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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

01-25-2017 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
He will send the Feds in, like he saw in a movie. Probably the Untouchables.
Funny Chicago mayor and police chief said he can help them by helping to track illegal guns, prosecute gun cases and provide more funds for more police.

I can't imagine that is what ADDonald Trump has in mind. He wants to grab Chicago by the pussy.
01-25-2017 , 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by Kukraprout
Seriously, how crazy is that?

He has access to several law enforcement agencies and all the experts he want, and he still gets his ideas from the things that Fox News puts between adds to keep the olds interested.

And the theory that he is a 4D chessmaster who doesnt actually believe what he says and has secret nuanced positions is deader than dead now.
Yes he watches cable news all day but doesn't take intel briefings.

Meanwhile while the president gets all his info from the msm his followers scream about constantly. It's amazing. I can think of very few circumstances where the president needs to be watching cable news. He has access to a ton of information and chooses not to receive it but instead watches tv.
01-25-2017 , 06:15 AM
How long till Trump drops "SJW" in one of his outbursts?
01-25-2017 , 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
Yes he watches cable news all day but doesn't take intel briefings.

Meanwhile while the president gets all his info from the msm his followers scream about constantly. It's amazing. I can think of very few circumstances where the president needs to be watching cable news. He has access to a ton of information and chooses not to receive it but instead watches tv.
He's probably not referenced by name in security briefings why would you expect a president to be concerned about things that dont directly reference him?
01-25-2017 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by locknopair
o/u on how long until infowars has a press pass?
Today's Wednesday, so...minus three days.
01-25-2017 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Please never ban Sushy. He's our window into **** Trump supporters actually believe. Otherwise I have to text my religious aunt for the low down.
A true window into a Trump supporter. My mother-in-law voted Trump and still has a ****ing sign of him up in her front yard. After the inauguration I was riding with her somewhere and mentioned how he isn't fit and why and what's happening with appointees and such. She just says, "I'm sure he'll do a good job because he couldn't have gotten all that money without being good at politics". So my m-i-l doesn't even realize he was born into money. The worst part is she has a 14 year old daughter and any parent of a child (esp a girl) should be ashamed of themselves for voting for Trump.
Originally Posted by goofyballer
He really isn't, though. I asked him about the crowd stuff from over the weekend and he was clearly too embarrassed to give his real thoughts on any of it. He's just a troll who comes in for cheap laughs and leaves before having to actually defend anything Trump does.
Even in my ignorance of politics (though I'm learning stuff!) I mentioned this last month

Originally Posted by JoltinJake
why do you think there is a difference? trolls and trump supporters are often one in the same.
because he'll never defend his answers. A Trump supporter (like the one above) will at least defend themselves, no matter how stupid they look.

Also, it's sad that there's still any talk of the election itt. It's over. I realize Trump still brings it up and it's ludicrous but it's over and arguing/debating about it is a waste of energy.
01-25-2017 , 07:20 AM
Fox News must be popping champagne today. Random interns now realize they can push some agenda thanks to the direct line they have with the president.
01-25-2017 , 07:44 AM
I had San Francisco in my "what will be the first American city Trump threatens with federal occupation?" pool but Chicago was admittedly one of the favorites. Thought about putting some money on longshot bets like Boston or Baltimore, or maybe even a smaller city like Hoboken NJ or The Villages in FL, because you know Trump is going to want to go there for a photo-op to stand on the stairs of whatever, city hall or a famous landmark in the city, and get his picture taken over the conquered city. But you also know he will also be keen on making sure the populace cheers his arrival. That's why I liked The Villages, tons of olds could stand and cheer for Trump to roll in on a tank. A place like Hoboken or Baltimore might be sensible because they are full of blacks, or liberals, but smaller and more manageable and he could shuttle in between trips to NYC and DC.

But Chicago makes a lot of sense too, can definitely understand the punters who put their money there and are smiling today.
01-25-2017 , 07:49 AM
Also wonder what the line was on number of days in office before threatening a city with military occupation. 5 feels bang on in retrospect but that might be results oriented thinking.
01-25-2017 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by .isolated
Also, it's sad that there's still any talk of the election itt. It's over. I realize Trump still brings it up and it's ludicrous but it's over and arguing/debating about it is a waste of energy.

Maybe if people stop saying how awful HC was and how she lost the election. People who call themselves a progressive and who didn't vote for HC should maybe own a little bit of responsibility if they are complaining about the current shetstorm.

Never argue with your m-i-l
01-25-2017 , 07:57 AM
Former president of Mexico now trolling the OG. This may have what set him off last night:

01-25-2017 , 08:14 AM
01-25-2017 , 08:14 AM
So what happens when the 71 year old man finds out there's no Santa Claus?
01-25-2017 , 08:26 AM
I'm too lazy, can someone go back to the halcyon days of November 2016 and scour the pundit archives or maybe 2p2 politics archives for all the memes that Trump was just an insane rambling bozo on Twitter during the campaign because that's how you win, and that the gravity and seriousness of the office of President would turn him into a credible steward of the country and all that, once he was inaugurated?
01-25-2017 , 08:29 AM

"strengthen up voting procedures"

Well, hope racial minorities enjoyed their enfranchisement.
01-25-2017 , 08:32 AM
It's a good thing T is re-raising with the voter fraud. People were starting to think he was bluffing.
01-25-2017 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by Vagine
Maybe if people stop saying how awful HC was and how she lost the election. People who call themselves a progressive and who didn't vote for HC should maybe own a little bit of responsibility if they are complaining about the current shetstorm.

Never argue with your m-i-l
But people are only bringing up how awful she was because it's their defense mechanism because of what a **** job Trump is doing so far and the criticism he's getting. Be like that guy that just kept asking Kelly Conway about why Spicer lied in the first press conference. It's all deflection. Try to keep it on subject. Don't give in to the idiots that scream "lolz Hillary". Hillary and the election is yesterdays news. If there was someone in office that knew what they were doing, Hillary's name would never ever be uttered.
01-25-2017 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
So what happens when the 71 year old man finds out there's no Santa Claus?
Just find one, preferably "scary looking" one and blast pictures of him in handcuffs on state TV 24/7. Cite him as example of "one of millions" as an alternative fact. You just got 4-D checkmated bitch.

No surprise that LoL sees this coming and is thrilled to have his very own Putin.
01-25-2017 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
So what happens when the 71 year old man finds out there's no Santa Claus?
That's the reason he lead off with "people registered in two states." There's a Joe Smith registered in both NY and NJ, so voter fraud could be happening!
01-25-2017 , 09:10 AM
Just had a look at the responses to these Trump Tweets on Facebook - always a mistake. No matter where you set the bar for human stupidity, it's never low enough.
01-25-2017 , 09:19 AM
Checking the accounts of trump supporters posting on stories on fb this morning lying in bed and most of them are fake accounts with no posts and a few other fake accounts as friends. One I checked has zero friends but has been posting anti Hillary and pro trump things since pre election. Not one like or comment on any post ever.
01-25-2017 , 09:37 AM
Voter fraud! I love this GOP bugbear.

My favorite story of Republican voter fraud story from back in 2013...

Of course, Roxanne Rubin's amateur antics have been honed to idiotic perfection by the likes of James O'Keefe and his various ridiculous videos. He spends 1/2 his time doing this kind of thing.
01-25-2017 , 09:47 AM
Sounds like Putin would be proud of Trump and his investigating voter fraud after he won the election.

If I were not so smart I would think Trump is obsessed with the election to an irrational level. He is demoralized he is not still being praised for his big win and now he wants to investigate fraud because he lost the popular vote.
01-25-2017 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
He's probably not referenced by name in security briefings why would you expect a president to be concerned about things that dont directly reference him?
I wish he would take a briefing and they tell him our intelligence has determined your innaugeration was below average in size.
01-25-2017 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by goofball
he could expand gun control but that seems fairly unlikely
maybe to the same amount of gun control they have in Mexico?
