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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

01-05-2018 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by rugby
Sigh. This is why we cant have nice things.
Politards gonna politard. Your earlier post was a fine articulation of the issue.
01-05-2018 , 07:28 PM
No, it wasn't. You're incredibly dense if you think pharmaceutical research and development and end of life care are both collectively paid for in all countries, and are sharing resources, like rugby's post implies. gtfo.

Last edited by Paul D; 01-05-2018 at 07:41 PM.
01-05-2018 , 07:40 PM
Does the book happen to mention when this bat**** ride comes to an end?
01-05-2018 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
No, it wasn't. You're incredibly dense if you think pharmaceutical research and development and end of life care are both collectively paid for in all countries, and are sharing resources, like rugby's post implies. gtfo.
Not to extend this derail but you clearly don't understand health care economics. Rugby was exactly correct. It's insane the money spent on end of life care. It's a terrible allocation of funds.
01-05-2018 , 07:46 PM
Your edit really didnt make your point clearer.

Being obnoxious while deliberetly making your argument as difficult to understand as possible over multiple posts... not a good look.
01-05-2018 , 08:34 PM
FBI has resumed investigating the Clinton Foundation:
01-05-2018 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
I think it is close to impossible for anyone who hasn't lived with a narcissist to fully comprehend the experience. They literally create an alternative reality and honestly believe its true. You and I see him say 3 million illegal immigrants voted and think "he's lying." But he's not! He honestly believes it; his ego is that fragile.

Beneath all the bluster and insults and bragging is a guy who is massively insecure, who has no self esteem, who is uninterested in learning about anything, whose only interest in life is self-gratification. And it might seem like he is immune to consequence. Politically, maybe. But I can assure you this is a miserable human being. Look at how he spends his time! Constantly enraged, deeply unpopular and, for the first time in his life, forced to listen to people telling the truth about what a dumb, lazy, ignorant POS he is.

This is the one thing that gives me solace during these interesting times. Trump hates life more than virtually anyone here will ever know.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
01-05-2018 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Well that's certainly new information to me. It sounded to me like they just pulled the decision out of their ass and backed it up with random nonsense. Can you link me to those established procedures in Virginia election law? I'd love to read them.

Case #8
01-05-2018 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
FBI has resumed investigating the Clinton Foundation:
Wonder if this will go over or under the two meetings the voter fraud comssion had before they were disbanded.
01-05-2018 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
Heres a peak into one of those The_Donald threads I was talking about, regarding trumpers turning on Trump. I guess someone archived it so you're able to see all the posts removed by mods.
That's incredible.
01-05-2018 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
I think it is close to impossible for anyone who hasn't lived with a narcissist to fully comprehend the experience. They literally create an alternative reality and honestly believe its true. You and I see him say 3 million illegal immigrants voted and think "he's lying." But he's not! He honestly believes it; his ego is that fragile.

Beneath all the bluster and insults and bragging is a guy who is massively insecure, who has no self esteem, who is uninterested in learning about anything, whose only interest in life is self-gratification. And it might seem like he is immune to consequence. Politically, maybe. But I can assure you this is a miserable human being. Look at how he spends his time! Constantly enraged, deeply unpopular and, for the first time in his life, forced to listen to people telling the truth about what a dumb, lazy, ignorant POS he is.
Agree with most of this but IME on a deep level they know they're full of ****. Like when Trump challenges people to IQ tests, you might say he honestly believes he'd win, but if they ever accepted he'd find a reason not to accept. Like you know the guy who brags about how he could totally bang the hot girl in the bar, but when egged on to chat her up always has a reason why he doesn't want to?
01-05-2018 , 09:36 PM
this is gonna kill hillary's chances in 2020. an absolutely devastating blow and a genius move by republicans to snipe trump's top contender this far out from the general election. the best way they can think of to stop hillary from becoming president is physically restraining her in prison so that's their plan and they're sticking to it no matter how unlikely it is she'll ever run for any political office ever again
01-05-2018 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
Yeah I'm totes cool with telling morbidly obese & smokers to **** off when it comes to federally funded health care. Programs to help people stop becoming those things? Absolutely. Breaking the bank for people who decided to eat pounds of junk food every day and smoking 2 packs of cigs for 30 years? Meh, play stupid games win stupid prizes.
And the people mainlining opiates? Eff em if they get an absess? Or endocarditis just Lethem die? Likewise they can just suffer from hep c or gov amirite?
01-05-2018 , 09:42 PM
LOL yea, it is funny. Like WTF are you wasting time on Hillary for? Brownie points with the base? OK.
01-05-2018 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by 6ix
That's incredible.
0% of those people will actually abandon Trump
01-05-2018 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
0% of those people will actually abandon Trump
Every D candidate out there needs to run on legalizing pot. If they don't do it, they are morans of Trumpian proportions.
01-05-2018 , 09:57 PM
Trump must have some awareness of what people really think of him. Watching Fox & Friends and paying attention between times his name is mentioned might be his way of buckling down to study and showing that he can talk policy. "Look at me, I'm tweeting like a big boy!"
01-05-2018 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by d10
No. The ballot is still ambiguous and doesn't comply with #8. There is no way somebody could honestly look at the ballot they accepted and say with enough certainty who they thought the person was voting for. It was a total bull**** partisan call by the court to change an election they didn't like the results of. You can pretend otherwise all you want, but it's real damn obvious what actually happened.
01-05-2018 , 10:04 PM

i'm suspicious of this narrative that they were looking for dirt to publicly discredit comey. trump wanted comey's loyalty: generally, from watching movies i've gleaned that in order to get someone in law enforcement to flip sides and start working to advance your criminal enterprise, you want to blackmail them. but i guess it's pretty illegal to blackmail someone, especially the fbi director, and probably even trying to blackmail the fbi director is a crime, so it's being spun like this
01-05-2018 , 10:04 PM
01-05-2018 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Agree with most of this but IME on a deep level they know they're full of ****. Like when Trump challenges people to IQ tests, you might say he honestly believes he'd win, but if they ever accepted he'd find a reason not to accept. Like you know the guy who brags about how he could totally bang the hot girl in the bar, but when egged on to chat her up always has a reason why he doesn't want to?
No they don't know they're full of ****

They actually think they're that smart. Trump really does believe he knows more about ISIS than the generals, that he's the smartest economist in the world, etc that he understands it all. Anything other than this sort of mindset, if anyone tries to correct someone with NPD in anyway, they go flying off the rails. They cannot handle even a tiny bit of criticism. With someone who reaches NPD, you have to dance around eggshells at all times. No Trump would not turn down an IQ test if his handlers actually let take complete one for all to see.

There are two things a real narcissist cannot stand. One is criticism. The other is being alone. I mean away from all forms of communicating including being able to talk to somebody over the phone. That's why he's always on the phone with his billionaire buddies probably well into the night and early in the morning As president of the USA, Trump is getting the biggest narcissistic supply a boost a human could ever have (and it's till not enough) but it's also making him absolutely miserable to hear the never-ending barrage of criticism. Even .001% of the criticism Trump has gotten since becoming president would be too much for him.

He's MISERABLE right now. Source: Me. The narcissist in my life and Donald Trump are the exact same human being. He eve eats the same way, he is also always on speakerphone with others around to listen, the thing about trying to get men to cheat on their wives...yep. The only difference is my guy was born poor. Trump was born rich.
01-05-2018 , 10:17 PM
01-05-2018 , 10:22 PM
They are gonna fire Keebler, end the Rusher, put Hillary in jail, the pee tape will be on pornhub and Orange will run around the lawn naked and nobody is gonna do anything about it.
01-05-2018 , 10:27 PM
The narcissist in my life is basically exactly like Trump. Inherited a successful business and has simply discarded anyone who expresses anything but admiration, including children. Although my guy has the ability to be charming and fake empathy; I suspect Trump used to have these qualities. Also smarter versions of Trump are able to manipulate situations to make themselves look reasonable while actually being bat**** crazy - hard to describe but you know what I'm talking about if you've lived it.
01-05-2018 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by dth123451
The narcissist in my life is basically exactly like Trump. Inherited a successful business and has simply discarded anyone who expresses anything but admiration, including children. Although my guy has the ability to be charming and fake empathy; I suspect Trump used to have these qualities. Also smarter versions of Trump are able to manipulate situations to make themselves look reasonable while actually being bat**** crazy - hard to describe but you know what I'm talking about if you've lived it.
One of the reasons people have different ideas on narcissists is that there are broadly two types of narcissist. The first - which is NOT what Donald Trump is - is called a "vulnerable narcissist":

Vulnerable narcissists have very low self-esteem and extremely fragile egos, as from an early age they are compensating for the neglect shown to them by their parents. As such they use certain behaviours as a coping mechanism for deep-seated fears of inadequacy.

It is generally accepted that people with vulnerable narcissism are much more likely to have been abused during childhood, which has left them with an overwhelming desire for attention and recognition.

If they are in a relationship, it will matter to them how they are perceived by their partner. Despite this, they will still have affairs, but will not broadcast them as the grandiose narcissist does. In fact, they will accuse their partners of cheating and need constant reassurance from them that they are being faithful.

Although vulnerable narcissists require the same admiration that grandiose ones do, if they do not receive it, instead of becoming aggressive and violent, the vulnerable narcissist will feel emotionally unstable. They will feel anxious and be paranoid that they are being victimised.

Those with vulnerable narcissism fear rejection first and foremost but seem to take great pleasure in playing hard done by in life and relationships. They crave pity and use childish behaviours such as whining, crying, playing the drama queen, to get what they need. They are hypersensitive to criticism as they cannot stand looking inferior in front of an audience.
I lived in the same house with one of them for a while. They are the most miserable people on the planet. You'll notice how quite a bit of that doesn't quite seem to apply to Trump. Well, strap yourself in:

Grandiose narcissists are supremely confident, show no signs of vulnerability and enjoy an extremely high sense of self-esteem. They believe, from an early age, that they are entitled and demand respect and adoration, otherwise, they leave.

People with grandiose narcissism were probably treated like royalty when they were children, which has left them with an over-exaggerated sense of entitlement.

They will have numerous affairs if they are in a relationship and be open about them to their partner and the outside world. They are extremely cold individuals who appear to have a barrier around them which protects them. But should someone question their achievements, then they quickly become aggressive and dominant.

Those with grandiose narcissism judge others very quickly and never show their emotions. Even if they are anxious or worried, you will never see this side of them.

Grandiose narcissists tend to be the top earning managers and CEOs, successful celebrities or politicians who are at the top of their career. They are ruthless at getting what they want: success, admiration and recognition. They will stop at nothing to achieve these goals and do not care who they destroy on the way.
This was not taken from a Trump biography.
