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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

02-09-2017 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
Problem is that most people who roundly reject the MSM don't know what good journalism is. So they have no frame of reference. To them, good journalism is anything that agrees with them.
Let's also be honest. These people are simply not very well-educated, intelligent or worldly. They simply don't know much about the world around them which makes them easy targets for lies and misinformation. They have poorly developed critical thinking skills.
02-09-2017 , 09:37 AM
Seriously. Also people are HORRIBLE at basic math. Like unimaginably horrible. These idiots sincerely believe welfare for black people is the biggest government expense. They think foreign aid is like a third of the budget. Understanding how stupid these people are makes me want to just give up.
02-09-2017 , 09:58 AM
Politico, leftist organization, says that the people according to their poll, like Trump's executive orders. So don't say it's rightwing propaganda, stop with the fake narrative.

Let's go to to the credible MSM, like CNN, who's in bed with with DNC, hands the questions of the debate beforehand to Hillary, and just does everything in it's power to get Hillary elected. Don't matter if Bernie supporters get screwed even if he is more popular, no place for democracy in the democractic party.

But hey, you can keep pushing the narrative that the other guys who care about free speech, security and institutuon must be idiots.

Justice served

It's been great two weeks guys
02-09-2017 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by poconoder
The Atlantic Magazine story from the time of her Senate election campaign seems a fair source.

Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?

Warren, now running as a Democrat to unseat incumbent Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, has been embroiled in the controversy since reports surfaced that she described herself as a minority in a law school directory and was touted as a Native American faculty member while tenured at Harvard Law School in the mid-1990s. Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry. Brown's campaign has seized on the story to raise questions about whether Warren misled Harvard or sought to use distant Native American ties for professional gain, and hammered on the propriety of a blonde, blue-eyed white woman describing herself as a minority.

The Democratic Senate candidate can't back up family lore that she is part Indian -- but neither is there any evidence that she benefited professionally from these stories.
How does that translate to it being okay to call her Pocohontas?
02-09-2017 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by kypreanus
Politico, leftist organization, says that the people according to their poll, like Trump's executive orders. So don't say it's rightwing propaganda, stop with the fake narrative.
Maybe people will stop with the fake narrative when people like you stop with the fake ****.

Source for the Churchill quote please.
02-09-2017 , 10:00 AM
racism and fake churchill quotes. get this clown outta here.
02-09-2017 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
Chuck Cooper emerges as Trump’s likely choice for solicitor general (longtime friend of Jeff Sessions)

the 1982 Supreme Court case he argued, called Bob Jones University v. U.S., might prove to be more problematic. Cooper believed the First Amendment prevented the IRS from revoking tax exemptions from a private, religious university that barred interracial dating among its students. The Supreme Court disagreed, ruling against him 8 to 1.
What is the citation for saying that Cooper "believed" that the First Amendment did that? This is like saying that a defense attorney "believes" rape is OK because they defend people who are convicted of rape.
02-09-2017 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
She's popular precisely because having an old woman lecture you and boss you around is seen as humiliating. Most of those old reality shows are based on watching people get humiliated (Springer, etc). Judge Judy would be an absolute disaster as a political candidate.

It's not merely being a woman that makes someone a bad candidate, it's being a particular type of woman. Michelle Obama would be a fine candidate. She's a devoted mother, a supportive wife in a good relationship, she has a calming voice, and she gets emotional at appropriate times. She's everything a woman is supposed to be. The idea that Warren would be a good candidate because she's a firebrand is bizarre.
02-09-2017 , 10:14 AM
Haha that Chapo podcast is top shelf. TRUMP is Master Shake lol.

Last edited by fatkid; 02-09-2017 at 10:21 AM.
02-09-2017 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by microbet

You're off the mark. People wanted someone they trusted. Clinton wasn't that. And it wasn't because she was a woman or a liberal it was because she was constantly patently disingenuous and patronizing. Everyone could tell that.

Whether or not what Trump was saying was true, people at least believed he was being himself. That's not much, but there wasn't much competition.

Hillary is someone people could agree with and still not vote for and Warren is someone people can disagree with and still vote for.
I mean, complete this sentence: Warren will appeal to the sort of voters that swung the election in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because __________. Note: answer may not contain any reference to policy.

Worth noting that I can complete that sentence for each of the last three Democratic Presidents and cannot complete it for Al Gore, John Kerry or Hillary Clinton.
02-09-2017 , 10:19 AM
Kyp isn't here for honest discussion. Hope he's done when a mod wakes up.
02-09-2017 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
She's popular precisely because having an old woman lecture you and boss you around is seen as humiliating. Most of those old reality shows are based on watching people get humiliated (Springer, etc). Judge Judy would be an absolute disaster as a political candidate.

It's not merely being a woman that makes someone a bad candidate, it's being a particular type of woman. Michelle Obama would be a fine candidate. She's a devoted mother, a supportive wife in a good relationship, she has a calming voice, and she gets emotional at appropriate times. She's everything a woman is supposed to be. The idea that Warren would be a good candidate because she's a firebrand is bizarre.

You're only counting one side of the ledger here. She lost to the least popular presidential candidate in history. She would have been obliterated by a decent candidate.

You guys really need a crash course in how people that aren't you think. A Democratic candidate needs to combine appealing to the base with exciting progressive policies with appealing on an emotional level to people with conservative values.

Obama did both. Although he's black, in many ways he's the conservative Platonic ideal of what a black guy should look like (well-spoken, strong family ideals, BOOTSTRAPS etc). The attacks on him which resonated during the campaign were efforts to paint him as un-American (Jeremiah Wright) or literally not American (birtherism). These ultimately failed, but efforts to attack e.g. his inexperience or his policy positions didn't get off the ground at all.

Hillary did more or less neither. And what the hell does Warren bring to the table in this regard? People on the left think she's likeable because she exemplifies THEIR values, but what about her makes people with conservative values feel good on an emotional level? If you think that the lesson from Trump is that people want to hear Warren talk about draining the swamp, you are comically off the mark.
Hardcore voter suppression aside, we dont need conservatives. We need a candidate who excites dems. HRC was both hated by the right and merely tolerated by much of the left. We will not win via conversion but rather turnout.
02-09-2017 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Kukraprout
What are the chances that you can find a source for that Churchill quote?

Ben Garrison cartoons are pretty much indistinguishable from The Onion cartoons:
I love it. Of course when it's all a tremendous failure due to sheer incompetence they'll claim they held their nose to vote for him, but this...this shows what they desperately want to see in daddy.

The Emperor's New Clothes will likely *resonate* hard with the children of tomorrow.
02-09-2017 , 10:39 AM
The readings from the Ben Shapiro book on Chapo never fail to have me in stitches
02-09-2017 , 10:40 AM
Ben Shapiro would welcome Healthcare for the masses if it could also find him a way to not be 5'4
02-09-2017 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
I remember growing up in the 80s thinking people like Thatcher and Reagan were crazies. Now that we have the orange one in office, they seem like angels in comparison.

edit: maybe angels isn't the right word. Sane might be a better one.

Last edited by DeroDeniro; 02-09-2017 at 10:52 AM.
02-09-2017 , 10:46 AM
Warren would lose the finance vote which Hillary seemed to do surprisingly well in (compared to Democratic norms). I don't have data for how Hillary fared, but it will definitely be substantially better than Warren ever could in a scenario where America is still standing and the election is going to be fair and contested.
02-09-2017 , 10:48 AM
Cdl, don't make it that saying something about Warren is your personal bat signal.
02-09-2017 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
I mean, complete this sentence: Warren will appeal to the sort of voters that swung the election in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because __________. Note: answer may not contain any reference to policy.

Worth noting that I can complete that sentence for each of the last three Democratic Presidents and cannot complete it for Al Gore, John Kerry or Hillary Clinton.
"She'll take the country back!"


"She stands up for the little guy!"

"She will fight Congress!" (Everyone hates Congress)

The seemingly random points that *resonate* phenomenon goes both ways.

Also, as I've stressed before, let's not take away that Trump is very popular and America is now Trumpland. He squeaked by in a few states against a very unpopular candidate who was attacked from both the left and right and by the fed gov itself.

Trump's base is Trump's base and has always been here. They suck, they're a problem, we know that. They are also old and terrified of the world, what can you really do there? Not a ton.

But a ton of people pulled the lever for R bc "he's a businessman" or "I just want change" or "he seems bad but she's shady, those emails make me nervous." Many of them are now somewhere on the spectrum between 'omg what have I done' and 'this looks like it could have been a mistake.' These are not reliable R voters.

Idk that E Warren is the answer. But "it should be a white man" seems bad. Ability to excite the base is definitely good.

The midwest didnt turn evil, they just want someone to fix ****. Trump wont. That's an opening.
02-09-2017 , 10:51 AM
I understand people wanting someone to vote for, but ~90% of the population is going to be voting for or against trump. That's the base line.
02-09-2017 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
What is the citation for saying that Cooper "believed" that the First Amendment did that? This is like saying that a defense attorney "believes" rape is OK because they defend people who are convicted of rape.
Yeah, I don't see a specific citation in the article, only the reference to the 1982 SCOTUS case (which is not listed on the link the provided to his SCOTUS cases).

I don't follow the analogy to your rape defense.
02-09-2017 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
I think you missed my point. I'm explicitly not overthinking it. I'm just guessing that some people will.
You're right. I did. My apologies.
02-09-2017 , 10:57 AM
Trump is on a twitter rampage this morning against McCain.
02-09-2017 , 10:59 AM
02-09-2017 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
I mean, complete this sentence: Warren will appeal to the sort of voters that swung the election in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because __________. Note: answer may not contain any reference to policy.

Worth noting that I can complete that sentence for each of the last three Democratic Presidents and cannot complete it for Al Gore, John Kerry or Hillary Clinton.
Because they believe that she is on their side.
