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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

09-25-2017 , 10:16 PM

Tomi Lahren has weighed in!
09-25-2017 , 10:20 PM
"Food, water and medical are top priorities - and doing well."

English mother****er do you speak it!
09-25-2017 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Fly, you're just plain wrong. I have no doubt that:

Reality doesn't match your straw world but that's your responsibility not mine.

Please stop saying straw world

Please stop trying to defend yourself. Say I’m sorry and let it go.
09-25-2017 , 10:21 PM
In a hundred years people are going to ask the same questions we ask today of nazi Germany. How did those people not do anything?
09-25-2017 , 10:23 PM
Trump tweets re: Puerto Rico confirmed disgusting.
09-25-2017 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
In a hundred years people are going to ask the same questions we ask today of nazi Germany. How did those people not do anything?
At this point, GWB is still a mile ahead of Trump in terribleness.
09-25-2017 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
At this point, GWB is still a mile ahead of Trump in terribleness.
You are simply not paying attention if you think this is true. We are the closest we've been in 50 years to nuclear war.
09-25-2017 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
Please stop saying straw world

Please stop trying to defend yourself. Say I’m sorry and let it go.
I've accepted full responsibility for my failure to mod post(ers) towards the end and said it was indefensible. I am sorry.

I don't think fly and few others will let it go and so much is made up and untrue that straw world seems the best description to me.
09-25-2017 , 10:28 PM
Was that on FOX? Or maybe he has a bat phone to Bannon? He sure as **** didn't come up with that on his own
09-25-2017 , 10:29 PM
Just don’t respond anymore. It’s just a vicious circle

I wasn’t in p7 and I don’t know or care what happened.

Just try to stop tarding this threas
09-25-2017 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
I mean the recession we had about ten years ago probably ****ed with the collective subconscious in some manner... I know people dismiss economic anxiety on these forums... But I think racism and economic anxiety go hand and hand.
They do to some extent, but it's very important to clarify that the economy is vastly better than it was in 2012, and more specifically Trump's base is NOT ANXIOUS.

Trump's base is suburban white retirees! These are people who are literally not part of the unemployment rate, they don't have or want jobs, what they do is spend all day watching Fox News and getting insanely angry.
09-25-2017 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
At this point, GWB is still a mile ahead of Trump in terribleness.
Originally Posted by Clovis8
You are simply not paying attention if you think this is true. We are the closest we've been in 50 years to nuclear war.
You both have good points. I hope in the future (like when Trump is impeached and Pence is POTUS) people aren't complacent just because the politicians sound more like adults.
09-25-2017 , 10:32 PM
Have a word with Fly as well then. He is the main one bringing it up and making stuff up.
09-25-2017 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
At this point, GWB is still a mile ahead of Trump in terribleness.
LOL no way. The only reason every minority hasn't been arrested and deported is because Trump can't get away with it. (Yet)

The US is facing it's greatest humanitarian crisis of all time. Over 3 million Americans have had their lives turned upside down. 95% of PR is w/o power or cell phones. 80% of the crop was destroyed. A dam is about to burst threatening the lives of 70K Americans. These 70K Americans do not know their lives are in danger because they have no power or internet. So first responders are going door to door telling people to get the fvck out. And the *****fvcker in charge is tweetin' about owing money to Wall Street.

He is a soulless, gutless, racist POS coward.
09-25-2017 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
You are simply not paying attention if you think this is true. We are the closest we've been in 50 years to nuclear war.
Yes but it is not really possible for us to know how likely we are to actually having that Nuclear War because of Trump's actions. What is the likelihood of nuclear war during Trump's term?

We already know what the War in Iraq brought the world.
09-25-2017 , 10:37 PM
Russian alone would be enough to make him worse than GWB.

His racial politics alone would make him worse than GWB.

His pulling out of the Paris Accord alone would make him worse than GWB.
09-25-2017 , 10:38 PM
GWB got up after 9/11 and called for acceptance of Islam. The only reason Trump isn't worse is the opportunity hasnt presented itself.
09-25-2017 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
Yes but it is not really possible for us to know how likely we are to actually having that Nuclear War because of Trump's actions. What is the likelihood of nuclear war during Trump's term?

We already know what the War in Iraq brought the world.
Iraq war is tiddlywinks compared to nuclear war with NK.
09-25-2017 , 10:39 PM
OK, so if you had the option of instant replacing Trump with GWB who would instant announce that we are going to invade Iraq, Syria and Iran you would take that deal?
09-25-2017 , 10:43 PM
A smarter version of Trump would have us at war with Iran. Him being a complete dumbass is truly a blessing.

Ted Cruz just underestimated the stupidity of the base, for example.
09-25-2017 , 10:44 PM
I swear to god Cassidy is a gooey duck clam in human form.

09-25-2017 , 10:46 PM
Putin solidified his support by blowing up an apartment building full of his own citizens and using it as an excuse for war. The possibilities for a non ******ed trump 2.0 are terrifying.
09-25-2017 , 10:48 PM
At this point, Trump is more bark than bite and GWB is miles ahead in people murdered and lives ruined despite whatever bull**** he read off a teleprompter about respecting Islam.
09-25-2017 , 10:49 PM
give him time...
09-25-2017 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
OK, so if you had the option of instant replacing Trump with GWB who would instant announce that we are going to invade Iraq, Syria and Iran you would take that deal?
If you had a choice between having sex with Jared from subway or with Kate Upton that cut your peen off who would you choose?
