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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

11-02-2017 , 09:59 PM
So during the civil war, those northern soldiers... they were willing to die to free the slaves?

then why was there so much racism against blacks in the north after the civil war? or did the racism only get extreme during the great migration when blacks headed north looking for jobs?
11-02-2017 , 10:00 PM
Can Mueller just arrest Sessions for perjury or what?
11-02-2017 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
Can Mueller just arrest Sessions for perjury or what?
Last thing anyone wants. Session gets indicted or arrested, Trump gets a clean chance to choose a new AG, who can then fire Mueller. They won't be going after sessions until this is all over.
11-02-2017 , 10:09 PM
Everything I've seen Franken involved in has made me really like him. Based on news clips I've seen and interviews I've listened to, I'm a big fan of both Minnesota senators (Klobuchar is the other one).

At this point, I actually feel like Sessions is going down. Which, considering this is the 873rd time I've had that feeling about someone in Trump's circle, means that he's going to stay on and Trump is going to get reelected.
11-02-2017 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
So during the civil war, those northern soldiers... they were willing to die to free the slaves?

then why was there so much racism against blacks in the north after the civil war? or did the racism only get extreme during the great migration when blacks headed north looking for jobs?

Think it was more about preservation of the Union than freeing slaves, at least that’s how I imagine rank and file soldiers felt.

Also I think Sessions is done; it’s easy to think he’ll get away with it but outside pressures have already forced people to withdraw from nominations and to resign.

Last edited by Jiggymike; 11-02-2017 at 10:35 PM.
11-02-2017 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
Last thing anyone wants. Session gets indicted or arrested, Trump gets a clean chance to choose a new AG, who can then fire Mueller. They won't be going after sessions until this is all over.
A Pee Pee-22
11-02-2017 , 10:29 PM
Haha set up a give me free money account for that person.

11-02-2017 , 10:30 PM
Mueller can force trumps hand at any moment by charging the AG who recused himself from the matter. There are probably lawyers ready to go in the same five minutes if they try to fire mueller at this point, and the judges are going to block anything that can cause a constitutional crisis. imagine what donald dump would have tried if that were not hanging over his head? we would have already been swallowing radiation tablets.

Much more calming odds here are on ryan and mcconnell delivering the tax bill for the kochs.
11-02-2017 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
So during the civil war, those northern soldiers... they were willing to die to free the slaves?

then why was there so much racism against blacks in the north after the civil war? or did the racism only get extreme during the great migration when blacks headed north looking for jobs?
I was in Windsor on the weekend and apparently slaves that escaped there were free men, but bounty hunters from the US were allowed to cross the border into Canada to find escaped slaves and capture them to take them back. At first I was a proud Canadian, until I learned that fact- then I was just slightly prouder than if I were American.
11-02-2017 , 10:34 PM
Dude threw a brick at Trump's twitter. Surely that gets a nod from zikzak.
11-02-2017 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
Last thing anyone wants. Session gets indicted or arrested, Trump gets a clean chance to choose a new AG, who can then fire Mueller. They won't be going after sessions until this is all over.
New AG would have to be senate confirmed, right?
11-02-2017 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
WTF is Carter Page's plan? I'm so confused as to what he is trying to accomplish.
11-02-2017 , 10:55 PM
“Diagnosis is irreverent when someone is dangerous “
11-02-2017 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
Dude threw a brick at Trump's twitter. Surely that gets a nod from zikzak.
Digital brick throwing is nice. I'm in favor of anything that helps get us out of this mess without resorting to actual bricks.
11-02-2017 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
So during the civil war, those northern soldiers... they were willing to die to free the slaves?

then why was there so much racism against blacks in the north after the civil war? or did the racism only get extreme during the great migration when blacks headed north looking for jobs?
Checkmate non-racists!
11-02-2017 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
“Diagnosis is irreverent when someone is dangerous “
"the rules for speaking about a person's mental health are different when there is an emergency"

uh I don't know man, don't you think you should have like, met with and spoken to the subject? Observe him in person?
11-02-2017 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
New conservative hot take - Dems colluding in the Dem primary is exactly the same as Trump colluding with Russia.
So conservatives have conceded that Trump has colluded with Russians?
11-02-2017 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
New AG would have to be senate confirmed, right?
Correct. Only needs 51 though.
11-02-2017 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1

and even when people tried to inform him, he didn't get it.

He's going to get off by being a mental incompetent, basically.
More likely people who thought it was to their benefit to put Trump in office and were willing to commit crimes to do it, did not try to inform him. And not because they were trying to protect him or give him "plausible deniability". I mean if you were committing crimes would you tell Trump? Even if those crimes benefited him?
11-02-2017 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
Correct. Only needs 51 though.
The Senate won't confirm a patsy A.G. It's not the H.O.R. Giuliani won't get 50(+1) votes. Bigger concern is appointing a patsy acting A.G.
11-02-2017 , 11:20 PM
nobody was tricking donald into constantly overtly praising putin
11-02-2017 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Digital brick throwing is nice. I'm in favor of anything that helps get us out of this mess without resorting to actual bricks.
11-02-2017 , 11:22 PM

What a horrible horrible human being.
11-02-2017 , 11:22 PM
and not passing the sanctions.
11-02-2017 , 11:59 PM
Former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page invoked his Fifth Amendment rights Thursday when asked by House Intelligence Committee members why he hadn’t turned over documents for their probe into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, lawmakers said.

“I’m helping to the greatest extent I can,” Page told reporters after exiting his interview, which was held in a secure Capitol hearing room. The committee is slated to release a transcript of his testimony in three days at Page’s request.

Page, who appeared without a lawyer, was in the hearing room for nearly seven hours, but he declined to offer details to reporters about the direction of lawmakers’ questions.

Lawmakers said after the session that Page did not hand over documents they subpoenaed, though it was not clear what material they requested. It was not immediately apparent what steps they would take to obtain the documents. The Senate intelligence panel has also issued him a subpoena.
