Originally Posted by Clovis8
Because there are no alternatives, other than fantasy.
The market is the only viable system of economic organization. We can debate how "free" it should be and there is no doubt it requires limitations.
My point is simply demonizing the entire sector is just as stupid as anarcho-capitalists that think that a totally free market is viable.
Like all things we are debating degree and not kind. Let's stop pretending there is some alternative to the market organization of our economy or that every person working in finance is Bernie Madoff.
All I'm asking for is the same perspective we demand of the right when discussing their favorite bugaboos.
Your description of anyone else's position is way off. There certainly are alternatives to market organization at various levels; for example, for the whole health care industry. Regardless, that's not the gist of what's been talked about. The finance industry in general being rent seeking is not anything like saying that every person in the finance industry or even the majority of them are evil. There are some structural issues, like fiduciary duty, which are at best amoral and perhaps immoral. Generally profit off money is neither profit off labor nor off the ownership of the means of production; it's much like profit off lending the use of property which sounds a lot like rent to me.
Perhaps that point is arguable, I'm not sure. But characterizing it as fanatical, lunatic, demonizing is pretty darn fanatical.
I think the only person who posts in the Politics forum who might be an absolutist about entirely dismantling Capitalism is Shame_Trolley.