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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

10-25-2017 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
Doddering Donald
That's good. I also kind of like "Slippin' Donnie", for a couple reasons.
10-25-2017 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Right. But I'm still curious which acts of Congress the president has to "implement", on what kind of ongoing basis, and what "implement" literally means.

I'm pretty sure the president doesn't have to "implement" every single law congress ever passed every month (or week or day or w/e), so I guess sanctions is something special?
It's not just the sanctions bill either. Things like not properly staffing the State Department or the EPA in order to 'save money' aren't things that are supposed to be up to the POTUS. The purpose and funding for federal agencies is set by acts of Congress, and it's simply up to the administration to execute it. Trump is literally defying the constitution on a regular basis with respect to that.
10-25-2017 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by fatkid
300m guys. These people are ******s.

Legit lol'd at additional error when trying to get the error document. So good.
10-25-2017 , 11:41 AM
snowflake lane davis

no regard for his father's right to free speech
10-25-2017 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by True North
Match Game came up with the perfect nickname forty years ago...

GENE RAYBURN: Dumb Donald is sooooo dumb...
GENE: Dumb Donald is so dumb, when Congress told him they had to raise the debt ceiling, he went out and called a BLANK.
Mexican contractor?
10-25-2017 , 11:43 AM
Dumb-dumb Don or Old dumb-dumb Donald
10-25-2017 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by th14
POTUS is supposed to implement all federal law unless it's unconstitutional.

Article 2 Section 3 of the Constitution: "he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,"
Wouldn't be surprised if this is the line the admin takes when it comes to this issue. It plays to the super nutso wing of their party that thinks stuff like the Dept of the Interior or the IRS are unconstitutional. It's not, of course, but they can at least play that game for a while to avoid having to bend to the law and hopefully tout that stuff as part of their 'achievements' in four years.

Not of course that Crazy Donald is in any way responsible for coming up with a strategy like that, but the actual smart dirtbags working behind him in the west wing will no doubt come up with something along those lines.
10-25-2017 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Vecernicek
That's good. I also kind of like "Slippin' Donnie", for a couple reasons.
Don't over think it. Clever jokes are for liberals. The idea is to play to Trump's base.

Think Larry the Cable Guy, not Louis CK.
10-25-2017 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by raradevils
The entire DNC has stink on them after it was released that the dossier about Russia and Trump was funded by the party:
Lol at opposition research being some gotcha.
10-25-2017 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Replying to week-old posts in a high volume thread about current topics is really annoying. You think we've all been patiently waiting days for your brilliant insight about some trivial bull****?
10-25-2017 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Cmon. That is a technical nitpick completely off the subject. You admit it yourself once you used the words "then very quickly recover". The point was that micrrbet's comments about Gate's stock being worth a lot less than it seemed was wrong [and also completely off the subject (which was the general non grasping of the monumental wealth of our super rich.)
Ehh, I'm not sure it's really a technical nitpick. The illliquidity actually makes it worth less than the paper value, and possibly even "a lot less" although valuing liquidity is a tough problem.
10-25-2017 , 11:53 AM
Trump colludes with Wikileaks and nothing to see here what about CLINTON though??

10-25-2017 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Then you agree that it’s stupid for Democrats to highlight how little the top few hundred pay in taxes relative to their wealth.
I agree that it makes little sense if they are discussing policy in an honest manner. As far as political strategy and messaging goes, I have no idea.
10-25-2017 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by champstark
Did this get posted yet? Jesus ****ing Christ.

Trumpkin Kills His Own Dad for Calling Him a Nazi
A man who fired a rifle inside a pizzeria, in an attempt to free what he believed to be child sex slaves hidden in the restaurant’s back room, was sentenced to four years in prison in June.
anyone heard from vmf recently
10-25-2017 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by TrollyWantACracker
Grunching the hell out of this thread, but Trump is going to be a terrible president.
10-25-2017 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by uDevil
Dumb-dumb Don or Old dumb-dumb Donald
Old Donald dumb-dumb has a nice ring to it.
10-25-2017 , 12:01 PM
twilight trump
10-25-2017 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by raradevils
It wasn't "breaking news".

Tell me when are dems going to start winning more local elections around the country? The way the map reads currently the country is rejecting what the dems are selling (except is a few select states).
10-25-2017 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
I for one give Flake zero credit for his Don Draper "why I quit tobacco" bull****. **** that guy.
Point isn't giving him credit, nobody thinks hes an awesome person all the sudden. The point is to give Republicans a face saving way to jump ship and speak out against Trump and Trumpism. Which hopefully will keep lots of non-trumpism conservative voters home on election days.
10-25-2017 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
Did this get posted yet? Jesus ****ing Christ.

Trumpkin Kills His Own Dad for Calling Him a Nazi
In a seeming confession, Lane Davis told detectives that the fight had started over “whether toddlers could consent to sex or not,” and his father had called him a Nazi and a racist.

On his YouTube channel—which still after seven years has just around 11,000 subscribers—Lane peddled the conspiracy theorist's greatest hits (vaccines and Sept. 11 inside jobs among them), posted original pro-Trump raps alongside cooking tutorials, and most notably, released a three-hour long documentary on GamerGate. Curiously, Lane suggested the campaign of online harassment (doxing, and rape and death threats were favored practices) targeting female video-game developers in 2014 was linked to the education standards known as Common Core.
lol "curiously"

That kind of nonsensical conspiratarding is like 90% of all right wing content on the internet. ****ing 'curiously'? I feel like I read these tales of inchoate rage filled right wing morons connecting the dots between Common Core and females daring to do journalism about video games, it sounds like ~all of the morons that used to post alot on P7 or are all over SMP or any one of dozens of subreddits or literally any Brietbart article or story that Drudge links to. And the mainstream press is like, wow, these insane people, how curious. I used to think so too but I mean this is like what all of them sound like, precisely.

Last edited by DVaut1; 10-25-2017 at 12:14 PM.
10-25-2017 , 12:17 PM
It is pretty amusing how many of these strong independent Trumpers still live with mommy and daddy well into their 30s.
10-25-2017 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by pokerchris
Actually really makes me sad the disrespect for Potus.

Goes back to Clinton, I suppose. But worst I heard was W. Bush. ****ing idiot moron.

At least where I live people did not think Obama did a good job, but were respectful.

WHen I went to school (the 80's) there was always a picture of the President in the classroom. If that occurred today, people would freak out.

The total disrespect for our Democratically elected leader disappoints and disgusts me. He won. There was no level of this disrespect towars Obama. Yeah, yeah, Trump challenged his citizenship, but he released his birth certiticate and it went away!

The birthers also aggressively went after Seanator McCain. Didn't know that, did you? Was he born on a military base, or off military base? Birther movement is not based on race, but he fact Obama won! There were many questions on McCain's legitimacy as well!
10-25-2017 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by raradevils
We still elect the president one state at a time. So you can carry the 5 or 6 states that have huge population advantages you still lose at the federal level.
Wait, are you sure? That doesn't sound right...
10-25-2017 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by raradevils
Neither party is "clean". What laws have they been able to roll back that everyone benefits from?

Oh you know. The stream protection act

Destroying the epa

Hope all you have lots of grand kids.
10-25-2017 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey
Yeah, I mean, to be fair, voting for Hillary instead of Stein in NY would increase the chances of Hillary becoming president. Kind of like how if I take a grain of sand from my house and put it on the beach I've increased the amount of sand on the beach.

What is any ocean, but a multitude of drops
