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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

06-07-2018 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl

The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.
this is such a weird story/ chain of events. mueller and MSM start to look into this guy who is a SUPER successful architect, and according to cnbc he closes and shuts down his whole business within hours of them contacting him, deletes all social media and vanished.

like wtf. if by some way you aren't guilty of something, way to make everyone immediately think you are.
06-07-2018 , 04:50 AM

"According to a*recent Gallup Poll, Mr Trump's support among members of his own party at the 500-day mark of his presidency sits at 87%, second only to George W Bush's 96%, which came nine months after the September 11 World Trade Center attacks."
06-07-2018 , 05:03 AM
Yeah, this is what the party is now. The Kochs etc lost control of their Frankenstein. Turns out there are downsides to raising people on a diet of 100% fear, paranoia and ethnocentrism.
06-07-2018 , 05:11 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson

Originally Posted by ChrisV
Yeah, this is what the party is now. The Kochs etc lost control of their Frankenstein. Turns out there are downsides to raising people on a diet of 100% fear, paranoia and ethnocentrism.
It's amazing that after 17 years, my Trump-supporting family members still talk about 9/11 and how that could happen again if not for Trump and his attack on Radical Islamic Terrorism (TM). To them, it's like it happened yesterday. It goes completely past them that more terrorist attacks have been carried out in Trump's name than any POTUS since the Civil Rights Movement.

Last edited by SuperUberBob; 06-07-2018 at 05:30 AM.
06-07-2018 , 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by gregorio
> 90%

I think the final popular vote will be almost even for the PC vs. NDP or may even result in a slight NDP "win". But the way the individual ridings are shaping up the PCs will get a number of seats disproportionate to their popular vote.

Ontario is in some trouble. The demographic tsunami is going to hit this province hard when the full wave of baby boomers starts drawing on expensive old age health care in the next decade or two. Heading into that with a large accumulated provincial debt is going to be rough.
06-07-2018 , 05:48 AM
Wow! Maybe Trump watched the movie about the "Dunkirk" rescue and got confused? WTF was he thinking?
Trump: Texans Had to Be Rescued After Going ‘Out in Boats to Watch’ Hurricane Harvey
06-07-2018 , 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
This totally seems like the reaction of an innocent person with innocent friends and associates.
Guaranteed Mueller already has a good lot if not all of the data from their phones.

Smartphones are why the NSA exists.

Originally Posted by fdevny
Wow! Maybe Trump watched the movie about the "Dunkirk" rescue and got confused? WTF was he thinking?
Trump: Texans Had to Be Rescued After Going ‘Out in Boats to Watch’ Hurricane Harvey
He represents the norm wrt historical knowledge of the average middle-aged and baby boomer American.

I've run into countless people in Europe who know more about American history than Americans do.
06-07-2018 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter

"According to a*recent Gallup Poll, Mr Trump's support among members of his own party at the 500-day mark of his presidency sits at 87%, second only to George W Bush's 96%, which came nine months after the September 11 World Trade Center attacks."
List the top three reasons why you find this to be incredible please.
06-07-2018 , 05:59 AM
To me it's incredible because I thought it would be higher. Didn't think 13% of Republicans were Never Trumpers.
06-07-2018 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
He represents the norm wrt historical knowledge of the average middle-aged and baby boomer American.

I've run into countless people in Europe who know more about American history than Americans do.
I don't think this is an accident. Americans are deeply committed to and emotionally dependent on their founding mythology and that requires actual active efforts to remain ignorant about their actual recorded history.
06-07-2018 , 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Ireland. Scotland. New Zealand. Germany. All the warm places in both Australia and the US are hives of scum and villainy as well. California the exception that proves the rule.
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Prince knows.
Somehow in England we've managed to get **** weather and a bunch of total *******s.
06-07-2018 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by mosdef
I don't think this is an accident. Americans are deeply committed to and emotionally dependent on their founding mythology and that requires actual active efforts to remain ignorant about their actual recorded history.
This is very true. It also doesn't help that our history classes reinforce that mythology while simultaneously ignoring or playing down the parts that go against it. I learned almost nothing about the Vietnam War in high school and that was just 15 years ago. Most people aren't curious enough to learn about history beyond the classroom meaning that some senior citizens haven't learned anything new about history in 50+ years.

I've taught in three countries other than America and in neither of those countries do students pledge allegiance to a flag. That's some dictatorship ****. Hell I don't recall seeing that in China and that's a single-party state.

Originally Posted by tomdemaine
Somehow in England we've managed to get **** weather and a bunch of total *******s.
Eh. Scotland's okay in the latter.

Well at least where I live. Also, Edinburgh has so many expats and immigrants that running into a Scottish person can feel like a challenge in some parts of the city, especially during high season and definitely during Fringe.

EDIT: Just noticed ChrisV pointed out Scotland as "one of the good ones". Thanks amigo. I'm not Scottish. I'm just happy that people are nice enough to separate Scotland from England (no offense tom).
06-07-2018 , 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
Somehow in England we've managed to get **** weather and a bunch of total *******s.
It's not somehow - it's called the 1980s.
06-07-2018 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by microbet

Do you shop at Corsco's Flower and Garden Center?

ICE arrests 114 workers at that chain in Sandusky and Castalia.

Trumpkins are just impossibly dumb and just as they think the economic recovery that's been going on for 8 years already is due to Trump, when all the tariffs and deportations and driving off new immigrants starts to slow the economy down and drive prices up there'll be a Democrat in office to take the blame.
All signs are pointing to us being in/approaching a nationwide labor shortage. We’re already there in a lot of key industries. When this stalls the economy, these morons are just gonna keep pointing to low unemployment, as if that’s all of a sudden the only indicator of economic health
06-07-2018 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
Don't you have a shrine to Stephen Harper?
I do think very highly of Harper
06-07-2018 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by adios
List the top three reasons why you find this to be incredible please.
1. Trump is the objectively the worst president in the history of the US.
2. Trump is stealing money from the citizens of the US.
3. Trump espouses none of the family values his party pushes.

And don't forget what to do you yourself Adios.

rhymes with duck.
06-07-2018 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by adios
List the top three reasons why you find this to be incredible please.
There are a few thousand reasons like this and more every day. Although maybe he doesn't think it's incredibe that Republicans are horrible people.

06-07-2018 , 09:46 AM
Re the 1812 burning of the White House...the troops that did it were not just British subjects, but were actually from Great
06-07-2018 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
The heck would we want Toronto for? I'll take Vancouver. Or better yet, Victoria. And maybe Quebec City for a summer home.
recently saw Anthony Bourdain "Newfoundland". let's scoop up that island as well.
06-07-2018 , 10:01 AM
Mulvaney has fired the cfpb's consumer advocacy board. Spokesman dismissed complaints that meetings between the agency and board had been reduced from a two day session to a 20 minute phone call by calling the sessions "junkets." Im shocked the economically anxious trumpers dont care about mortgage abuses or payday lending usury
06-07-2018 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by ligastar
recently saw Anthony Bourdain "Newfoundland". let's scoop up that island as well.
careful, we've got >1 million trained moose ready to take you guys out up there.

Also, you won't understand their language at all. I don't, so there's no chance an American ever would
06-07-2018 , 10:04 AM

One part of this article is makes it sound not as bad as it is.

The U.S. solar industry employs more than 250,000 people - about three times more than the coal industry - with about 40 percent of those people in installation and 20 percent in manufacturing, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
Few of the solar panels used in the US are made here, but much of/most of the racking and inverters are. That accounts for most of the 20%. There are something like 1500 people working on module manufacturing, which is increasingly automated anyway, in the US. The tariffs are either to protect two failing companies or intentionally meant to hurt the solar industry.
06-07-2018 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Ireland. Scotland. New Zealand. Germany. All the warm places in both Australia and the US are hives of scum and villainy as well. California the exception that proves the rule.
I grew up in a small town in the far north of Australia... can confirm this is 100% true.
06-07-2018 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
Guaranteed Mueller already has a good lot if not all of the data from their phones.
This has been said so many ways about so many things and so many people involved in the investigation. The amount of information Mueller's team has must be astounding.

And yet no ties to Trump that we've heard of so far. I think it's way more likely that the special counsel is playing super tight with Trump links and making sure they don't leak out, rather than Trump being fully insulated and/or innocent of any direct involvement. I don't mean the obstruction part. He's clearly guilty of that in major, very public ways. I'm talking about the rest of the investigation, including collusion, coordination, conspiracy - whatever you call it - and anything he's done together with the other subjects, targets, and witnesses or with Russia/Putin. This doesn't even include money laundering, tax irregularities, shady business dealings, kompromat, or anything Trump did before the 2016 election, though it should. But it also should include ongoing illegal activities with Russia, during the transition and the presidency through today.

Speaking of the probe's witnesses, subjects, and targets, someone mentioned that Manafort's charges have nothing to do with Trump. That's true, but the story is far from complete. 1) We learned a couple of months ago that not all charges against Manafort are public yet. Some stuff is still pending. 2) In the Manafort court filings that are public, there is redacted info and there are unnamed co-conspirators where links to Trump could definitely exist. 3) The results of the Rosenstein memo are still unknown. Manafort, collusion, and Trump's knowledge or involvement haven't been resolved. 4) The original FBI investigation mentioned at least four campaign members suspected of coordination with Russia. They are also unnamed as far as we know, and it's still ongoing under Mueller.

Much of this applies to all indictments, witnesses, cooperators, subjects, etc. in the case and not just Manafort alone. The links to Trump are noticably absent from everyone. IMO, that's by Mueller can work it properly without compromising anything, and so Trump can't meddle as much as he'd prefer. People may disagree, and Trumpkins can think this is a witch hunt for a while if they want, but I really believe Mueller's holding A LOT back on Trump.

Either way, we're probably drawing live to RICO as a bonus.
06-07-2018 , 11:01 AM
25% of workers in long term care are immigrants and there's already a shortage of workers. Thanks awval.
