Originally Posted by simplicitus
The 2018 election is 16 months away. There is no way, even if every other check and balance fails, that Trump fires Mueller, doesn't get impeached, and gop retains majority. It is more likely it ceases to be a viable party.
In the meantime, nothing moves forward, nothing gets done, and Trump fails. If this is incorrect, then democracy is a lie, but your assumptions are like arguing people somehow convinced themselves Iraq was a great success. It wasn't, people ultimately noticed. Bush had great support, everything went bad, support was gone. It's called democracy.
Lots of people don't follow politics and dont learn so fast. They thought Trump had an upside and was just clowin. He didnt and he wasn't.
Trump's not going to lose in a coup or from street protests, his support will continue to evaporate and he or his protectors will lose a big election. If gop continues to protect him when he is at 30% it will make the 1976 election look quaint.
I read an analysis somewhere (maybe Politico) to the effect that Republicans from red states that support Trump are looking very carefully at polling data. These on-the-fence Republicans are, according to the article, assessing the public mood in their states on a daily basis. These pols are stuck between a rock and a hard place. As long as Trump's numbers (in their state) are above a certain threshold, it would be political suicide to come out publicly against Trump. On the other hand, if Trump's favorability drops below that threshold, they'll probably lose [to a Democratic challenger] in the 2018 mid term election. The question boils down to: What is that threshold?
I can't recall the precise number. (I think it was somewhere in the mid 30 percent range.) If Trump's numbers fall into that range, his "base" will have abandoned him - or the [Republican] pol fears that he/she will lose to a Democrat if he/she continues to support Trump. All I know is that in my (deep red) state, (i.e. Alabama), the majority - by an approximate 2-1 margin - thinks "The Donald" can do no wrong. I was talking yesterday to a local businessman who is firmly in Trump's corner. The "Russia stuff" doesn't bother him a bit.
Last edited by Former DJ; 07-20-2017 at 02:25 PM.