Originally Posted by DVaut1
The GOP has fed its base ~25-30 years so many ultimately empty, feckless promises of insane stuff that they feel dispossessed, betrayed and want a genuine madman who will deliver instead of more empty promises, and the GOP politicians are afraid if they defenstrate that madman then the base turn their ire and mob mentality on them. Why would we count on the people who have been feeding this dragon and fostering it to train its scent on elites and others in conspiratorial and apocalyptic tones to aim its fire on those aren't in total lockstep with insane promises to now slay its most-favored caretaker who shares its vision of total destruction of the village?
This was a very, very dangerous game that everyone warned the GOP about for decades. Do not tell me you were hoping they would slay the beast just as it broke the chains and rose into the sky.
I don't disagree with you here at all. The blame for Trump is squarely on the demagogues who have been spewing insane propaganda for decades (and on the terrible people who voted for him). That said, now that we have Trump, it's both the moral duty and the cynical self-interest of the GOP to get rid of him. Do I predict that they will do this? Probably not, but they might. Betting odds on Trump finishing his term are close to even money.
Where does our analysis differ here? The big questionable call I see in what I'm saying is the assumption that GOP legislators are operating on cynical calculation rather than Trumpian insanity. I'm sure that was true 10 years ago, but some, maybe a lot, of them have probably internalized the madness by now. Those people are obviously not going to go along with slaying the dragon.