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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

02-28-2018 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by d10
Do you have a citation for this or are you just making **** up based on what you feel must have happened?
Matty's use of "extermination" wasn't really right for these years, but even earlier in 1919 the proto-Nazi Freikorps murdered Rosa Luxemburg.
02-28-2018 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by OneEyedPoker
Someone didn’t get their bedtime Big Mac yet
lol, the "beautiful map" he's quoting is wrong

look up Washoe County (Reno, Nevada) as an example, which the map has red for some reason (it didn't go Trump)
02-28-2018 , 01:19 AM
Is that the first time that Trump actually proved that he reads his comments by directly replying to that map post?

Kind of funny to me, imagining him reading the dozens of bots messages knob-slobbin and the occasional RESIGN and NOBODY LIKES YOU
02-28-2018 , 01:23 AM
Ay yo, we could all stop nitting it up about the timeline of Nazi Germany and instead celebrate the epic flipaments that are going on.
02-28-2018 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
Is that the first time that Trump actually proved that he reads his comments by directly replying to that map post?

Kind of funny to me, imagining him reading the dozens of bots messages knob-slobbin and the occasional RESIGN and NOBODY LIKES YOU
I'm pretty sure he's done it in the past to others.
02-28-2018 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
I'm pretty sure he's done it in the past to others.
Before he ran for office he replied to his followers all the time, there are so many hilarious tweets from 5-6+ years ago.
02-28-2018 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Ay yo, we could all stop nitting it up about the timeline of Nazi Germany and instead celebrate the epic flipaments that are going on.
02-28-2018 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Dude is a national treasure.
02-28-2018 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by Loki
okay everyone go back to engaging monteroy, this is much worse

Gonna use this as an excuse to say:


That was a reasonable PM (he PM'd me). I would like to PM you back, but you appear to have chosen not to or are not able to receive PM's. Just let me know if you want to continue the PM conversation or not.
02-28-2018 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by grizy
People have donated much more and still saw their kids denied. Dude also graduated with honors from Harvard with degree in government, not exactly a soft major.

Law schools are totally obsessed with numbers. If Kushner did’t at least have decent LSAT NYU would have told him to **** off (and kept the money).
Are you aware of the extreme issues these elite institutions have with grade inflation? It is a massive problem and really tears away any idea that people attending those schools are getting an elite education instead of just being pushed through the system and given low As or High Bs if they are essentially failing.

I would like some of these examples of people whose families donated millions of dollars to these schools but there child was not accepted. You implied this happened more than once but let us start with a single relevant example.

Family gives 2-3 million or more to elite school during the time their child has applied to said school but the child was denied entry.
02-28-2018 , 03:12 AM
SA's pictures/captions keeps these derails from being nightmares.
02-28-2018 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by grizy
I didn’t say he did well enough to get in on his own merits. I said he must have done reasonably well, implying at least well enough for Harvard to pretend he was qualified and softs took him over the top.

Besides, there is also the NYU JD/MBA. MBAs have a lot more leeway but law schools are positively obsessed with rankings... a school like NYU trying to break into top tier especially so.

This whole argument is dumb. I think he is smart enough to be dangerous and selfish enough to take the country down for personal gains. That’s a lot worse than being just plain dumb. He’s basically a quieter and more educated version of Trump.
Are you not aware he got into NYU law school because he graduated from Harvard with honors? Which only happened because his family donated a large sum of money to Harvard for him to be accepted and almost everyone in Harvard graduates with honors.

I suggest you do some research on the substantial issues plaguing our elite universities from non qualified students regularly being admitted to the farcical nature in which grades are handed out.

The hardest part of Kushner’s education was getting into Harvard. The rest was essentially a free ride. Since his daddy paid for him to go to Harvard there was literally no energy, or effort put into any of it by him.

Just to be clear, the median Grade at Harvard is an A-, and the most commonly awarded grade is an A. You think Kushner’s several million dollars would be happy with Bs and Cs?

Last edited by markksman; 02-28-2018 at 03:28 AM.
02-28-2018 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
This is excellent news. I've read that there have been multiple 20+ pt swings away from R's and towards D's, and 39 seats flipped.

If that trend continues or increases through November, then D's would flip the House and Senate, and removal of Trump would be live.

Impeachment in the House would be easy, but conviction in the Senate would be hard. But if the D's flip enough seats, and if Mueller's evidence is egregious enough, then even conviction or resignation would be possible.

I don't want to get my hopes too high, but I don't believe that it's the mega-longshot that some others do, that's all.
02-28-2018 , 03:25 AM
Is there anything that stops somebody from attempting to impeach a President more than once?

I mean there's no double jeopardy in impeachments afaik.
02-28-2018 , 03:29 AM
I could be wrong, but I don't believe so, legally. However, if the House impeaches, and the Senate conviction falls well short, then the House would probably be demotivated to impeach again, unless something big changed. If the Senate vote were close, then they might keep trying. I could be talking out of my ass on this, though, as I don't particularly know.
02-28-2018 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by patron
I could be wrong, but I don't believe so, legally. However, if the House impeaches, and the Senate conviction falls well short, then the House would probably be demotivated to impeach again, unless something big changed. If the Senate vote were close, then they might keep trying. I could be talking out of my ass on this, though, as I don't particularly know.
Lots of big things happen all the time with Trump, but they all feel small because jadedness.
02-28-2018 , 03:46 AM
If the Democrats try after the midterms, fail and then win more seats at the end of 2019 (should be some people running, no?) they could try again with a better shot at pullling it off.
02-28-2018 , 03:49 AM
LSAT is huge component of law school admission. The median grade at Harvard would make him bottom 25% in UGPA for NYU law admits (which puts him in Underrepped Minority land). He really needed a pretty decent LSAT, say 165 (which is also bottom 25% for NYU law admits).

The guy that wrote the price of admission didn’t say big donors get all of their kids in. He said they got a big advantage that amounts to something like 160 in SATs. Even if Kushner got a bigger advantage than that, we’re still talking about 1250, which was about 75-80th percentile. 165 lsat is about 90th percentile. That he graduated from Harvard is also a win. That he also got in Stern is yet another data point.

He’s not stupid. Chances are he has well above average IQ (though probably below average at the schools he attended) Insisting on calling him, and his father in law, stupid just leads people to underestimate the amount of damage the duo can do. If they are plain stupid, they could be more easily managed and just contained. The problem is they are smart enough and selfish enough to **** us all over.

It’s not hard to find kids that didn’t get in despite large donations. Look at big donors and see how many of them had kids end up at other schools.
02-28-2018 , 04:01 AM
The day's big stories, summed up in one article:

Kushner, Russia bombshells rock the White House

Washington (CNN) -- A volley of stunning revelations over Jared Kushner and the Russia probe are rocking Donald Trump's inner circle and suggest a pivotal moment is at hand in the West Wing personnel wars that have raged throughout his presidency.

First, it emerged Tuesday that chief of staff John Kelly downgraded the top secret security clearance for the President's son-in-law in a bid to clear up a scandal over whether top administration players are qualified to access the most sensitive intelligence.

Then, The Washington Post published a bombshell report that at least four countries had discussed how to use Kushner's sparse experience, financial troubles and intricate business arrangements to manipulate him.

Hours later, CNN reported that special counsel Robert Mueller is asking questions about Trump's business dealings with Russia before the President's campaign, a potentially significant development in the investigation.
02-28-2018 , 04:13 AM
I have hopes that Kushner is smart and selfish enough to sink Trump.
02-28-2018 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
If the Democrats try after the midterms, fail and then win more seats at the end of 2019 (should be some people running, no?) they could try again with a better shot at pullling it off.
...the next major congress election will be 2020 and then we can just vote Trump out the normal way?
02-28-2018 , 04:28 AM
I don’t want Trump impeached unless it’s some rock solid evidence that leads to bipartisan support for impeachment. A political impeachment that ends in conviction would do so much damage to our democracy I rather just have an impotent lame duck for two years.
02-28-2018 , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by grizy
I don’t want Trump impeached unless it’s some rock solid evidence that leads to bipartisan support for impeachment.
You think if rock solid evidence emerged of Trump committing a crime, Republicans would hop on board to impeach? Hahahahahaha oh wow.
02-28-2018 , 04:35 AM
Committing a crime isn’t the bar for impeachment.

The biggest favor Trump can do us now is doing something so egregious even Fox and Friends bail on him. I am not entirely sure that’s possible but I hope it is.
02-28-2018 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by Our House
The day's big stories, summed up in one article:

Kushner, Russia bombshells rock the White House
"intricate business arrangements"

Lol. I guess it's probably against the law to just say "money laundering" before he's been prosecuted.
