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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

01-02-2018 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
What's your definition of bending the knee and would you like to bet on it?
I'd bet on it, but seems like it would be really hard to define the terms of the bet in detail. I'd be willing to define it fairly loosely and then submit to judgement by a jury of our peers.

I guess my definition would be something like:


- Praising Trump in personal terms
- Obviously overeffusive praise of Trump Administration "successes"
- Not speaking out against reprehensible **** Trump does where it conflicts with Romney's own values (stuff like white supremacy, grabbing them by the pussy)
- Falling in line with political Trumpism, that is, using phrases like MAGA or "fake news", "Crooked Hillary Clinton", etc etc.


- Praising some specific accomplishment of the Trump Administration which is in line with Romney's own ideology, such as it is (tax cuts etc)
- Not speaking out against reprehensible **** Trump does where it doesn't conflict with Romney's values (tax cuts works here too)

Just in general terms, I wouldn't want it to be Romney just siding with the Republican "team", he is after all a Republican. I'd want it to be a reasonably clear sign that he has given up on resisting the Trumpification of the GOP.

Last edited by ChrisV; 01-02-2018 at 07:01 PM.
01-02-2018 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by otatop
...and then he had that frog legs dinner with Trump under the pretenses of becoming SoS so he'll probably end up falling in line.
That's the thing, if he took the position of SoS I wouldn't consider that "bending the knee". He could consider it his duty to the country to take the position to prevent Trump appointing some incompetent moron instead.
01-02-2018 , 07:01 PM
Mormons are totally down for white supremacy, tho. They just get a bit squeamish about religious persecution, but that obviously is not a deeply held conviction among the Mormon rank and file, as they voted for Trump in the general.
01-02-2018 , 07:11 PM

Seriously they are just gonna pardon everyone and say it was because the investigation was bias. It's coming.

“The grand jury room looks like a Bernie Sanders rally,” my source said. “Maybe they found these jurors in central casting, or at a Black Lives Matter rally in Berkeley [Calif.]”
So setting aside the insane rest of the article and the inherent premise that every non-white is biased against Trump, I want to highlight how bad these people are at making up fake quotes. Bernie Sanders rallies don't look like BLM rallies, Bernie Sanders' lost the frigging primary because of low levels of black support! "From central casting" is generally an idiom used to denote someone who looks stereotypically like the position they are in and/or are more generally just good looking. What is the stereotypically handsome juror??!!

And Berkley is antifa, not BLM! You just threw that in there because those are all things you hate but you gotta do better than that. Nobody ever said that sentence!
01-02-2018 , 07:16 PM
The purpose of the article isn't to present a consistent theory of the facts. It's to trigger overly sensitive deplorables.
01-02-2018 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by stinkubus
Mormons are totally down for white supremacy, tho. They just get a bit squeamish about religious persecution, but that obviously is not a deeply held conviction among the Mormon rank and file, as they voted for Trump in the general.
Mormons in general, maybe, idk. I mean, the church certainly has a history of it. Mitt Romney in particular, I really don't think so. Romney is a born-to-rule rich guy who has a callous and clueless attitude to the challenges of being poor in America, but he doesn't strike me as a hypocrite or a moral vacuum or anything. I would lay heavy odds against him becoming embroiled in any kind of credible sexual harassment scandal, for instance.
01-02-2018 , 07:27 PM
Trump would easily win the GOP nomination today.

Three in ten Republicans — 31 percent — say that they’d like to see a different GOP nominee in the next presidential election, while 63 percent say they’re happy with the current president running for reelection as the party’s standard-bearer.

Those numbers change, maybe dramatically, depending on how the GOP do in the midterms. "You have no chance of winning and you're hurting us down ballot" is a very strong argument, if backed by evidence. "Then how come I won in 2016 & you lost in 2012" is quite a strong counterargument (if utterly sophistic). So I'm not sure Romney is the best primary challenger.
01-02-2018 , 07:29 PM
01-02-2018 , 07:29 PM
Like Romney's main issue, like many conservatives, is a total lack of capacity to imagine what it is like to live anybody else's life. The things that suck about him stem from that. He's not a malicious or amoral person.
01-02-2018 , 07:53 PM
Thought this was pretty funny


Alabama judge rejects Roy Moore's request to delay election certification
The Jewish attorney who Roy Moore's wife touted employing in an attempt to fight off claims of anti-Semitism is actually a longtime friend and supporter of Senator-elect Doug Jones, who defeated Moore last month.

Richard Jaffe is an Alabama defense attorney hired by the Moores to defend their son, Caleb Moore, against drug charges in 2016.

Jaffe told the Washington Examiner he has been close personal friends with Doug Jones for more than 30 years and he both contributed to, and raised money for, his campaign.

"There could not be a more passionate supporter of Doug than me!" Jaffe said.
01-02-2018 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
Beat me by a second posting this.

More proof you literally cannot be dumber than a trumpkin. They represent the longest of the longtail on the IQ curve.
01-02-2018 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
How is this not all a simulation?
01-02-2018 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
How is this not all a simulation?
There's no way to program this much stupidity in to a simulation. I'm not a programmer but I imagine it'd be way harder to program Artificial Stupidity rather than Artificial Intelligence.
01-02-2018 , 08:57 PM
01-02-2018 , 08:57 PM
Nukes bout to start flying
01-02-2018 , 08:59 PM
01-02-2018 , 09:05 PM
he's describing his button as bigger and more powerful
01-02-2018 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I always took DUCY as the simple one-upmanship of the showman with a chip on his shoulder.
I suspect it's a Schoonmaker thingy but just guessing.
01-02-2018 , 09:09 PM
Yea, he's literally telling a ****ing dictator that his dick is bigger and he's not afraid to whip it out.
01-02-2018 , 09:12 PM
01-02-2018 , 09:16 PM
real or onion?
01-02-2018 , 09:17 PM
Where is Gen. Kelly? Sleeping?
01-02-2018 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by sofocused978
Nukes bout to start flying
Meh, we exceeded expectations by making it to 2018. It's all bonus time from here to the end.
01-02-2018 , 09:21 PM
Nukes hitting the west coast or New York = less libtards so what does he really have to lose?
01-02-2018 , 09:21 PM
It really pisses me off I finally get a g/f I want to marry and this ****er is gonna destroy the world over the size of a button.
