Originally Posted by +rep_lol
in that context- how do you feel about the russia affair nowadays?
Basically the same. I've said all along that I hope the FBI or now Mueller nails them. And it's certainly good for an amusing window into the palace-intrigue type buffoonery, I mean we all had a good laugh at Freddo Trump this morning.
And to the extent that is distracting Trump and the GOP from being able to do anything (debatable, Russia hardly made the whole party go HAM on a supremely unpopular health care bill and self-immolate for instance) -- that's for the better. A distracted Trump is a good thing.
Still: Russia does nothing to advance the goals of the party and even if by some absolute miracle we hit the 1 outer and Mueller gets the Trumps tossed in the clink for treason, or whatever the worst case-scenario for the GOP is, we'd be back at the 2015 status quo ante Trump pretty quickly, which is still a pretty ****ed up country full of bloodthirsty racist morons looking to topple the system and a Democratic Party unclear how to sell themselves to anyone, and that toxic mix is our millstone regardless of the outcome of the Russia investigation.
And if Russia eventually doesn't go far and we don't really impede Trump with it, and we don't make a case for ourselves and the ways in which the GOP's entire agenda is wholly destructive -- a whole lot of time and political resources -- if only air time and ink in popular media like cable news and the papers -- has been spent and invested in it. We'd be better off talking about something else.
My point in post 44471 is that given only two choices, No Trump/Pence is better than Trump/Pence.