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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

05-17-2017 , 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
It's the Cillizza but this is how it was and will always be.
They must be some of the "clean"er GOP members.
05-17-2017 , 08:28 AM
Nvm, I think I misread something. Carry on.

Last edited by Our House; 05-17-2017 at 08:36 AM.
05-17-2017 , 08:36 AM
05-17-2017 , 08:40 AM
How is it possible for a person to be that stupid?
05-17-2017 , 08:44 AM
To be fair, I am pretty worried about the type of peace Trump could bring to the Middle East.
05-17-2017 , 08:45 AM
So some of you guys think the Republicans who have complete control of the government for the first time in a long time (and have a very good chance of retaining it in 2018) are going to politically nuke themselves by impeaching Trump? I don't see it. Especially when you consider the fact that being a modern day Republican requires you to completely ignore reality. It seems very unlikely this group suddenly grows a real conscience and does anything meaningful here. Hope I'm wrong.
05-17-2017 , 08:46 AM
One big downside of impeaching Trump would be that Pence has become normalized. Media would bend over backwards to show how 'fair' they are, and any criticism from the left would be met with "You guys bitched about Trump and now you're bitching about Pence... you're just a bunch of whiners that can't handle you lost".

Still better than a crazy person in the White House...
05-17-2017 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by WichitaDM
So some of you guys think the Republicans who have complete control of the government for the first time in a long time (and have a very good chance of retaining it in 2018) are going to politically nuke themselves by impeaching Trump? I don't see it. Especially when you consider the fact that being a modern day Republican requires you to completely ignore reality. It seems very unlikely this group suddenly grows a real conscience and does anything meaningful here. Hope I'm wrong.
I agree with this except for the "have a very good chance of retaining it in 2018". I don't see how they're the favorite to keep the House at this point. Although sure, a lot can still change.
05-17-2017 , 08:48 AM
I don't understand why there's so much MSM focus (including Fox) on whether or not Trump committed this crime or that crime if the president, by definition, cannot break the law.

Not that it matters all that much considering Trump is always proving how much damage he's capable of even staying within all US laws. Pushing all legal limits has always been his MO actually.
05-17-2017 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
I agree with this except for the "have a very good chance of retaining it in 2018". I don't see how they're the favorite to keep the House at this point. Although sure, a lot can still change.
They they probably aren't but the Dems would need to come close to sweeping the Senate races and of the few R seats up for grabs only a couple are in places D's will have a chance to win. They are certainly much more likely imo to have control of both houses than the dems for this reason.
05-17-2017 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
I agree with this except for the "have a very good chance of retaining it in 2018". I don't see how they're the favorite to keep the House at this point. Although sure, a lot can still change.
Yeah, it's hard to imagine ways for that change to be favorable to Trump/GOP by then. Or anytime for that matter.
05-17-2017 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by einbert
Or in other words, because of their cultural affiliation with the right, they have literally given up their right and ability to process or discard information as they see fit. They now have no choice, if they want to keep their tribal affiliation they have to process all information in this garbled and twisted way. And now it's become the language they talk to us in, and oftentimes each other. They're becoming a totally separate society from the rest of us.
I would like to quote this as one of the most insightful, realest things I have read thus far in such a concise fashion. This bears re-reading and sharing
05-17-2017 , 08:58 AM
You still have to flip a lot of seats on a very gerrymandered map for the Dems to take control of the House. The Senate the dems have to win something like 28/33 to take control with races in Nebraska Utah Texas Alabama Mississippi Tennessee for the Republicans and the dems having to defend seats in places like Montana and North dakota.
05-17-2017 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
I agree with this except for the "have a very good chance of retaining it in 2018". I don't see how they're the favorite to keep the House at this point.
Gerrymandering. Dems need to win by a ridiculously huge amount to squeak back a majority, so that combined with being a midterm election means even with a toxic President Republicans still have an advantage.
05-17-2017 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by Lilu7
I would like to quote this as one of the most insightful, realest things I have read thus far in such a concise fashion. This bears re-reading and sharing
Thank you! Even a blind pig and all that.
05-17-2017 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by kre8tive
That journalist was interviewed by Terri Gross, and I suggest everybody give it a listen:

The conversation of the 25th amendment's history and avenues by which Trump could be removed form office is interesting, but the significance of mental health workers openly voicing such an opinion is truly remarkable. The Goldwater Rule was created to prevent this very thing, so it speaks to how obviously crazy Trump is that 50k people would purposefully violate it out of a sense of duty. Fascinating stuff.
05-17-2017 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by uDevil
Interesting. By accepting a pardon, he would also be admitting guilt. I wonder if he is capable of that.
As far as I understand, a pardon is unilateral; it is not a plea deal that requires an allocution.

Ford pardoned Nixon for "any and all possible crimes." Nixon was not required to admit to anything.
05-17-2017 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Not nearly as much as they could've, though. That's the most insane video I've ever seen. Watch any of the antifa/nazi scuffles that happen, when those go violent cops escalate IMMEDIATELY to pepperspray and gang tackles. And in those riots there's generally no like, obvious aggressor to immediately arrest.

Cops are just like, politely tracking down people who were kicking women in the face as they laid on the ground. There's a goddamn baby stroller lying on its side!
Diplomatic immunity is a ****ing hell of a drug. That video is completely crazy. The protesters get jumped and beaten and they are the ones who end up getting taken down by the cops. Doesnt make a ****ing ounce of sense.
05-17-2017 , 09:18 AM
05-17-2017 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by Riverman
This is the first day I've actually believed he's going down. Comey is just way too smart to not have the goods.


Well, it was a fun few hours where it was actually possible for trump to go down
05-17-2017 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf

MSNBC is apparently going to fire Lawrence O'Donnell because the right wing idiot who runs it hates him, but during the Obama era MSNBC would be in 3rd place most nights. Now they are close behind them in total viewers and beating them in "the demo"(25-54 year olds, aka the ages where you buy ****)
I read in several places that they are keeping Lawrence, but then he just tweeted himself like 20 mins ago saying that the contract still hasn't been renewed and he doesn't know where he will be after June 4 so idk what's going on.
05-17-2017 , 09:34 AM
Chelsea Manning has been freed but I can't find Assange doing his perp walk anywhere, can someone help me out with a link tia
05-17-2017 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by einbert
Thank you! Even a blind pig and all that.
I've heard about blind squirrels and broken clocks, but what's the blind pig theory? Same as squirrel?
05-17-2017 , 09:56 AM
Yeah, every once in a while even a blind pig finds an apple.
05-17-2017 , 09:58 AM
sounds like a Canadian saying
