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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

07-10-2017 , 08:52 AM
he is such a stupid gaping *******
07-10-2017 , 08:53 AM
He's retweeted Fox bull**** 5 times in the last two hours.
07-10-2017 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
The ceasefire is BS. Russia has already bombed a gas field in support of Hezbollah since the ceasefire.

It's somewhat outside of the designated area I think, but reporting this as some significant break in the war is awful, but not surprising.

"Heavy clashes" between the Syrian Army and Rebels at Ayn Tarma today, which I'm pretty sure is in the designated ceasefire area.

Syria isn't even party to this ceasefire, let alone Hezbollah or ISIS.

The lazy media shouldn't let this be a win for Trump.
Im not surprised, it will be hard for him to accomplish anything at all i imagine when nobody takes him serious. Think about being leader for a group or a company when people will always have doubts about you or always question your decisions or powers. It will be too much of a uphill battle.
07-10-2017 , 09:14 AM

Everything is fine now
07-10-2017 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Namath12

Everything is fine now
Disclosure forms have been amended again to reflect currently publicly known meetings with Russians.

07-10-2017 , 09:41 AM
I dont think they understand the purpose of disclosure forms.

also, no amount of attempted diversion is going to stop Mueller. These c are going down.
07-10-2017 , 09:47 AM
If Marco Rubio really wanted to be truthful in his last statement, he would have said, "Puttin Putin in charge of cybersecurity is like putting Donald Trump in charge of protecting a 250 year old Democracy" and then proceeded to the Senate floor to lead a charge for impeachment.

But we can't have people saving our country now, can we?
07-10-2017 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by Our House
If Marco Rubio really wanted to be truthful in his last statement, he would have said, "Puttin Putin in charge of cybersecurity is like putting Donald Trump in charge of protecting a 250 year old Democracy" and then proceeded to the Senate floor to lead a charge for impeachment.

But we can't have people saving our country now, can we?
excellent, dems should be adopting this line relentlessly in media appearances
07-10-2017 , 09:56 AM
Ever since the campaign, a popular, behind-his-back nickname for Trump Jr. among some in his father’s political inner circle has been “Fredo,” referring to Fredo Corleone, the insecure and weak failure of a son in The Godfather series who ends up causing major damage to the crime family and contributing little of value. This has been relayed to The Daily Beast in several stories by Team Trump veterans over the past several weeks.

Others were more charitable, but acknowledged that he could chafe with colleagues. Another former campaign aide said he “didn’t have any issues with him, [but] he’s definitely got a ‘you work for me’ attitude.”
07-10-2017 , 09:58 AM
Think about how stupid you have to be for Team Trump to think you're stupid.
07-10-2017 , 10:09 AM
sure would be hard to one-up his old man, that's seriously impressive
07-10-2017 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by prana
Man I have a deep hatred for Kellyanne Conway that gets worse each time I hear her lie on TV. I have very very briefly dated women who lie as much as her. They couldn't understand why I stopped answering their calls.
Now that Kellyanne, Don Jr, and Trump's lawyers locked in all their stories, this is a good time for the NYT to release part 3 of the story, with juicy details from the lawyer meeting itself.
07-10-2017 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by Jules22
I think it's trump derangement that would make any liberal prefer pence over trump. Not only is pence further to the right, he doesn't strike me as a dolt and could probably start legislation getting thru on the hill.
Yeah, the reality is that Trump is preferable at the moment, mainly because he's so incompetent that not much seems to be getting actually accomplished. This would not be the case with Pence.

If the scandal brings down Pence as well though, and if it happens when there's a Dem congress, that would be pretty bigly significant.
07-10-2017 , 10:33 AM
Obviously from a retail politics and ideology standpoint, Pence isn't much different from Trump. He's perhaps more dangerous in the sense that he could hardly be less competent and his Midwestern kindly uncle persona and more orthodox political temperament would surely go a long way to disarm an aggressive press and probably some middle class and up whites flirting with Democrats.

But he's probably far less likely to do something truly catastrophically bad like deploy nuclear weapons on a whim, he may walk back some of our rather overt alignment with an authoritarian Russia regime and distancing ourselves from our other European allies, and any scandal which takes down Trump would ultimately serve to neuter the GOP writ large, including Trump. So Pence is better than Trump in some ways like foreign policy and not being a dangerous narcissistic sociopath, and his ability to do much would probably be limited anyway.

I do not think it should be a focus of the Democrats, or at least an intense focus, to dismantle Trump to the exclusion of other priorities like building the party and making an affirmative case to voters.

But given only two choices certainly any scenario which topples Trump would be preferable to ones that leave him in power.
07-10-2017 , 10:35 AM
in that context- how do you feel about the russia affair nowadays?
07-10-2017 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
in that context- how do you feel about the russia affair nowadays?
Basically the same. I've said all along that I hope the FBI or now Mueller nails them. And it's certainly good for an amusing window into the palace-intrigue type buffoonery, I mean we all had a good laugh at Freddo Trump this morning.

And to the extent that is distracting Trump and the GOP from being able to do anything (debatable, Russia hardly made the whole party go HAM on a supremely unpopular health care bill and self-immolate for instance) -- that's for the better. A distracted Trump is a good thing.

Still: Russia does nothing to advance the goals of the party and even if by some absolute miracle we hit the 1 outer and Mueller gets the Trumps tossed in the clink for treason, or whatever the worst case-scenario for the GOP is, we'd be back at the 2015 status quo ante Trump pretty quickly, which is still a pretty ****ed up country full of bloodthirsty racist morons looking to topple the system and a Democratic Party unclear how to sell themselves to anyone, and that toxic mix is our millstone regardless of the outcome of the Russia investigation.

And if Russia eventually doesn't go far and we don't really impede Trump with it, and we don't make a case for ourselves and the ways in which the GOP's entire agenda is wholly destructive -- a whole lot of time and political resources -- if only air time and ink in popular media like cable news and the papers -- has been spent and invested in it. We'd be better off talking about something else.

My point in post 44471 is that given only two choices, No Trump/Pence is better than Trump/Pence.
07-10-2017 , 10:45 AM
Ya, people are marching in the streets and filling up townhalls to scream about healthcare, not Russiagate. Fantastic if this one trick really does take down Trump, but dems need positive issues to run on besides "have you seen the other guys?" or else 2020 will be a repeat of 2016.
07-10-2017 , 10:54 AM
i agree with all that, and i've never taken the position that coverage of russia in the media should dwarf real policy issues and republicans' constant (attempted) ****ery of the american people. i think the idea that it might end up being a nothingburger is more like the 1 outer you described tho. just look at how they act.
07-10-2017 , 10:56 AM
The Trumpian posture all along has been that he's far more guilty than the publically available information suggests. It's strange, I agree.

Anyway, Democrats should prepare themselves that Mueller uncovers tons of disquieting behaviors and collusion and treason and the GOP Congress stages some Kabuki Theater highly concerned act but then just does nothing of substance to remove Trump and basically asks America to let bygones be bygones on this one. Or whatever bull**** non-action hand waving thing. Hard to say how deep Mueller is going to cut but it feels like it can be "pretty deep" and in the end it may just be down to the GOP Congress to act.

Last edited by DVaut1; 07-10-2017 at 11:01 AM.
07-10-2017 , 10:57 AM
not just him tho, everybody around him is lying about their russian contacts and getting exposed little by little
07-10-2017 , 10:58 AM
and that's just what we hear about in the media. it is a literal certainty that mueller et al know far more at this point.

what will come of it, idk, but it sure has been effective for keeping this admin on the defensive and in complete disarray
07-10-2017 , 11:00 AM
The problem is there is a canyon between nothingburger and impeachment.
07-10-2017 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by iron81
The problem is there is a canyon between nothingburger and impeachment.
Barring a miracle in 2018.
07-10-2017 , 11:04 AM

it doesnt matter- when the most senior govt officials are potentially engaged in treason, it's a huge ****ing deal no matter what and it absolutely must be investigated with rigor- which is why the republican-led house/senate committees tripping all over their dicks to avoid actually doing anything, trump's interactions with comey, the constant lies, etc, make it even more concerning and important to get to the bottom of it

it's not a strategy to win the election in 2020, at all, but the fact that it's the hugest ongoing story isnt without good reason
07-10-2017 , 11:06 AM
The problem when your president gets his information from Fox News instead of the government that he runs

Trump accuses James Comey of breaking the law — based on a misleading Fox News report
Anyone with 5 minutes of time at the FBI could have told him the Fox News report was misleading
