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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

02-17-2017 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Someone is helping Trump with his tweets.
02-17-2017 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by champstark

lol all Republicans, this is what your party stands for
lucky for James Green, he has a friend in the White House on this issue.

This reminded me of an article written by Stephen Miller when he was in college. Full letter here: sorry-feminists

the most relevant part to the above:

It's vital to keep in mind what it would actually mean for women if we were to close the pay gap. For many, it would mean giving up a noble career in social working or putting in 50- and 60-hour work weeks and not being able to spend time with the family. It would mean trading in jobs like housekeeping for night shifts doing road repairs; it would mean giving up the joy of being home during your child's first years of life.
02-17-2017 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by PocketChads
Nothing fascist about that, no sir.

"Only I can tell you the truth!"
02-17-2017 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by weeeez
what do you think of the quote below compared to your quote?

who is right here?
(I have no idea)
Shocking that in the middle of winter there would be blizzards and cold conditions in North Dakota. Hard to complain about protesters having to leave in a hurry and not picking up trash with such unexpected weather.
02-17-2017 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
You and I have different ideas about what that entails. It feels dirty to make excuses for the guy, but I can't defend **** like that because I can't imagine what goes through his mind while doing it. It's certainly not something I would do in his position. Believe it or not, I at least try not to make statements that can be shown to be objectively false with a 4 second Google search. It's not much fun to argue for black when the truth is indisputably white.

I am satisfied with the election outcome, but already stated that I'm regretful that I officially gave him my vote. Should've stuck to the plan and been able to say, "Don't blame me, I didn't vote for him!" for the rest of the decade, but that ship has sailed, and I suppose would've been the coward's way out, anyway.

I stand by HRC being the worse option, but not on an individual level. She'd probably be a better President in a vacuum, but that's not how politics works. Elections have consequences, and HRC would've meant a lot of nasty consequences for conservative causes for decades to come.
The reason you should be concerned with Trump lying about something stupid like this is because if he's lying about something stupid like this, how does the American public know he's telling the truth when it's about something that's actually important?
02-17-2017 , 06:25 PM
Man, honestly, calling them fake is one thing.
But the realization just hit me that calling them "enemy of the people" is basically branding them traitors to the country and could incite violence and other "BADDD THINGSSSS" like uranium
02-17-2017 , 06:33 PM

stockpiling mountains of popcorn
02-17-2017 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by amurophil

stockpiling mountains of popcorn
Good maybe it will be used to overshadow trump's stupid rally.

One thing trump's team is good at is redirecting the story every weekend. (Although who knows when it will come out)
02-17-2017 , 06:44 PM
sounds like hes just hoping thats why the tweet's at this time.

still grabbing the popcorn pre-emptively
02-17-2017 , 06:48 PM
Stoking the fire for his Riot-In-The-Streets™ kick off rally this weekend.
02-17-2017 , 06:50 PM
Annie Linskey‏ @AnnieLinskey

On Wednesday the WH called the media the "opposition party."

Today it is the "enemy of the American people."

What will tomorrow bring?
02-17-2017 , 06:50 PM



02-17-2017 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by amurophil

stockpiling mountains of popcorn
Frum followed that tweet with "...whose accuracy has now been confirmed in advance"
02-17-2017 , 06:54 PM
It could definitely be another distraction attempt, given how obviously provocative it is.
02-17-2017 , 06:55 PM
Does he mean that he thinks the media might have a confirmed story and thats why trump is lashing out pre-emptively or hes saying he confirms taht the medias have a story?
02-17-2017 , 06:57 PM
Could be that they're going to intentionally leak something false in hopes of trapping the media, and then saying 'see, I told you'. Or just straight up defense against a real story, or just random trump spam, orrrrrrrrr.....
02-17-2017 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut



All your ponies are slow.
02-17-2017 , 07:01 PM
Backtracking a little bit to the 'media survey...'
02-17-2017 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Indeed. Nailed it!

****inggggg banon!
02-17-2017 , 07:02 PM
Trump is so impatient, thankfully.

Hopefully nothing stupid/violence happens at his rally.
02-17-2017 , 07:05 PM

02-17-2017 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by JacktheDumb
The Dow Jones is at a all time high and Trumps talk of deregulation wont change that, so they are right. It will suck for the average blue collar worker because their rights get striped away but stock markets dont care about this.
Of course they are correct to have faith in the economy now. I was referring to the obvious effect of foxnews and other conservative media has on the gullible and stupid right.
02-17-2017 , 07:05 PM
Let's play a game.

Who said this:

“I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done.
02-17-2017 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by amurophil

stockpiling mountains of popcorn
hopefully they're smart and release the story on a monday morning at 7am
02-17-2017 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by ogallalabob
Shocking that in the middle of winter there would be blizzards and cold conditions in North Dakota. Hard to complain about protesters having to leave in a hurry and not picking up trash with such unexpected weather.
Yeah, gl with the concern trolling of "people left garbage rather than stay in a blizzard in -30 weather"
