Originally Posted by uDevil
Impressive. For some reason I thought golf twittler or whatever was the bot. Quick summary of what it took to get this going?
I wrote in Go and it's running as a standalone task on AWS Lambda every minute. There's a few parts to it:
- download a text file I put in a S3 (AWS file storage) bucket that just has the ID of the last tweet it knows about
- ask Twitter if Trump has any tweets newer than that one
- if so, post the oldest one (in case there's more than 1), update the "last known ID" in S3
There's a little more to the "post it" part (had to write code to log in to the forum, save the related cookies/security tokens to S3 for future re-use) but that's basically it. Thanks to well named who gave me some good advice in the Programming forum.
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
Respect. I like the idea and if it sucks no biggy we can just get rid of it. Hope you had fun/learned stuff while making it.
Yeah, had never used AWS/lambda before, was cool to learn the basics of it.