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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

02-23-2018 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
How long has America had these school cops? I'd never heard of such a thing anywhere until now.
mostly after 1998(Columbine). My school had a school shooting in '03 when i was a senior. we had a cop at the highschool due to a previous machete attack at one of the elementary schools, but not at the junior high where the shooting took place.

shortly after that we had more cops and metal detectors for awhile, but they went away by the time i graduated.
02-23-2018 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
Rick Gates, deputy campaign manager of the Donald Trump presidential campaign in 2016 has pleaded guilty to conspiracy against the US.
That's insane. Doesn't something like this carry a death sentence?
02-23-2018 , 04:48 PM
i love the conservatives blaming the fbi and the cops. what do they think the fbi or the cops were supposed to do? surveil the kid because the neighbors didnt like him and said he was weird? go take his gun when he had committed no crime according to the NRA?

i saw a meme on facebook that was pretty apropos, If he had marijuana they would have went to his house and searched it with multiple officers, but reporting he has an ar-15 doesnt lead them to do anything.
02-23-2018 , 04:49 PM
I graduated in 1994. I remember some kid lighting an M-80 firecracker in the senior Y and the teacher being annoyed and telling us to knock it off. Can't imagine what would happen if someone did that today.
02-23-2018 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
This is an insane reading of the Risen Greenwald discussion. Do you really think that two people as accomplished and smart as Risen and Scahill are going to be "concern trolled" by Greenwald for an hour? That's nuts man. Greenwald is absolutely arguing in good faith, and Risen largely agrees with him throughout the discussion!

And you're absolutely overblowing the exchange between Risen and Greenwald at the end. Again, Risen agrees with the bulk of what Greenwald says -- the mundane and obviously true point that the Russia/US relationship is one of the most important international relationships in the world, and anything that threatens to increase Russia/US tensions is not great. Particularly if the cause of the increase in tensions is making a mountain out of a molehill, if that's what the Mueller investigation turns out to be.
Largely agree that the media cheerleading for Mueller isn't particularly helpful for anyone. The take that we have to be careful of what we say because it may upset daddy Russia is pure insanity. Putin is a brutal dictator running an active campaign to rip America apart. The idea that we can get along happily if we just don't upset him is what domestic violence victims tell themselves. Since when has appeasement ever been a successful tool for combating a dictator?
02-23-2018 , 04:49 PM
Allowing the gun control conversation to get derailed by arguments about whether the deputy should have charged in guns blazing or not is so bad.
02-23-2018 , 04:52 PM
that guy is gonna kill himself jesus christ
02-23-2018 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
That's super impressive

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02-23-2018 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Allowing the gun control conversation to get derailed by arguments about whether the deputy should have charged in guns blazing or not is so bad.
True. The whole point of these patently ludicrous ideas is that they distract everyone for a while until eventually the media cycle moves on to something new.
02-23-2018 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Pwn_Master
But why? He keeps citing Iraq, but there it was pretty clear, if the authorities were wrong then we would start a disastrous war on false pretenses. Very bad!

The Ds do not want to, and cannot, start a war here. And there are alot of things to be hysterical about, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates and Michael Flynn are massive scandals regardless of how much Trump knew about what they were doing. And the Ds are suggesting things that are morally justified anyway regardless of whether that hysteria proves to be overblown or not.
Why is it bad to unnecessarily increase tensions with a nation that has several thousand deployed nuclear weapons pointed largely at the United States? I will leave that as an exercise to the reader.

Citing the stupideist comments from Congressman is a great political tactic if you are a political actor, like Glenn. If Glenn wants to be a responsible journalist maybe he should ask those Congressmen whether they were just making an inartful attack on Trump or maybe suggesting something like a D-Day cyber response before claiming they really think we are at war.

GG face: It is very disgusting and very sinister for someone to suggest that those Congressman are trying to get us to declare war. The Russians might read Glenn's article and pre-emptively nuke us! I cannot believe that Glenn is acting so irresponsibly and hysterical in his writing. Trying to lead Russia to bomb us on false pretenses. This is worse than Iraq!

He even notes that the Ds are only calling for sanctions in response, but tries to egg them on and says that is not enough based on what they said. He knows that the Ds real position is just investigations and sanctions. The responsible journalist would just accept this reality.
So Democrats saying wildly irresponsible and insane things like "Russian election intervention is literally as serious as Pearl Harbor" (he was given every chance by Hayes to clarify and back down and he doubled down!) is not the problem, the problem is journalists condemning those wildly irresponsible and insane comments? I don't know man...
02-23-2018 , 04:55 PM
Fall guy identified. Crisis averted. Betcha he donated to the Hilary campaign.
02-23-2018 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Matty Lice
That's insane. Doesn't something like this carry a death sentence?
This guy was convicted of the same charge for sending spam mail. Now that should carry a death sentence, but no, he got 5 years.
02-23-2018 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
that guy is gonna kill himself jesus christ
yeah this seems almost guaranteed at this point
02-23-2018 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Matty Lice
That's insane. Doesn't something like this carry a death sentence?
Joe Schneider Legal Editor
Guidelines advisory sentencing range is 57 months to 71 months. Prosecution can request a shorter sentence but isn't required to do so, according to the judge

Includes one count of making false statement.
02-23-2018 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Matty Lice
That's insane. Doesn't something like this carry a death sentence?
IIRC "Conspiracy against the United States" is legalese for tax evasion.
02-23-2018 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Man, I dunno. Glen constantly has his guard up managing that Cinnabon in Omaha

Cannot wait for the next season.
02-23-2018 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by Dunkman
Largely agree that the media cheerleading for Mueller isn't particularly helpful for anyone. The take that we have to be careful of what we say because it may upset daddy Russia is pure insanity. Putin is a brutal dictator running an active campaign to rip America apart. The idea that we can get along happily if we just don't upset him is what domestic violence victims tell themselves. Since when has appeasement ever been a successful tool for combating a dictator?
Greenwald isn't saying we have to be careful what we say about Russia or Putin. I'm sure he believes that the truth about what happened in the 2016 election needs to be told, no matter what that truth is. He is saying that journalists should be careful not to sensationalize poorly or incompletely sourced snippets of information, because such sensationalism can have dire and tragic real-world consequences. This is true for everything, but is of particular importance when the sensationalism is targeted at a potential adversary state. Such wild-eyed credulousness and media cheerleading was instrumental in the buildup to the Iraq war. That same sensationalism targeted at a nation with thousands of deployed nuclear weapons could have even more tragic consequences.
02-23-2018 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by otatop
IIRC "Conspiracy against the United States" is legalese for tax evasion.
Thanks. It's one of those things that sound worse than it is.
02-23-2018 , 05:06 PM
If anything journalists have been hyper careful with the Russian investigation. It wasn't until the dossier and some pretty direct FBI leaks that the journalists just decided to go HAM.

Objective journalism of any kind would be going HAM on the stuff now. If anything, we're being distracted by too much useless **** like Trump's sexcapades.
02-23-2018 , 05:07 PM
But yeah, while *BILL KRISTOL* had a bad 2003 I'm sure his work in 2018 is vastly improved and whatever anti-Russia work he's doing is totally above board and great stuff man, great stuff. Bill Kristol screwed up in the leadup to the Iraq war, sure. But that just means he learned his lesson!
02-23-2018 , 05:08 PM
Jesus how are we still talking about Greenwald
02-23-2018 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
Why is it bad to unnecessarily increase tensions with a nation that has several thousand deployed nuclear weapons pointed largely at the United States? I will leave that as an exercise to the reader.

So Democrats saying wildly irresponsible and insane things like "Russian election intervention is literally as serious as Pearl Harbor" (he was given every chance by Hayes to clarify and back down and he doubled down!) is not the problem, the problem is journalists condemning those wildly irresponsible and insane comments? I don't know man...
There you go again, using vague and hyperbolic language yourself with the scary sounding "escalate tensions with a nuclear power." Our response is to deny them the privilege of our laundering their money in our country and asking our allies to do the same. Ask Ds what they want done about, and they vast majority will move to the talking point that "we want Trump to implement the sanctions that passed with overwhelming bipartisan majorities."

Perfectly fine if he wants to say that some people are saying reckless things, in his opinion. Its not okay for him to lie about the intentions of the D party and use it as an excuse for his behavior.

That’s exactly what is being done by those who keep declaring the U.S. to be “at war” with Russia, and especially those who invoke the worst attacks in U.S. history when doing so, all while refusing to state what they think should be done in response. It’s simultaneous reckless and cowardly.
Claiming they are being cowardly is claiming that they are lying when they say they do not want to start a real shooting war. Cautious Glenn who wants to give Trump and Russia the benefit of the doubt on everything until he has clear and convincing evidence has zero evidence for this wildly outlandish claim.
02-23-2018 , 05:10 PM
Giving an underpaid rent-a-cop a gun and expecting this to solve all the problems feels so quintessentially American.

Also, I bet it's not tough to find rent-a-cops who will charge a dude with an AR, and I bet it's not tough to find rent-a-cops who aren't a risk to put a few shells in an unarmed minority, but I bet it's very very difficult to find a rent-a-cop who meets both of the above criteria.
02-23-2018 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
Greenwald isn't saying we have to be careful what we say about Russia or Putin. I'm sure he believes that the truth about what happened in the 2016 election needs to be told, no matter what that truth is. He is saying that journalists should be careful not to sensationalize poorly or incompletely sourced snippets of information, because such sensationalism can have dire and tragic real-world consequences. This is true for everything, but is of particular importance when the sensationalism is targeted at a potential adversary state. Such wild-eyed credulousness and media cheerleading was instrumental in the buildup to the Iraq war. That same sensationalism targeted at a nation with thousands of deployed nuclear weapons could have even more tragic consequences.
Lol, that's rich. A guy who did his damnedest to damage Hillary Clinton when the risk was a Trump presidency is teaching us about sensationalism. He's just as guilty as anybody else in media of it.

Just say it. You like GG because he trolls the left instead of trying to defend the double standards by which he plays.

Last edited by Paul D; 02-23-2018 at 05:21 PM.
02-23-2018 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Allowing the gun control conversation to get derailed by arguments about whether the deputy should have charged in guns blazing or not is so bad.
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
True. The whole point of these patently ludicrous ideas is that they distract everyone for a while until eventually the media cycle moves on to something new.
I disagree. If a police officer can't be expected to confront an active shooter then the case for arming the teachers goes right out of the window. If the police officer is outgunned against an active shooter with an AR-15 then that's an argument for not making these types of weapons easily available.
