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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

12-11-2017 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by dth123451
Reporters should boycott that charade. Their attendance only serves to legitimize the gaslighting.
The administration would LOVE it if the media stopped showing up.
12-11-2017 , 06:54 PM
12-11-2017 , 08:35 PM
So our new ambassador to the Czech Republic has a colorful history

American presidents have a long history of awarding ambassadorships to colorful characters as a way to thank them for their campaign donations. Roughly a third of U.S. ambassadors have no diplomatic experience beyond rounding up cash for successful presidential candidates.

Among them is Stephen King, 76, a longtime*confidante*and*booster*of House Speaker Paul Ryan, who is the new U.S. ambassador to the Czech Republic. King, who is also a former business partner*of Ryan’s brother Tobin, has no diplomatic experience and had never spent a day in Prague before taking up his post there on December 7...

Left unsaid was that King played a crucial role in the 1972 Watergate affair—and not a good one. According to several accounts over the years, King helped cover up ties between President Richard Nixon’s re-election campaign and the burglars arrested inside the Democratic Party headquarters at the Watergate complex—
His part of the cover up was to kidnap and drug a socialite if tried to blab about what she knew

In McLendon’s authorized biography years later, Mitchell told a story that seemed scripted for*The Shining. After King ripped the phone from her hand, she related, she ran to another room to make a call. “Again...she was thrown aside while the phone was disconnected,” McLendon writes. “Steve then shoved her into her room and slammed the door.”

Mitchell next tried to get to an adjacent villa via the balcony, but “King ran out and pulled her back inside. She claimed he threw her down and kicked her,” McLendon writes. “The next day...she slipped downstairs, planning to escape, but King spotted her just as she reached a glass door. In the ensuing scuffle, Martha’s left hand was cut, so badly that six stitches were required in two fingers.”

That’s when a doctor was summoned to sedate her. “Before it took effect, she tried to get away,” McLendon wrote, “but according to Martha, King saw her dashing toward the door and ran over and slapped her across the room.”

All this was happening as her husband flew back to Washington,*reports*about the incident suggest.
12-11-2017 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by dth123451
Reporters should boycott that charade. Their attendance only serves to legitimize the gaslighting.
So this
12-11-2017 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
So this
No, that's what they want.

What the media needs to do is stop putting up with the bull**** spewing from Huckabeast's mouth. Just ask short factual questions and get to the point.
12-11-2017 , 09:22 PM
Does anyone else find jokes about Trump unsettling? I'll see some "dank meme" on Facebook or wherever making fun of him, and just think, "This is all a lot more serious than you people think."

I get that satire can be a weapon, but it just doesn't seem funny to joke about the totalitarian takeover of the most dangerous country in the world.
12-11-2017 , 09:27 PM
Every sitting democrat needs to march on the white house together and demand this gaslighting stop.

The dems need to refuse to participate in ANYTHING until these attacks on the media stop.
12-11-2017 , 09:29 PM
If they're going to show up, at least ask good questions. The long winded, multi-part queries that assume good faith are a complete waste of everyone's time.

"You've stated all these women are lying. How do you expect the American people to believe that when The President was recorded admitting to sexual assault?"

When she doesn't answer, its on the next person to just say "you didn't answer," and repeat the question.
12-11-2017 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Every sitting democrat needs to march on the white house together and demand this gaslighting stop.

The dems need to refuse to participate in ANYTHING until these attacks on the media stop.
The press aren't democrats. The press secretary shamelessly lying is news and the press ought to cover it. It's much more newsworthy than more good-faith WH press briefings in the past, which were always PR and propaganda exercises rather than a genuine, sincere attempt at communication.
12-11-2017 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
If they're going to show up, at least ask good questions. The long winded, multi-part queries that assume good faith are a complete waste of everyone's time.

"You've stated all these women are lying. How do you expect the American people to believe that when The President was recorded admitting to sexual assault?"

When she doesn't answer, its on the next person to just say "you didn't answer," and repeat the question.
Even that's too long. It should be "The president admitted to sexual assault. Why isn't he stepping down?"
12-11-2017 , 09:59 PM
Fair enough. Its just infuriating listening to these people.

"During the campaign, the President called for several tax provisions that are not included in the proposed legislation. So my question is, first, does the President still believe the carried interest loophole should be closed? Second, the President said he would not lower taxes on the wealthy, but nonpartisan analysis suggests both proposed bills will lower taxes on the affluent; does the President still believe taxes on the wealthiest Americans should not be lowered? And third, in light of recent CBO projections, what does the President think about the proposed legislation's impact on the deficit?"
12-11-2017 , 10:15 PM
Because we are living in a hellscape dystopia it's a lock Moore wins tomorrow and Muller is fired by February right?
12-11-2017 , 10:18 PM
12-11-2017 , 10:20 PM
Ezra Klein Show podcast with Paul Krugman is very good.

"An orgy of serious policy discussion" with Paul Krugman
12-11-2017 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Fair enough. Its just infuriating listening to these people.

"During the campaign, the President called for several tax provisions that are not included in the proposed legislation. So my question is, first, does the President still believe the carried interest loophole should be closed? Second, the President said he would not lower taxes on the wealthy, but nonpartisan analysis suggests both proposed bills will lower taxes on the affluent; does the President still believe taxes on the wealthiest Americans should not be lowered? And third, in light of recent CBO projections, what does the President think about the proposed legislation's impact on the deficit?"
LOL yea, I don't get it. Go write a ****ing novel if you want to drone on about something. Like, what is the point of them doing this? And they all do it. It's almost like the press is in a contest with Huckabeast to see who can run the clock out first.
12-11-2017 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Fair enough. Its just infuriating listening to these people.

"During the campaign, the President called for several tax provisions that are not included in the proposed legislation. So my question is, first, does the President still believe the carried interest loophole should be closed? Second, the President said he would not lower taxes on the wealthy, but nonpartisan analysis suggests both proposed bills will lower taxes on the affluent; does the President still believe taxes on the wealthiest Americans should not be lowered? And third, in light of recent CBO projections, what does the President think about the proposed legislation's impact on the deficit?"
Even Trump knows to just answer the easiest one and ignore the rest of it if he bothers to answer any of it at all. It's super annoying and very poor journalism but they dgaf or know better. Also yes/no questions, I'd just answer this with yes or a no and move on. I don't know how this crap gets through schools but maybe that's lol wherever they went being worthless.
12-11-2017 , 10:48 PM
I mean, it's deposition 101, ask short, simple yes/no questions you know the answer to and follow up immediately. It isn't hard; the journalists just have zero interest in being effective and for unknown reasons prefer to jerk off on themselves.
12-11-2017 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
Treason's Greetings!
12-11-2017 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
I mean, it's deposition 101, ask short, simple yes/no questions you know the answer to and follow up immediately. It isn't hard; the journalists just have zero interest in being effective and for unknown reasons prefer to jerk off on themselves.
Of course, the moronic media who hasn't figured out how to direct questions would just ask short questions in the form of:

"Does the president feel he himself should resign?"

"Does the president maintain that his was the most attended inauguration?"
12-11-2017 , 11:09 PM
They have to ask book-length, multi-part questions to demonstrate their bona fides as news organizations. CNN and a couple other channels (all of them?) bring a second camera to film their intrepid reporter asking super-duper insightful questions.
12-11-2017 , 11:12 PM
we're firmly in the era of alternative facts, the **** does it even matter how plainly it's shown that trump and co are bald-faced liars? His people love him for that!
12-11-2017 , 11:12 PM
The reason for the multipart questions is each given reporter only has one shot per day to extract information.
12-11-2017 , 11:12 PM
Jesus Christ talk about missing the point.

Thr issue is not the media trying to have a high school level conversation. It's the white house demanding a preschool one.
12-11-2017 , 11:19 PM
The last five minutes of Maddow tonight really makes me loathe America.
12-11-2017 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
The last five minutes of Maddow tonight really makes me loathe America.
