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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

05-05-2017 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
I'm late to this party. How did Trump gather enough support to push this through? What was changed vs previous versions where he didn't have the votes?

He made it worse so of course that meant it got more support
05-05-2017 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
The fundamental issue is that elite Democrats are personally wealthy, all their friends are wealthy, and their donors are wealthy.

So they can't actually articulate the issue for the poor. The Republicans offer a solution to people's problems, minorities dun it.
This is exactly right. Nancy Pelosi hadn't flown commercial since the 70s. Chuck Schumer's tongue is permanently connected to Goldman's rectum. This is a party of the people that ran John ****ing Kerry, who has houses in like 12 states.

The only credible high profile Democrat I can think of is Biden.
05-05-2017 , 10:13 PM
it didnt pass at first because it wasnt good enough for the ultra rich. seriously.
05-05-2017 , 10:15 PM
equally important is that it lacked support from freedumb caucus for not being cruel enough to poors, women, minorities, old people, and children. you know, since republicans are all huge pussies and only go after the people they perceive as being unable to defend themselves
05-05-2017 , 10:18 PM
was insane and funny/sad to read the right wing forums about the first try of tha ahca... literally both the poor right wingers saying the bill didnt help them enough and the richer saying it didnt dismantle/**** the poor enough

yet both sides existed together in harmony cause their stupidity and hate for obama was STRONK! obviously the poor dumb should wake up but gl with that
05-05-2017 , 10:45 PM
Almost every forum, every person i interact with at work, my family.. are anti trumpsters. So how did this guy wind up winning? It just doesnt make sense. For reference, I live in Buffalo, NY and am 29, so maybe thats why? Are trump supporters generally much older and live in the midwest? I mean, I dont think thats the case, because I think almost 40-45% of voters in Buffalo voted for Trump. WHERE ARE THE TRUMP SPPORTERS? I surmise the election was rigged (Half joking.. actually, a quarter joking, wait not joking at all)

*Edit: I just want to say, either the election was rigged, or every single thing fell into place for Trump (narrowly winning state after state, winning the electoral college, even though he lost the overall vote by almost 3%, having a terrible opponent in hillary) It could be the latter, its like the ultimate underdog story- reminiscent of - Buster Douglas beating Tyson or Leicester City winning the Premier League

Last edited by LimpDitka; 05-05-2017 at 10:53 PM.
05-05-2017 , 10:48 PM
secret racists, mysoginists, lifelong gop voters, old people, self loathing women

how many women voted for Trump is probably the saddest thing about the numbers
05-05-2017 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
secret racists, mysoginists, lifelong gop voters, old people, self loathing women

how many women voted for Trump is probably the saddest thing about the numbers
I always thought that too. I cant believe he got over 40% of votes from women.
05-05-2017 , 11:00 PM
America just wasnt ready for a female president. The democratic party shouldn't have rigged it against bernie. Wed be sitting here with the exact opposite president as trump. America had 8 years with a black guy after 200 years with only old white guys. Then a girl was going to be elected. Should of been bernie for 8 years and then elizabeth warren or some other female after him. Ease the crazy right wingers into liberalism.
05-05-2017 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by LimpDitka
Almost every forum, every person i interact with at work, my family.. are anti trumpsters. So how did this guy wind up winning? It just doesnt make sense. For reference, I live in Buffalo, NY and am 29, so maybe thats why? Are trump supporters generally much older and live in the midwest? I mean, I dont think thats the case, because I think almost 40-45% of voters in Buffalo voted for Trump. WHERE ARE THE TRUMP SPPORTERS? I surmise the election was rigged (Half joking.. actually, a quarter joking, wait not joking at all)

*Edit: I just want to say, either the election was rigged, or every single thing fell into place for Trump (narrowly winning state after state, winning the electoral college, even though he lost the overall vote by almost 3%, having a terrible opponent in hillary) It could be the latter, its like the ultimate underdog story- reminiscent of - Buster Douglas beating Tyson or Leicester City winning the Premier League
How rich are you? What industry (generally)?

Also, you live in a city, not out in the boonies.
05-05-2017 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
The fundamental issue is that elite Democrats are personally wealthy, all their friends are wealthy, and their donors are wealthy.

So they can't actually articulate the issue for the poor. The Republicans offer a solution to people's problems, minorities dun it.

Democrats have to work in all their mealy mouthed appreciation of the market and this halfassed "but maybe, like, something for the poor at Christmas, guv'na" afterthought bull****.
The elitists rigged it against Bernie. The same thing happened to JFK. His approval rating as president was over 70%, the highest in modern times by far, and He gets shot randomly ha. Then robert kennedy is shot by a rando while hes going to run for president. Bernie was going to start a revolution - healthcare for all, cheaper college education. It was going to be somewhat of a redistribution of wealth,overall wealth disparity would have came down, albeit slowly, it would have narrowed. Elitists didnt want that of course. Lets see what happens when a similar candidate runs, or trys to run, in 2020. Just make sure you vote.
05-05-2017 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
How rich are you? What industry (generally)?

Also, you live in a city, not out in the boonies.
Live right on the edge of the city and a decent subrub. Probably middle class for buffalo, maybe slightly lower than middle class in other cities. I make around $60k a year.
05-05-2017 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
how many women voted for Trump is probably the saddest thing about the numbers
The fact that Trump won white women by 10 points still amazes me.
05-05-2017 , 11:18 PM
theres also another way to put it

fox news is by far the most watched news.
05-05-2017 , 11:41 PM
Grunching like a sonofabitch, but,

Originally Posted by HastenDan
I am curious the thoughts of those that advocate for using massive resources and funding to support the life of a 90 year old terminal patient if it means those funds are not going towards supporting children with cancer?

I mean I am for an entire overhaul of the US healthcare industry and UHC, but when it comes to allocation of resources, his argument seems fairly clear and all anyone can say is WHY WOULD YOU LET SOMEONE DIE! without actually facing the realities of scarcity and allocation under our current system.
Danny, you don't ever ever ever get to talk about Other People being brainwashed by corporatists ever ever ever again.
05-05-2017 , 11:43 PM
We can't Allocate Resources to these terminal people, an aspirin costs like Twenty Bux!

You goddamned ****ing simpletons.
05-06-2017 , 12:00 AM
I'm not surprised women voted for Trump.

Remember, a lot of the older voters grew up in an age where the mother was expected to be obedient.

Just look at this random ad from the 1950's I found. Took me 20 seconds.

It just shows the culture that was accepted. "*****, you burned dinner but I'm not gonna hit you because at least you didn't burn my beer. Now grab a tissue and quit crying before I give you something to cry about."

These voters grew up in a culture where this **** was normal behavior they saw every day.

Fast forward 50 years.

So now you got this 70 year old clown yelling and screaming telling people what to do and what have you. Add in #MAGA and there's a nostalgic factor. We see Trump as this inept buffoon but a lot of voters gravitated towards his rhetoric because they could relate to it. It brought them back to their childhood and made them realize how much the country has "changed."
05-06-2017 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by HastenDan

Lol edit your posts some more ya liar. You are unhinged son. I will donate to the Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too in your name.

Your level of dishonesty is astounding, but not surprising.
Cite or ban FFS, this **** was fun while it lasted but come the **** on.
05-06-2017 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Here's what the Hill said, but, again, this seems to put some kind of premium on the sanity of Republicans in the Senate which is asking a lot
Here's what I expect, because it's how I'd strategize it if I was an evil rich Republican operative who didn't care if people died. Out of the following seven, you need five yay votes:

Cruz and Paul on the far right, Heller and Corker toward the center and up for re-election, Portman toward the middle, and Collins and Murkowski, you can lose only two.

If you shift toward the middle, there are different things each person wants. Heller and Corker want to be able to sell that they aren't screwing over their constituents by taking away their healthcare. Portman wants funding for opiod addiction. Murkowski wants Medicaid expansion protected. Collins is worried about seniors. You probably can't keep all of them without losing the Freedom Caucus in the House when it goes to conference...

So instead, you shift to the right for Cruz and Paul by making it worse (God knows how) and give Portman some funding to treat addiction (in a last minute heroic meeting with Trump). You add a few billion more for the risk pools, because it sounds nice, and hit Corker and Heller with the carrot and the stick at once.

Get their governors to promise NOT to pull their states out of the essential benefits before 2018, and tell them if they vote yes they'll have VERY well funded re-election campaigns. If they vote no, you'll primary the **** out of them and there will be so much dark money going to their opponents that their heads will spin. Especially in Tennessee, where the exchanges are failing, Corker is vulnerable to being accused of voting against helping fix it, and in this plan he'd literally be the swing vote (assuming Heller caves more easily in a more vulnerable electoral position).

I fully expect the sausage they're making to be at least 90% as bad as the bill is in its current form, and possibly even worse.

Originally Posted by Riverman
Dems are still calling this bill "ACHA."

They have witnessed bull**** messaging crushing them for like 30 years and they can't get their **** together on calling this "Republicare?" Seriously? Should probably keep electing Nancy Pelosi to leadership
I imagine they're leveling themselves into thinking TrumpCare will be popular with the 35-40% of people who are AlwaysTrumpers, but those people are never opposing anything he does so it doesn't matter. I still maintain that anything with the word "care," in it is actually giving the bill too much credit. TrumpCare is probably the easiest/best option, but for the love of God, Pelosi or Perez or Schumer just needs to pick something, send the e-mail to all the Dems and all the talking heads and roll with it. I guarantee you 25-30% of the population thinks AHCA = ACA.
05-06-2017 , 12:59 AM
They should call it TrumpDoesntCare, because he neither cares what's in the bill nor cares how many Americans it hurts.
05-06-2017 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by LimpDitka
America just wasnt ready for a female president.
I don't buy that. I was an enthusiastic supporter of Clinton in 2008. That was her time. She had the qualifications and governing experience and was simply the best choice for president. But Obama was the media's darling back then and it should be obvious by now that it is the the media who plays the biggest role in our elections. They decide who receives the lion's share of positive coverage and it should be just as obvious that the candidate with the biggest personality wins. Obama's oratory skills were no match for HRC.

The democratic party shouldn't have rigged it against bernie. Wed be sitting here with the exact opposite president as trump.
100% agree and a big part of the reason why I so resent having to begrudgingly cast my vote for Clinton. You're kidding yourself if you don't think Clinton and Obama aren't part of the problem. They are both war hawks and slaves to lobbying and Wall Street. Check out Oabama's take on Edward Snowden or his willingness to carry out all the innocent civilian killing drone attacks. The democratic party is thoroughly compromised and corrupt. The difference is, they at least pretend to care about liberal issues and to the extent this helps get them elected they probably do. At least they are on the right side of issues way more than the GOP who seems to have given up all pretense of caring about minorities, the poor, the elderly, sick, and disabled.

If it was a total governmental shake down of our political system that people wanted, Sanders would've not only done the job, but done it the right way. Call me gullible, but I believe every word that comes out of his mouth. He's sincere, whereas, Clinton and Obama are not.

Should of been bernie for 8 years and then elizabeth warren or some other female after him. Ease the crazy right wingers into liberalism.
Should've been Clinton, Sanders, Obama imo. That would've moved Obama more towards the left. The 2018 midterm should prove key. Hopefully, remove every **** that voted to repeal AFA as well as everyone who chose to put their marbles in the basket of this racist pig of a president and put party before country for the sake of their agenda. I moved from Dem to independent and have grave doubts that progressive liberals are up to the task. They gotta stop name calling, trying to stifle free speech of dissenting views, and being offended at every perceived slight. And they have to start joining the grass roots movement of electing more people like Sanders. Elizabeth Warren is a **** and just part of the problem. Liberal Democrats are fooled to think she's some kind of progressive savior just because she rails against the orange man. She's not a true progressive.

Last edited by Lestat; 05-06-2017 at 01:08 AM.
05-06-2017 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
This is of course a disgusting lie.
- how did you know einbert does speedrunning?
- why do you think anyone who speedruns is uneducated?
05-06-2017 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Lestat
Elizabeth Warren is a **** and just part of the problem. Liberal Democrats are fooled to think she's some kind of progressive savior just because she rails against the orange man. She's not a true progressive.
Show your work.

Kamala Harris and Chris Van Hollen just got into the Senate this term so their lifetime score doesn't mean anything and Kamala Harris won't end up that high on the list for a Democrat (not too low either). I don't know anything about Van Hollen. E.Warren is the 2nd most progressive for someone with a voting record according to this site.
05-06-2017 , 01:20 AM
I've never heard of speedrunning. I guess I'm more suited for speed walking.
05-06-2017 , 01:21 AM
Speedrunning is lower impact than speed walking
