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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

11-03-2017 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I completely disagree. The point that Dvaut is making — namely, that the platonic ideal of the far right is now closer to Putin than to a Reaganite cold warrior — is vital imo. And as Dvaut said, this has been going on for a while. I’m sure we all remember W’s snuggly comments about Putin early in his presidency.

As bizarre as it is, I expect that Trump would have been more successful in aligning the US with Putin’s interests if he had won without Russia interfering in the election.
I wasn't disagreeing with him and have known about our own worshipers of Putin fro a while. Russia is the white supremacists great white hope to stop white genocide. The meh is more meant as. Yeah ok, still think he is in on it and active in the collusion whether a puppet of admirer.

Last edited by batair; 11-03-2017 at 01:13 PM.
11-03-2017 , 01:18 PM
trump knew he was doing shady **** with rusher because he fired comey because of the rusher thing and then bragged to a couple russian officials in the oval office about how the pressure is off because comey is fired
11-03-2017 , 01:19 PM
11-03-2017 , 01:21 PM
no u
11-03-2017 , 01:39 PM
He's not totally wrong for once
11-03-2017 , 02:21 PM
A critique of Trump and Putin being ideological allies making it harder to prove collusion: Trump had plenty of motive to collude outside of ideology, but Putin didn't. It seems pretty obvious the reason Putin was game is because Trump is a kindred spirit.
11-03-2017 , 02:21 PM

Sad day when you can't trust a hacker to just release emails he illegally got.
11-03-2017 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
*I* even wrote about it in 2015, long before the ostensible collusion was supposed to have went down:
I think a lot of us did. I recall one of the many, many hills that ikestoys martyred his skewered beaten body on was, well before Trump, "lol no, conservatives don't like Putin".
11-03-2017 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
Republicans just introduced a resolution to remove Mueller from the Trump-Russia investigation
Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, along with Reps. Andy Biggs of Arizona and Louie Gohmert of Texas, said Mueller should step down because he was FBI director during the investigation of a botched uranium deal between the Russians and Uranium One, a Canadian energy company, of which a portion of the uranium reserves required US approval.

Gaetz's issue is that despite evidence of corruption, Mueller's FBI did not bring any charges, therefore he should recuse himself from the current investigation of potential collusion between Russian officials and President Donald Trump's campaign, which is unrelated to the uranium deal.

"These deeply troubling events took place when Mr. Mueller was the Director of the FBI. As such, his impartiality is hopelessly compromised," Gaetz said in a statement. "He must step down immediately."
Doesn't this type of trolling by reps from super safe right wing seats just inflame the issue and make it harder for Trump and "conservatives"? I mean, I realize one could have said that about 100 GOP tactics in the last 20 years, but I'm really thinking Lucy might just leave the football there this time.

The thing is, in a democracy, numbers matters, but intensity may matter more, and libs to moderates to some conservatives are pretty much foaming at the mouth over Trump and I don't think these old style games that worked with an uninterested electorate will still work. I could be wrong, but losing strategies often win, until they don't (cf Trump's entire life).
11-03-2017 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I think a lot of us did. I recall one of the many, many hills that ikestoys martyred his skewered beaten body on was, well before Trump, "lol no, conservatives don't like Putin".
Republicans have been gushing over Putin for a long time. Even before Trumpmania, sexxxy bare-chested Putin on horseback was held up as a foil for Obama.
11-03-2017 , 02:46 PM
Think how long they've been reading Russian propaganda without even knowing it.
11-03-2017 , 02:48 PM
Matt Gaetz is that can of hairspray Chris Hayes interviewed last night who kept saying we need to jump-start the economy which is why these tax cuts are so muy importante
11-03-2017 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by MicroPimpin
Think how long they've been reading Russian propaganda without even knowing it.
Lots of folks have been

11-03-2017 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I think a lot of us did. I recall one of the many, many hills that ikestoys martyred his skewered beaten body on was, well before Trump, "lol no, conservatives don't like Putin".
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Republicans have been gushing over Putin for a long time. Even before Trumpmania, sexxxy bare-chested Putin on horseback was held up as a foil for Obama.
He wasn't just a foil for Obama. Remember if you're getting published articles and Daily Show pieces (e.g. the stuff I linked to), those are targeted at elite GOP and right-winger opinions, people with a medium to publish that liberals can call out.

Reading the rank and file was way way more transparent. They loved his aggression against minorities and gays and the way he threatened terrorists and the way he didn't suffer lectures from human rights nerds and the litany of masculinity cult/authoritarian stuff they admired. The right wing grievance and culture war machine's next reactionary step rightward was always going to be into flirtation with fascism and authoritarianism from there, and strongman worship was a logical next step.

So much of the left and even some wayward Never Trumper's criticism of the Russia story is that the collusion is transparently with a country that does not have our best interest at heart. Trump is such a two-bit scamming scoundrel, so desperate to win, whatever whatever, he would betray America and buddy-up to an authoritarian ghoul, incredible how soulless Trump must be to go those lengths.

But it's critical to realize tens of millions of Americans have warmed up to the Putin style. At that point doing a bunch of stuff favorable to Russia moves from "collusion" to "policy" much as we don't want to admit it.

There's a story for the left to tell here that I think could still hit home with voters, and I suspect Trump's deep unpopularity IS because a lot of Americans retain just the slightest shred of decency and really don't want to become Russia-lite. And the pretty transparent Trump/Putin friendliness is not going to be popular outside of the deplorables.

But the way the story seems to bend to chalk it up to grift and Trump's personal failures and fails to draw the bigger ideological picture is a mistake. It's not that Russia controls Trump as a puppet, but instead that Trump and a whole political movement behind him have become brazenly and outwardly authoritarian and their foreign policy choices are simply reflections of what the party has become.
11-03-2017 , 03:06 PM
The Russian sanctions bill was passed almost unanimously though, and the magnitsky act was passed with a huge majority. Doesn't seem like something the GOP would do if they & their supporters absolutely loved Russia & Putin.
11-03-2017 , 03:07 PM
Go ask the random deplorable what they think about the GOP congress versus their view of Trump: GOP Congress are a bunch of pussy RINO swamp creatures who haven't fallen in line behind hero Trump. And the average deplorable and angry old white zoned out on FNC haven't the foggiest clue what The Magnitsky Act is and why they should care at all but go check out the comments section of a news article about Putin's persecution of gay men in Chechnya if you want to see the true deplorable mindset about Putin on display.
11-03-2017 , 03:14 PM
How's everyone pronouncing "Guccifer", by the way? Ages ago, I heard some people on TV talking about it and they pronounced it "Goose-ifer". The double-c had me pronouncing it "Gooch-ifer". Am I wrong?
11-03-2017 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Go ask the random deplorable what they think about the GOP congress versus their view of Trump: GOP Congress are a bunch of pussy RINO swamp creatures who haven't fallen in line behind hero Trump. And the average deplorable and angry old white zoned out on FNC haven't the foggiest clue what The Magnitsky Act is and why they should care at all but go check out the comments section of a news article about Putin's persecution of gay men in Chechnya if you want to see the true deplorable mindset about Putin on display.
Yea, is that a new thing? Or have they always hated the congress they voted for? Because we're talking pre trump
11-03-2017 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by otatop

Sad day when you can't trust a hacker to just release emails he illegally got.
Also this hmmmmm

How is Roger Stone not under indictment right now?
11-03-2017 , 03:21 PM
I've talked about this over the years but if you want the average GOP voters take, just go to FreeRepublic or Breitbart comments.

The story:

Vladimir Putin: It’s My “Duty” To Stop Gay Marriage

Let's cut to the quotes:

Hmmmm, sounds like a typical US politician of say just 20 years ago. Doesn’t sound like a monster to me.
There's a big push right now to blame the recent, well-publicized torture and murder (by their own families) of gays in Chechnya on Putin, as if he has any say whatsoever in how Chechnya is governed. They completely dance around the fact the Chechnya is governed by Islam. Nope, can't be Islam. Must be Putin!
The polls say he is popular amongst Americans right now. Can’t always trust polls these days but they may be correct this time.
Abortion rates in Russia have also plummeted in the last 5 or 6 years.
Russia has reversed their demographic decline and seen a major resurgence of Christianity. They may not be allies but do they have to be our enemies?
thankyou Vlad...saying what needs to be, unlike the playboy philosophy, and according to biology, is meant TO CREATE CHILDREN and thankfully, God made it pleasurable..
Putin’s plan for putting Christianity and by exstention the family at the heart of Russian life is working. This plan is also why the left suddenly hates Putin so very much.
They don’t have the problem completely under control, but by working with the Russian Orthodox Church Putin has made a good start at putting his nation on a pro-life, pro-natalist course.
I am glad to see Trump moving America closer to Russia and farther from the socialist degenerates of Western Europe — especially those in the satanic EU. Trump and Putin can set the world right if they keep working together.
Russia absolutely refuses to allow Western Globalists to expand their own brand of secularized, crony-capitalism around the planet.
I find it extremely ironic that the most outspoken defender of Christianity in the world today is not the Impopester, but a former Soviet KGB officer.
Solzhenitsyn thought Putin OK in the context of Russia’s tragic modern history and politics.
You might be interested in long, well-written piece in the New Yorker about the Chechen leader and Putin’s relationship with him. “Putins Dragon.”

The more I see, read, and hear about Putin, the more I admire him as a political genius.
And this is one of the reasons why the American Left despises him (and us).
Old Vlad is more intelligent than most if not all of the politicians in Washington and certainly most of our Federal judges.
After reading through this thread I must admit there’s a little part of me that wishes I were Russian living in Russia right now. A much larger part wishes America was more like it was 50 years ago without the big divisions between blacks and whites.
The irony is that Putin is more “Christian” than the Pope or any of the fake “protestant” church bureaucrats in the rest of the world!
I really like Putin. Not sure if I’m supposed to, but I do.
Interesting facts I never hear from lib media. Has any new information come out about it (other than blaming Putin)?
I don’t think reforms like that can happen until the Deep State leftists are exposed, arrested and put into some appropriate off-shore facility such as GITMO. They are all enemy combatants and can be detained indefinitely. But Trump needs to bide his time and wait for the right moment to make his move.
I am just sad that Russia, which is significantly poorer than the United States, has more will at its highest levels to try and save itself than west Europe or the United States.
Most of these might be Russian bots but probably not. Been like this for years and years. If you're watching the GOP Congress to figure out where America's right wing is at, you're looking at the wrong signals. The rank and file deplorable thinks he's a great Christian, a true genius, leading the fight against degenerate European and American globalists.
11-03-2017 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
How is Roger Stone not under indictment right now?
Crazy to think Stone might be a low-level target in this whole investigation.
11-03-2017 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
Yea, is that a new thing? Or have they always hated the congress they voted for? Because we're talking pre trump
Not new but the modern average right winger seems qualitatively angrier than in the past. Hard to measure. I do think to some extent the GOP had the inmates under more control say before 2006-2008 and before that, they were more standard fare partisans that I think the *average* professional Democrat assumes they are still dealing with out in the American wild. Instead of complete ****ing lunatics these people have turned into. I've written at length that these fascist movements are due to both environmental context AND innate deplorableness. So take some kind angry, kinda paranoid, kinda racist people and mix in black presidents, their ****ty suburbs getting infested with opiates, the recession spooking them, epistemic closure / oppositional culture setting in and the effects of a closed right-wing media ecosystem, the deep rot of social/spatial segregation etc etc. All of that is taking taking normal everyday deplorables and turning them into completely unhinged sputtering looney toons, taking soft-deplorables and turning them into more strident angry idiots, etc.

America's always had bad people, circumstances are making it worse.

And anyway so I do think the average right winger now seethes at their party more than they used to but it was kinda common too, say 10-20 years ago. Just a little less common, a little less forceful.

Last edited by DVaut1; 11-03-2017 at 03:33 PM.
11-03-2017 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
Yea, is that a new thing? Or have they always hated the congress they voted for? Because we're talking pre trump
It's not entirely new. A lot of this crowd blamed the Romney and McCain losses on the GOP establishment.
11-03-2017 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
A critique of Trump and Putin being ideological allies making it harder to prove collusion: Trump had plenty of motive to collude outside of ideology, but Putin didn't. It seems pretty obvious the reason Putin was game is because Trump is a kindred spirit.
I think the spirit Putin liked about Trump is the spirit of grift.
11-03-2017 , 03:57 PM
Someone in the White House fell asleep long enough for agencies to sneak out a damning report on climate change

Directly contradicting much of the Trump administration’s position on climate change, 13 federal agencies unveiled an exhaustive scientific report on Friday that says humans are the dominant cause of the global temperature rise that has occurred since the start of the 20th century, creating the warmest period in the history of civilization.

Over the past 115 years global average temperatures have increased 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, leading to record-breaking weather events and temperature extremes, the report says. The global, long-term warming trend is “unambiguous,” it says, and there is “no convincing alternative explanation” that anything other than humans — the cars we drive, the power plants we operate, the forests we destroy — are to blame.
