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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

07-28-2017 , 04:21 AM
Wow McCain grew a conscience. Good for him. Hope it sticks. All it takes for the GOP to do the right thing is terminal cancer. At least we finally found the line.
07-28-2017 , 04:42 AM
McCain isn't that bad. He gets a lot of hate because he sometimes does the right thing and sometimes doesn't. The no hoper deplorables that make up most of the GOP congress just get ignored because nobody expects them to do the right thing ever.
07-28-2017 , 05:04 AM
@Trolly: You have to take back Troll of the Week from the Mooch and award it to McCain for his epic slowroll.
07-28-2017 , 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
popcorns out cant wait to wakeup and smell the tweets
He was awake early.

Yes, "the country" got screwed again. He's always looking out for America First.
07-28-2017 , 05:30 AM
This is how Trump is helping America. 2018 will be a cluster ****. "Voter Fraud" Commission, Russia Cyber "Partner" thing, etc.

Last edited by Our House; 07-28-2017 at 05:36 AM.
07-28-2017 , 06:18 AM
Really hope Trump is watching Morning Joe this morning.

They just spent the first 5 minutes trying to dub today "#FailureFriday"
07-28-2017 , 06:22 AM
Meanwhile, at least we're not kompromised in this Russia hoax. No doubt POTUS will seek revenge, tweet about this like a madman, and hit back 10x harder. Nobody walks all over Trump!
07-28-2017 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by fuluck414
So McCain did the right thing?
John McCain, upon leaving the Capital, was asked by a reporter why he voted no. He simply stated "I thought it was the right thing to do."
07-28-2017 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
@Trolly: You have to take back Troll of the Week from the Mooch and award it to McCain for his epic slowroll.
LOL, this made my eyes watered.
07-28-2017 , 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
Heritage already threatening primary challenges. Some nice cracks in the gop ranks forming. A defeat on tax refrom, and chaos on debt ceiling would widen those cracks.
I mean, the actuarial tables have pretty close to a zero percent chance McCain is alive for the next primary, so I don't think he gives a ****. Good job Maverick, legacy saved.
07-28-2017 , 06:35 AM
is this the worst week so far for drumpf?

congress pulls his pants down over russia sanctions, obamacare remains intact despite all signs pointing to ****ed, tony baloney chaos, sessions refusing to resign

i suppose the week that mueller was appointed was probably worse in the grand scheme of things
07-28-2017 , 06:38 AM
I think this is so far because it's the first signs that the GOP Legislators actually defied his wishes on something significant.
07-28-2017 , 06:52 AM
hahaha republicans got owned. They used up their only allowed filibuster of the fiscal year assuming McCain would vote for appeal. They now need 60 votes for repeal.

If McCain planned this... he's a fookin' gangster.
07-28-2017 , 06:57 AM
McCain staring straight at McConnell as he eliminates any chance of a repeal for the rest of the year.

07-28-2017 , 06:59 AM
Just a random aside from the NYT Putin article above, but doesn't 455 people employed in a US Embassy seem like a lot? It's more than that now but how many isn't specified.
07-28-2017 , 07:03 AM
Are some of you really back to praising McCain as reasonable and decent because of that one vote? My god. You're like a battered wife saying she still loves her husband because he brought home pizza for dinner one night. Get played harder, suckers.
07-28-2017 , 07:04 AM
I'm praising his vote
07-28-2017 , 07:14 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Are some of you really back to praising McCain as reasonable and decent because of that one vote? My god. You're like a battered wife saying she still loves her husband because he brought home pizza for dinner one night. Get played harder, suckers.
I mean he deserves some credit here.

A lot of the backlash against McCain is deserved. If your average Senate Republican is a 95/100 scumbag, McCain is probably like a 80/100 scumbag, where the mainstream media wants to make him out to be like a 10/100 scumbag. So he isn't as bad as people like McConnell or Cruz or Cornyn. But he gets way better treatment than he should.

I'll praise him for this individual decision but will keep my guard up when it comes to future McCain scumbaggery.
07-28-2017 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Are some of you really back to praising McCain as reasonable and decent because of that one vote? My god. You're like a battered wife saying she still loves her husband because he brought home pizza for dinner one night. Get played harder, suckers.
McCain's no vote was the tide turner, he votes yes and millions lose their access to healthcare. The analogy doesnt hold water. Bringing home pizza doesnt compare to saving the lives of thousands of Americans.

I've never been overly fond of him, but I am extremely grateful for what he did, it was brilliant. Voting yes on Tuesday, making them move this travesty forward only to kill it along with their only filibuster avoiding legislation for the fiscal year.

07-28-2017 , 07:35 AM
He voted for repeal and replace on Tuesday by Friday he's a hero.
07-28-2017 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
He voted for repeal and replace on Tuesday by Friday he's a hero.
The vote on Tuesday was to move it along to the floor to amend, it wasn't a vote for the bill to pass. He essentially trolled his whole party and saved obamacare.
07-28-2017 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
He voted for repeal and replace on Tuesday by Friday he's a hero.
I'm going with the 4d chess theory. Makes it way cooler.
07-28-2017 , 07:48 AM
Did he play a long game here to maximize the embarrassment to Dear Leader McConnell?
07-28-2017 , 07:49 AM

the maverick was willing to vote “no” on the “skinny repeal” amendment so that other GOP colleagues who were also opposed to the measure could vote “yes” to save face with the conservative base.

**** them all. None of them deserve praise for anything.
07-28-2017 , 07:51 AM
Damn McCain kinda owned us. He had the nuts the entire way.
