step back from CNN or Murdoch - though Murdoch as a single individual is a particular member of the ruling class as well as the media that serves its purposes.

Something touched on a lot in discussions about race is the fantasy that there was some more enlightened period before this all bubbled to the surface. Is there an analogue with media? Do people think that popular media was all about the noble and independent pursuit of truth before AM talk radio was unleashed by Reagan undoing the Fairness Doctrine? When progressive values on television meant that Desi could not actually slap Lucy like you know happened with the old timers Fred and Ethel or when The Fonz had a Black friend do you think that there was a free and loose presentation of anti-establishment facts and opinions? Sure there's always been a space for an "anti-establishment" right because it didn't propose anything legitimately threatening. And Mencken, who was actually published regularly in a semi-popular newspaper that he didn't have to print himself, is pretty awesome some of the time. But the anti-establishment left has always been people like I.F. Stone who were pushed entirely off of media that was either owned by corporations or rich families.

So, yeah, Murdoch, Trump, Limbaugh et al are terrible, but it goes back before them to people like Father Coughlin, the fiercely anti-semitic and anti-communist radio personality who about half the adults in the US listened to in the 1930s and the entire plutocratic industry which only allows only radicals who are not a threat is the problem. CNN is not causing that problem, but it's not going to solve it either.
08-02-2018 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
CNN is not causing that problem, but it's not going to solve it either.
100% agree with this!

US MSM sucks donkey balls. All they want to do is stay in the game and get clicks.
08-02-2018 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

( twitter | raw text )
He won PA by less than 45,000 votes, a 0.72% margin.
08-02-2018 , 03:50 PM
so Lou hates the military and 2nd amendment I guess
08-02-2018 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by otatop
He won PA by less than 45,000 votes, a 0.72% margin.
You're counting all the double voting Democrats in URBAN Philadelphia as well as all the illegal immigrants though.
08-02-2018 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
so Lou hates the military and 2nd amendment I guess
Also bad on the Border and Vets!
08-02-2018 , 03:57 PM
while funny, repeating what he says just shows it's working. Dems need someone to do that which they do not have atm.

I suppose that's the biggest problem, how do you create a simple message on things that are complicated when trump just goes around saying it's easy libtards r dum. If you accuse him of **** he did he just goes into standard toddler I know you are but what am I. Which incredibly does not immediately DQ you in the public eyes.

There's a **** ton of people that only image matters. That's why you get weird clothing scandals (ie the carter sweater or obama's tan suit) from the right. Ofc none of this is ever applied to Trump who looks fat in about everything because their rules only apply to you. The left has only won this battle for pres with charisma and they do not have one right now at all.

Last edited by wheatrich; 08-02-2018 at 04:06 PM.
08-02-2018 , 04:02 PM
In response to blowback regarding the administrations decision to roll back regulations in the automotive industry, “people will drive less if their vehicles get fewer miles per gallon, lowering the risk of crashes.”
08-02-2018 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by otatop
He's done an awesome job as governor but he'd be close to 83 by the time he was inaugurated.

Lol the few conservatives in california hate him with such fiery passion it’s kind of incredible. I think? It’s mostly the high speed rail flop (which is an actual disaster) but other than that he’s been amazing.

Oh yea they hate prop 57 too and blame brown. Even though that was purely a voter thing........
08-02-2018 , 04:14 PM
High speed rail has a shot between a few cities on the coasts but people just don't wanna use it and it's expensive to build. I don't blame cali for trying it but some of those proposals they wanted to push had wtf price tags.

Conservatives now hate anyone who isn't R with a passion.
08-02-2018 , 04:15 PM
Run on making Marijuana legal, wages, and medicare for all.

" Get paid high, get blazed high, Medicare for every woman and guy "

Would def increase the 18-30 voter turn out.
08-02-2018 , 04:25 PM

( twitter | raw text )
08-02-2018 , 04:26 PM
"Get out August 7th and vote for a guy not on the ballot August 7th!"

- the president
08-02-2018 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

( twitter | raw text )
Feb 17, 2017:

^ deleted, replaced with:

More recently:

08-02-2018 , 04:42 PM
ivanka is so brave. she’s going to respond to that tweet by bravely standing by her dad and staying quiet. not enough women do that anymore!
08-02-2018 , 05:02 PM
I'll have to circle back around later to properly rip into Ivanka, but here is what's got me heated today:

She is worthless. So is CNN's portrayal of her in that article.
08-02-2018 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by SirOsis
I'll have to circle back around later to properly rip into Ivanka, but here is what's got me heated today:

She is worthless. So is CNN's portrayal of her in that article.
"That was a low point for me as well," she said Thursday, speaking at an Axios Newsmakers conversation on workforce development at the Newseum. "I felt very strongly about that and I am very vehemently against family separation and the separation of parents and children so I would agree with that sentiment. Immigration is incredibly complex as a topic. Illegal immigration is incredibly complicated."
08-02-2018 , 05:18 PM
CHILD: no seriously I could use some help
IVANKA: I will talk to any member of Congress to help find a legislative solution to the issue insofar as a legislative solution must include a 70 ft tall 2500 mile wall to keep you on the other side of it should you ever survive, as my father insists
MEDIA: bless her heart, there's a real conflict and debate about this within the Trump Administration
08-02-2018 , 05:44 PM
Ivanka Trump Compassionately Discusses Incredibly Complex Immigration Policy With Separated Toddlers Awaiting Court Appearance, by Maggie Haberman
08-02-2018 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
"That was a low point for me as well," she said Thursday, speaking at an Axios Newsmakers conversation on workforce development at the Newseum. "I felt very strongly about that and I am very vehemently against family separation and the separation of parents and children so I would agree with that sentiment. Immigration is incredibly complex as a topic. Illegal immigration is incredibly complicated."
Must have been tough for her before she got over it and put it behind her.
