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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

07-20-2018 , 06:16 PM
This literally all goes back to money laundering and Trump not wanting anyone to find out his business isn't the amazing empire rubes think it is. That's why this is all so ****ing stupid. We're talking low nine figures here.
07-20-2018 , 06:17 PM
I'll certainly admit I'm not as imaginative as you dedicated conspiracy theorists
07-20-2018 , 06:18 PM
07-20-2018 , 06:18 PM
somehow keed got wrapped up into the sistema

fsb handler: so, what special skills do you have?

keed: well, i’m really good at posting about tv shows on online message boards

fsb handler: ok good. do you know anything about politics?

keed: no, not at all.

fsb handler: that’s fine, just latch on to one topic and bog down the conversation with semantics for months or years

keed: that sounds like a lot of work

fsb handler: do you want your dog to know that you were being disingenuous when you called him a good boy that one time 3 years ago?

keed: fine! ok! just please leave him out of this
07-20-2018 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by GTO2.0
Paying off women has 0 effect. Probably ends up helping him, or have you forgotten that Bill had an affair while President and lied about it, which is way worse.
Yeah the Trump slappies are just going to whatabout any sex stuff, even if it comes out Trump was banging teenagers 15 years ago. "Oh yeah, whatabout Bill Clinton having sex with the teen daughter of his black friends who run the barbecue joint?!" (assuming "evidence" from fictional portrayals in movies will be acceptable supporting information for right-wing waterheads' arguments in like 6 weeks)
07-20-2018 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
I'll certainly admit I'm not as imaginative as you dedicated conspiracy theorists
OK, busted. I confess that suggesting Trump might reverse course on something is too far fetched.
07-20-2018 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump
This appears to be referencing:

I hope by the time this is all done, both liberals and conservatives hate the NFL so much that it dies
07-20-2018 , 06:45 PM
Haberman leaving twitter. Please don’t go Maggie!

For me, it had become an enormous and pointless drain on my time and mental energy.
This line perfectly describes how I feel about her reporting lol.
07-20-2018 , 06:46 PM
Ugh, the writers are trying to make this season more tittilating by shoehorning in a bunch of cliched sex subplots. First the redhead femme fatale spy and now the sassy madame that’s just a re-tread from the Spitzer Show.

If you like thinking about gross old dudes having the sex, this is your season I guess.
07-20-2018 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
What a surprise. In Keeed's world, no administration, not even this clown car of an administration, could ever work at cross purposes. And there is no possible scenario other than (i) Trump is 100% independent and uncompromised; or (ii) Trump is a Manchurian candidate.
Keed also empathized with the dogs when their owners would hide behind a blanket in a doorway and “disappear.”
07-20-2018 , 06:48 PM
The one or two times I recall trying to dig through Haberman's feed to find a particular tweet or see if she had tweeted on a subject was a ****ing nightmare. I am not exaggerating when I estimate that she retweeted hundreds of tweets per day (go look yourself if you don't believe me). She has a serious Twitter problem, and without reading her article I'm sure she blamed everyone else for it.
07-20-2018 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump
Yeah imagine being friendly with our allies and tough on our enemies you Orange Ball of Goo.
07-20-2018 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
the thing i can’t figure out is: who’s blackmailing keed to force him to post so ****ily?
Apparently pocket fives has video including an industrial sized jar of peanut butter and two poodles.
07-20-2018 , 06:55 PM
Looks like it came back into the news because teams had to submit their anthem rules before training camp, and the Dolphins were the first ones to do so and caused a stir:

Hours after The Associated Press reported that Miami Dolphins players who protest on the field during the anthem could be suspended for up to four games under a team policy issued this week, the league and the players union issued a joint statement late Thursday night saying the two sides are talking things out.

None of the team policies had been made public until the AP obtained a copy of Miami’s nine-page discipline document. It included a one-sentence section on “Proper Anthem Conduct” and was provided to the AP by a person familiar with the policy who insisted on anonymity because the document is not public. It classifies anthem protests under a large list of “conduct detrimental to the club,” all of which could lead to a paid or unpaid suspension, a fine or both.
So LOL NFL as usual. They continue to try to appease Trump on this and only allow him to rile up his base further on the issue.
07-20-2018 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
[...] Revoking the Iran deal, bombing Assad forces in Syria, providing lethal arms to Ukraine. Why would Trump do these things that are contrary to Putin's interests if he was being controlled by Putin?
wtf dude. i enjoy being a silent reader here but wtf?! just wtf.

revoking the iran deal takes 2-3m barrels of oil/day off the market. guess who likes that?

the 2018 strikes cost 100m$+, destroyed 3 buildings and injured 6-9 syrians... yeah... that'll teach assad...

giving 200m to ukraine who are up against a 70b$/year russian military budget will really swing that eastern ukraine situation around. i can already see that happening...

those are all meaningless actions that gullible idiot trumpists will eat up and tell themself that trump is that hawkish mf that will really teach putin a lesson.
he's doing nothing of that kind, quite the opposite.

before anyone gets a wrong idea, i'm not arguing to bomb more people or give more weapons to anybody, quite the opposite. just wanted to show why your arguments are ****
07-20-2018 , 07:02 PM
Can’t the racists and the other good folks who are into sportsball just get along.
07-20-2018 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump
The land of the free...
07-20-2018 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

Where does kneeling to suck Putin's dick come into play here?
07-20-2018 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by UsedToBeGood
Looks like it came back into the news because teams had to submit their anthem rules before training camp, and the Dolphins were the first ones to do so and caused a stir:

So LOL NFL as usual. They continue to try to appease Trump on this and only allow him to rile up his base further on the issue.
What is funny is apparently Miami just used a placeholder paragraph for something else and is why the penalties were out of whack.

The Nfl and their players association are working it out. It is crazy Trump keeps inserting himself into this. I guess he has to keep pushing the agenda of his completely racist base. I just wish the NFL had some real balls and told Trump to mind his own business.
07-20-2018 , 07:34 PM
Still not a single shot fired by Trump at Avenatti. It’s weird he seems like a rat terrier gnawing at his ankles compared to mueller.
07-20-2018 , 07:43 PM
07-20-2018 , 07:44 PM
Well, so much for the Trump sold out America storyline. We're back on the flag and the anthem now, and that'll drive home for the base that nobody loves America more than Daddy Trump. If he's being nice with Vlad, there must be a USA#1 reason for it.
07-20-2018 , 07:50 PM
One knee before a football game is a no no. Two knees for Putin however.
07-20-2018 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Bdidd
One knee before a football game is a no no. Two knees for Putin however.
Haha this. Also he is low on the Sistema totem pole so he only gets to suck the butthole not the penis.
07-20-2018 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by UsedToBeGood
Looks like it came back into the news because teams had to submit their anthem rules before training camp, and the Dolphins were the first ones to do so and caused a stir:

So LOL NFL as usual. They continue to try to appease Trump on this and only allow him to rile up his base further on the issue.
This is one issue I don't blame Trump for. He just fanned the already existing flames. The owners are sniveling racists themselves. Or at least think their fan base is and are trying to appease them.

One thing we've learned is how well boycotts work. It's impractical to boycott the NFL, but there needs to be an organized boycott of every one of its sponsors. Are NFL fans made from the same cloth as NASCAR fans?
