Originally Posted by DVaut1
I made this point earlier but of all Trump's inane and highly questionable behaviors, marginalizing Bannon and Sessions and turning the reins over to his New York friends and family seems just incredibly risky politically. Bannon and Sessions do a lot to give him huge deplorable credibility. You can tell the anxiety is building out there in Deplorable America to see their dreams of the ethno nationalist state start to fade and all they have left is Kushner and the cast of characters from Glengarry Glen Ross.
Originally Posted by Clovis8
This is areally good point but should have ended if with a Gecko and Wall Street reference.
Originally Posted by TheHip41
ABC man, abc
Yeah I still bet the inside of the White House is more Premiere Properties than Jackson Steinem, although I agree most of his lackeys now are finance guys, not real estate. Insider tales of incidents where Trump's lawyer screams like a maniac at people and Trump asked Manafort why he treats him like a ****ing baby sound much more like a Mamet play than Oliver Stone.
It's just a bunch of ritual humiliations and dominance plays like from Glengarry Glen Ross than anything truly sinister and unscrupulous like Gordan Gekko. Like I suspect Trump sits down weekly and tells everyone they're fired, they have a week to regain their jobs starting today, and he's adding a little prize to this month's good Fox and Friends press contest. First prize is a Cadillac Eldorado, second prize is a set of steak knives, third prize is your fired.
Then Spicer or someone meekly speaks up to say the policies are weak, the news is weak.
And then Trump tells Spicey to **** off because he drove a Hyundai there.